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 Free Auto Blog Setup Guide

blogger logo main Full  Free Auto Blog Setup GuideAuto blogs have long been established as the auto pilot way to a full time AdSense income. The only thing that holds many people back is the fact that they have to fork over $5+ per auto blog to setup. Since auto blogging is a numbers game and you literally want to have hundreds of these bad boys this is simply out of the question for the vast majority of people. This is where this short guide steps in, learn how to create auto blogs hosted on Blogger.com/BlogSpot.com to eliminate all start up costs –no domain or hosting needed!

The first thing you need to do is navigate your way over to Blogger.com and sign up. You may already have an account but you will want to create each blog on a new one due to the fact that auto blogs are occasionally banned when reported. Remember, this is a numbers game so simply make a couple
of blogs a day and that occasional ban every week will be a drop in the bucket for you!

Now create a new blog and customize it a bit. Remember, again, this is a numbers game -so don’t get too fancy. Be sure to insert AdSense before the first post and in the sidebar, of course blend the colors for a higher CTR as well.


Now go to ‘Settings’ and then ‘E-mail’. You’re going to create a new e-mail that will be used as your ‘Mail-to-Blogger’ e-mail.

It should look like: yourbloggername.whateveryoulike@blogger.com

Under the e-mail setting click where it says ‘Publish E-mails Immediately’. What you have now done is set up this blog, hosted on Blogger.com/BlogSpot.com, to automatically post whatever contents come into your e-mail. Now you’re getting the auto picture… right? From here all you have to do is to get fresh e-mails into your inbox, easy enough!

I am sure you have seen a whole crap ton of people trying to get you to opt in to their various niche related mailing lists. Like me you probably always stayed well away, while now you see that they are actually good for something! The majority of these mailings lists actually send out personalized lessons, with a subtle sales pitch only one in four or five mailings to keep you subscribed. Most mailers, at least the good ones, created theses mailings themselves which means you actually now have not only a good sized series of niche specific e-mails coming in, to be automatically turned into blog posts, but a good percentage of the time it is valuable info that is 100% copyscape passed unique content! Show me how even a paid auto blog can do that without rewriting to the point of obvious machine jumbled crap!

Now you will note that most mailings have a limited course. Because of this I recommend you subscribe this blog to a new mailing list once a month. This will only take you about 5 seconds per blog per month, you can even leave it with your 30 or so unique articles and it will continue to generate traffic and income for years but really is 5 seconds that big of a headache? I usually jot down the day that I started in a notepad document and then everyday head back and look for the blogs created one month ago to add them to a new mailing list. I do 5 new blogs a day which takes me about 10 minutes total to find quality lists for them all, use Google it is your friend!

You should have chosen a long tail keyword for your niche, this is because – unlike regular blogs –you are going for volume rather than individual effort.  Instead of a niche on ‘lipstick shades’ go for a niche of ‘dark red lipstick shades’. What this will allow you to do is toconduct an initial one time promotion and then easily hit page 1 of Google without ever having to work on backlinks again!

One thing to note is that you can find content for a broader niche and then do promotion for a sub niche. Use the sub niche as your meta data – title and description – as well as your anchor text during promotion. This will allow you to find mailing lists more quickly, as the real key to auto blogs is pumping out many as fast as possible.

All that you will need to do, with your micro-sub niche, for promotion is the classic 5 minute two step.


1. Submit your blog to the top social bookmarking sites with your long tail keywords as the anchor text (the title of the ‘story’). Please use Digg.com, StumbleUpon.com, Propeller.com and Reddit.com. You may say that these are nofollow, if you believe that really matters you are sorely mistaken. These backlinks will lend you plenty of juice in a micro niche.

2. A few more links for good measure. Be sure to find 2-5 related blog posts and quickly comment on them. The quickest way to do this and still remain not looking like spam is to put your URL in the URL box only and to just read a comment, then reply to the comment like this:

@ Jim23 –I agree with what you’re saying about Obama but I still won’t vote for him!

Boom! You got a relevant blog comment, with your link, that will pass even moderated blogs! If you are feeling especially ambitious write a 250 word article and submit it Ezine Articles. Since you are going just for link love and not traffic write about whatever comes naturally, this should only take 5 minutes tops, and submit it with your link and anchor text in the resource box. You now have a high quality link back to your new auto blog!

That is all that there is to this method. After a couple of days you should be able to make auto blogs, promotion included, in less than 20 minutes a pop. Put in an 8 hour day and you have 24 blogs daily that are giving you $0.50 to $5 a day. That’s a full time income in a month that can then be put on auto pilot, except of course cashing that fat Google check come the 25th or so!

Enjoy and be sure to take action; the number one key to earning online with any quality method is to actually try it and stick with it!



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EXCLUSIVE:  I’m About To Hand Over to You the Complete Blueprint & Tools To….


"Earn Huge Amounts of Cash Using the Most Profitable  ‘Secret’ System in Affiliate Marketing… REVEALED!!  Follow a Step-by-Step Blueprint that Spills the Beans for You to Profit"



CPA blueprint CPA CASH Blueprint 

This is your chance to FINALLY break free from all those ‘make money online’ ebooks that you’ve spent countless money on only to get very little or nothing at all out of.   

What if I told you that I’m going to give you a complete blueprint on how to make a TON of cash consistently everyday, plus give you all the same tools and resources that I use to make $250+ a day!

Unless you have been hiding under a rock the last 8 months than you have surely heard the buzz about CPA networks and marketing.   If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry (I’ll explain shortly)…

If you’re already making money with CPA offers, I’ll show you how to skyrocket your earnings to the next level with secret strategies I’m sure of that you’ve never heard of before….

I am Going to GIVE you FIVE 

YES -5- proven Money Making Methods


I’m Going to Hand You Over EVERYTHING You Need to Succeed


This is not just another "how to" guide on making money online.  Although everything is documented step-by-step, this program is MUCH more than that! 


There’s no mystery behind what techniques I’m going to show you on how to make money online.  (It’s through CPA Networks and Marketing).  You don’t need to sell anything, design a website, or spend a bunch of money on ads. 


With CPA marketing, just the three days above averaged me $250+ per day!   You see, the possibilities are endless with the techniques, tools, and resources I am going to hand you over!


What the Heck is CPA You Might Ask?


Basically, it stands for cost per action, which means that I get companies and advertisers to pay me lots of cash for sending them clicks, leads, or sales to their site.  Simply put, it’s the EASIEST way to make money online nowadays, and my proof of income definitely backs up that claim.  And YOU can take advantage and get a BIG piece of this action! 


What I have found in the last 3 years is that NOTHING compares to making money with CPA Networks!  

All you need to know about me is that I have learned "the secrets" to making hundreds of thousands of dollars online using CPA marketing.

You’ll NEVER Need to Read and Burn Your Money On Another Dreaded eBook Again


As you may have already found out the problem with ebooks is that the author of the ebook really only makes their money by selling the product and hardly anything with the ’secret’ formula they write about. Over 90% of the ebooks teach the same thing over and over again and you learn nothing new.

You’ve probably bought other ebooks and do they really give all the tools and recourses to implement the techniques? Or just point you there or link you there to other websites?

Most likely, (the ones I’ve read anyway – which have been PLENTY) they tell you to do this and do that, but at the end of the ebook I’d always be scratching my head where do I begin or how do I get started or if it’s even worth my time and effort to make a few bucks using their methods?


There is no other website besides this one that will hand you over all the TOOLS that you need to succeed at sucking thousands of dollars out online in a short time


There are endless amounts of websites that all you get is an outdated ebook when you sign up and 98% of the people that sign up NEVER make a dime.  It’s not that the information isn’t any good, but the Internet is a constantly changing everyday and these techniques that are explained get outdated or oversaturated with too many people applying the strategies.


How Easy Is It To Make Money with CPA Marketing? 


It’s VERY easy… That is if you have the right information and tools.  I’ve outlined for you how simple and straightforward it is to make money by promoting different offers.  Just follow the 3 step process I’ve laid out for you all in a detailed blueprint you can copy and profit yourself



index 15(1) CPA CASH Blueprint


index 16(1) CPA CASH Blueprint


index 17 CPA CASH Blueprint


CPA Offers Are Proven And Convert Like Gangbusters Which You Can Make A Fortune

Look at this CPA campaign example below.  This advertiser will pay me $2.60 for anyone that submits their zip code on their website that I refer.


ZIP submit CPA CASH Blueprint


This particular offer is for an auto insurance company and I don’t care if the user signs up to get insurance because I get $2.60 for the user just entering their zip code on the first page below:


ZIP submit2 CPA CASH Blueprint



Once the user enters their zip code, I don’t care what happens and if the user bails at that point and doesn’t get insurance, I still get my $2.60.  Add this up a couple hundred times per day and you’ve earned yourself a nice little profitable campaign.

That’s the power of CPA marketing and you can see why it’s RED HOT! 

How many other ways can you make over $2.60 for someone entering 5 digits on a website and clicking the "Submit" button?  With Google Adsense you are lucky to make 10 cents for someone clicking on an ad on your website. 

With CPA networks you can send traffic on the offers (following my techniques)  and get paid for:

zip codes (as pictured above)

email only

name and email


The day where you only earn a commission from selling a product are FINALLY over!

Get it Here NOW……….






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This method is so BLACKHAT that i was hesitant about sharing it.

twitter black hat Totally Blackhat Twitter CASH

Well this guide will teach you how to earn from Twitter the TOTALLY BlackHat way.

I have included a script that will automate the process and increase your earnings TEN fold.



Download it here……..


CLICK the image to download

twitter bird 300x198 Totally Blackhat Twitter CASH





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Explode Your Affiliate Sales By Triggering Only Products That Perfectly Match Your Visitors Problem, Forcing Them To Click & Sending Your CTR Through the Roof !!


It’s time to take control of Wordpress and stop using the lame sidebar ad as your marketing heavyweight.


Imagine being able to display a specific affiliate product only on posts with certain tags, or within certain defined categories … so that everywhere your visitor went on your blog, they found a product that solved a problem for them? What would this do for your conversions?


This ad is literally in the eyeballs of my reader and 100% relevant to the content they are viewing.

Hack example2 Ultimate WordPress Affiliate Hack

The goal of marketing affiliate products is to push relevant content before the eyeballs of eager visitors. Being restricted to global ads displayed in sidebars just doesn’t cut it!

Once you start to display 100% targeted ad content, you will see amazing hikes in your CTR and conversions.

Think of it this way …. if your reader is browsing through a post on your beauty blog about hair loss, what value is your sidebar ad advertising nail strengthening tips. Almost none … unless your hair loss suffer also suffers from weak nails.

This is the type of crazy co-coincidence that you’re pinning your money on when you don’t target more precisely. Unfortunately, these type of co-incidences are few and far between.

The reality is that using a single ad in your sidebar that displays globally on all kinds of posts, pages and categories, even where the ad is entirely irrelevant is doing nothing for your CTR and conversions.
In this detailed report that will show you EXACTLY how to display specific ads on posts tagged with keywords that match your product. I will show you how to display targeted ads on your category pages and you’ll even learn how to display different sidebar content depending on which category is being viewed.

Let’s get even more specific. In this report It will show you how to trigger an affiliate product to display on a post based on the post title. You can’t get much more targeted than that … a product perfectly matched to the post your reader is viewing!

Imagine those conversions?


Click here to Download

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clickbankbuzzbox sXP ClickBank Buzz

eBooks are good to give away to build your list but software is soooo much BETTER………..

This Download Is The Extended Version Where You Can Edit The Look, Rename The Software And Load With Banners + Text Links – Even Add Your Own Welcome Page So Your Customers Won’t Ever Forget You… Also Includes 3 different Sales Pages, 2 Promo Videos, 10 Articles And A Keywords List.

What This Amazing Software Does: Source important details of affiliates all in just one, easy- to- use software! Quietly spy on your competitor by seeing how many affiliates actually promote their products! Displays affiliate email and URL so you can contact your competitor’s affiliates and offer them a sweeter deal! Save time yet get more information with the user-friendly interface! Swiftly export all affiliate details into one file which can be quickly assessed on your computer Keep track of the number of affiliates promoting your products and manage your product sales better.

Get it Now………………


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CPA Monopoly

CPA monopoly CPA Monopoly

So Easy even a Kid can Play the CPA Game and Make Money

With this new & unseen method its layed out easy so one can set it and forget it

Make an extra $300+ daily income from this method alone !

This is whitehat and will not get you banned from CPA networks

You can be anywhere in the World and this can work for you


Click the image to Download

Monopoly car CPA Monopoly



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IM blackbook The Best Free WordPress Plugins for Internet MarketersOriginally this was just my personal resource of WordPress plugins that I used to create sales pages, landing pages and AdSense sites. I recently decided to put it into this report form and share it with others. I hope you enjoy it.

I think you will find a lot of valuable resources in this report. Many of the plugins will be completely new to you, while others may be familiar.

These plugins provide an incredible opportunity for Internet marketers. No matter if you are an affiliate marketer, a resale/private label rights marketer, a product developer or some combination of all, you will find many gems here that can improve the profitability of your business or help you create stickier sites.

If you know of some great FREE plugin that I neglected to include in this report, please send me an email and I will get it added to the list and sent out in future updates.

Just remember, this list is for free plugins only. There are many great paid plugins out there too, I just decided to not include them in this report.

Download it Now – FREE – Only Here

Click Here to Download


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Get unlimited $100 adword vouchers from Google!!

adwords voucher2 Get unlimited adword vouchers from Google!!

This is extremely simple method and you can use it to get any amount of adwords vouchers you want.

It doesn’t require any investment from you.

You can use these vouchers for yourself (or) you can sell them if you want.

Get the secret exclusively Here at BlackhatBUZZ

To your Success,

BHB signature2(1) Get unlimited adword vouchers from Google!!


CLICK HERE to Download the Secret




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How To Quickly Slam Easy CPA Cash Into Your Account By Hijacking Massive Amounts of Smokin’ Hot Traffic



Here’s what this method will teach you ….
  • The exact technique to find massive amounts of premium traffic
  • How to profile your hijacked traffic
  • How to choose the right CPA offers for your traffic
  • Exactly what to do to convert this traffic

If you never did anything else with CPA marketing, the technique contained in this report is enough to make you thousands of dollars every month … Act Now!


Get it Here……….

Click here to Get CPA Cash Slam



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This method was shared keeping in mind that it can be twisted and turned into your own creative empire. I can see this method getting saturated if you are to follow it exactly so please change it up using your unique twist.

CL BH212 Craigslist Blackhat Jobs Method

This method is about posting a job and collecting resumes. All the while your applicant is going through a CPA funnel & making you tons of money.


As it is I’m sure you’ll come up with tons of ideas about how to throw some extra monetization spins on this – like i said before – put your own unique spin on this and you will be well on your way to intense amounts of profit.


So check it out – watch the video – try it out.. you’ll hear me mention a few different little extra tricks that I purposely didn’t include…

What do you get ??

Picture 2 Craigslist Blackhat Jobs Method

Download it All Here……..





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"Got Cookies? Your Competitors Are Literally GIVING Them Away To Every Visitor… You Can Too"

Introducing wpCookie… The Absolutely Simple As Stupid Way To Stuff Cookies
On Wordpress Blogs.

All you need to do is install the script and then on ANY post or page you want to stuff some cookies you just add a custom field using the built in Wordpress field editor. It doesn’t get any easier than this and it works like a charm.

Download it HERE:

Download WpCookie Stuffer


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This is a Black Hat method, not whitehat or grey hat, and yes it is raking in Tons of Money !!

The AutoPilot Income System

The method itself is innovative and unique, and because there are so few people using it at the moment it’s so easy to make money doing it.

What you will learn:

The exact 8 steps that have been  tried, tested, and fine tuned to secure an
extra $9,000 a month in the bank each month that you can follow to
achieve the same results.

Why you don’t need any SEO knowledge whatsoever for this to
work and how you will have huge amounts of prequalified traffic
without having to pay a penny!

A unique method currently being used by myself that is a surefire way to
get you started on the road to finincial stability!

REVEALED: You will discover why the 99.999% of people working a
9-5pm job are never going to earn the sort of money they want to be
earning, and how earning your income on autopilot without having to
lift a finger is the way towards true riches

This NEW concept being brought to the table that can be applied over
and over every single day as there is a never ending resource for you to
use to make this method work!

How working just a few hours to get this set up will in turn continue
to flood your bank with a continuous stream of income for the next
month with you having to do nothing to maintain it!


I Must be Nuts cause I am giving this away for FREE ! ! !

Hurry before I come to my senses !!

Enjoy and Prosper,

BHB signature2 $250 A Day With the Autopilot Income System

Download it Here ………..

Click Here to Download



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Black Hat Methods to Make Money

BHbuzz brought Making Money With Black Hat Methods

The following is a collection of BH methods that can be used to make money Follow the methods with your own twists as that will boost your income greatly. Don’t do it word for word, you’ll still get money, but not as much.

We are going to randomly go to different methods because I’m an unorganized dude (haha).

No fluffy crap, let’s get down to business.


Want to Know more .. ??

Download it Here ……

BH galore2 Making Money With Black Hat Methods

Click the image to download


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The Amazon Method

amazon king Amazon Method = Big Bucks

This method is only suitable for people who are willing to do some actual work,
have a good command of the English language, and have  basic knowledge of Photoshop.

The method detailed in this Guide, The Amazon Method, is completely original and is not known to many. The idea came  one morning and  instantly realized what a goldmine it was.

The great part is that the income it brings in is enough to change your life.

Let me tell you what this ISN’T about:

* Becoming an Amazon affiliate
* Kindle
* Dropshipping
* Any kind of affiliate program
* Articles
* Social Networking
* Craigslist
* Blogs

Basically, it has nothing to do with anything you’ve read about before about making money.
It’s completely original. I can’t stress that enough.

Did you know Amazon gets over 40 million hits a month? Or that it has a page rank of 9?

That’s the  powerhouse you’re going to have behind you when you use the method I outline for you in this guide.

The Amazon Method is:

  • 100% Legal !  You will Never worry about getting banned.
  •  Surefire !  If you don’t make a killer income from this, you must be brain dead.
  • Tested ! I’ve used the method myself, and I know it works.
  • Original ! You won’t find it mentioned anywhere else.

Download it Here …..

Steals and Deals Amazon Method = Big Bucks

Click the Image to Download

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The Vital Stuffer Method
How to Stuff your Way To $15,000 In Eight Days
This method is BLACKHAT

This Guide contains 13 pages of detailed information of what you should do and why.
It guides you from point A to point B.

Basically there is NO investment required. It is related using some social network site to implement this marketing method.

If you are a blackhatter…

this might be a good chance for you to increase your earnings $$
If you follow this Guide exactly you will make money, unless you are a complete idiot.

Download it Here ……
cookie stuffing12 Easy Cookie Stuffing Method
Hey – For More Cookie Stuffing Info and Scripts ……….
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