BlackHatBUZZ » Affiliate Link Everything BlackHat Thu, 13 Mar 2014 03:21:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cookie Buzz Sat, 20 Mar 2010 02:50:12 +0000 Cookie Buzz is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Want to Make BIG MONEY from your Blog ?
cookie Buzz head Cookie Buzz

Yes … Of Course…  It is a little bit Black Hat !!

Ever felt  like you were Cheated out of getting a Commission you Justly Deserved?

By simply Using this Incredible WordPress Plugin you…

Can Prevent ever losing a Commission again !!

Cookie BUZZ is a WordPress plugin that ensures  you get your commissions by Dropping a Cookie on your visitors BEFORE they go to the destination site.

They have no idea that by the time they hover your plain text link in your review, they ALREADY have your affiliate cookie on their PC. And, simple enough when they buy, you earn that commission.


SO…..  How Does It Work?


Cookie BUZZ works by allowing you to add your affiliate link to a WordPress post or page within the WordPress admin panel. When that post is viewed, your affiliate link is quietly and invisibly called in the background.

The visitor has no idea that this is happening – all they see is a plain text link that you add to your post. After all, there's no need to make your affiliate link visible within the post any more, as the visitor to your blog has already been cookied.

As far as the visitor is  concerned, you've written a product review with no intent of financial gain, and they're ready to go through to the site and buy.

Cookie BUZZ is very easy to use. Just upload and activate the plugin, then go to the Cookie BUZZ settings page.

Once you're there you can add your affiliate links to as many posts or pages as you like.


SO…  Is this Black Hat?

Well, Cookie BUZZ can be used in many different ways, but I recommend you use Cookie BUZZ responsibly. By that I mean only use one (or maybe two) affiliate links on each page or post.


Cookie BUZZ can also be used in a extreme black hat manner by stuffing as many cookies as you like on a single page, and it's inevitable that some people will want to use it that way as the rewards are high.

All we can say is, that's up to you. If you think it's worth it, then go right ahead, but it's your responsibility if you do.


What Can Cookie BUZZ really do?


This plug in is so powerful that you can surely use it on any of thousands upon thousands of products and affiliate links.


Who Needs this Plugin?


Anyone who has a blog or wants a blog and can use wordpress and install a plug in…

Anyone who wants to prevent losing a commission on a sale.

Anyone who wants to see their income triple or quadruple or even increase 10 fold !!

Anyone who is tired of those so called commission hoppers, who by-pass your affiliate link and insert their own.

NOTE:   If you want to stuff a bunch of cookies, this plugin will do it. BUT, remember to be responsible.


I have two versions of the Plugin – FREE and Premium.

The free version has a limit on how many Cookies you can Drop. The Premium Version is Totally Unlimited on how many Cookies you can Drop and can be used on an Unlimited Number of Blogs.


Get the FREE Version of Cookie BUZZ !

Buy me an expresso and get Premium Version instantly !!
button5 Cookie Buzz

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The Re-Hash of Digital point Sun, 27 Dec 2009 17:28:25 +0000 The Re-Hash of Digital point is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Want to Make BIG MONEY from your Blog ?
forums digitalpoint The Re Hash of Digital pointGosh Guys,  I Recently was Surfing at DP and was amazed at the Crap I found there. Some of the Marketers out there just Re-Hash everything.  I even found some of my stuff there. 

Now, I am not saying that some of the Downloads and Methods I offer are Totally New, But I always try to improve and Twist the information around so It will actually work and you can make money with it. 

I must have read the same guide about ewhoring a least 100 times.  You know the one – Find a chat room then find a horny guy then send them to your affiliate link, and so on and so on !!!! 

Shame on you for Selling and Shame on you for Buying !!

With that Said, I sat down for a few minutes and wrote a couple of Guides for you all with Tried and True Methods to Generate some income.

I call the First one Auto Classified.  The method is similar to others, But I created a step-by-step guide on how I used it to generate income.  And BEST of ALL.  I am not going to SELL it to you as the next big thing. 

Download it FREE Here……….

I then Put together a little Guide that has six (6) methods that anyone can implement and make money online.  Yes, Noob Friendly, International Friendly, and even an experienced marketer may get some inspiration out of it.  Some of my Best Income has come from so called "Saturated Methods" that others have abandoned because they had too much competition,  they could not think outside the box and "Re-Hash the Twist",  or they just got Lazy and quit. 

I have found that if I have 5-10 methods going, at any one time, that Generate between $30-$50 per day each,  It is much more rewarding than searching for the Killer method that will take all my time and I may not make any money at all.

So,  here are some methods that are tried and true.  Each one could make you some money everyday, so if you start today and make , say $30 bucks a day with each method.  An easy $180 a day !!!

Download it Here – FREE ……….

More Affiliate Cash

As always, Good Luck

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RoundTripping CPA offers with Ebay Thu, 24 Sep 2009 21:34:06 +0000 RoundTripping CPA offers with Ebay is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Want to Make BIG MONEY from your Blog ?
Want to know how to Use Ebay with CPA offers ?

Method Details:

Using an Ebay seller account, post an auction.

Find an email submit offer that is giving away the same product you are selling. You should probably find the affiliate offer first.

Get a domain and redirect and mask to your affiliate link for the offer.

Now use a second ebay account to ask a question about your auction, making sure to find a way to discreetly add your domain in the question.

Using your seller account again, confirm that the domain and offer is legitimate and safe. Make sure you post the question to the listing.

This way you can now drive traffic from ebay without getting your accounts closed and auctions canceled.

Of course you will need to pay for the listings, but that is just like paying for advertising, just a whole lot cheaper.

You can also use this method to push traffic from ebay to your site, then bounce them back to ebay thru EPN. This is called roundtripping, but it would be very hard to catch on to this as long as you don’t make connections between your accounts.

The traffic will be type in traffic and hard to discover where it is coming from. Feel free to twist this method. I guess what I’m trying to say is you can use this method to push traffic to all kinds of stuff, just use some creative instincts.

Things you may Need.

  • Ebay Seller account

  • Ebay Buyer account

  • CPA Affiliate Network Accounts

  • A Domain that is redirected and masked

Now – What do you need to Do ?

Choose a product that matches some of your affiliate offers. For this example we will use an Blackberry Storm. Go to Ebay and post an auction for an Blackberry Storm with your seller account.

Get your domain and redirect it to a free Blackberry Storm email submit. Don’t forget to mask it.

Now that the auction is up, use your buyer account to ask a question about the item you just posted.

It should go something like this:

I saw these free Blackberry storm Phones,, think it’s legitimate?

Now using your seller account answer the question saying something like yes it is legit, that’s where I got mine. Click the post question to auction box so your affiliate link will now show on your auction.

It won’t be an active link, but even most Noobs know how to copy and paste a link.

As always – Enjoy and make money


willy RoundTripping CPA offers with Ebay

RoundTripping CPA offers with Ebay is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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No BULL – AutoBlogging Wed, 01 Jul 2009 01:33:39 +0000 No BULL – AutoBlogging is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Want to Make BIG MONEY from your Blog ?

No BULL Auto Blogging
It’s Time To Make Some Money On Autopilot

  Yes, you can begin auto blogging for profit, rather than frustration.

This is a step-by-step, complete tutorial to starting one to one million autoblogs online, and how to begin to make big money from them. NOW.


  1. A copied and pasted method
  2. Poorly-writted English and a horrible layout
  3. Pages and pages of fluff
  4. An affiliate link in eighty pages of nonsense


Jakki Degg 450px No BULL   AutoBloggingA step-by-step method that WORKS! I have made the following through the autoblogs created through the method clearly detailed in the 13-page ebook:

  • $1,523.20 through AdSense in three months
  • $954.00 through Amazon Affiliate Network
  • $792.32 through Clickbak sales
  • $720.53 through other affiliate networks




GET it NOW ………

Click Here to DOWNLOAD


No BULL – AutoBlogging is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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You Can Make $700+ a day by Mastering Yahoo Answers Thu, 14 May 2009 22:04:15 +0000 You Can Make $700+ a day by Mastering Yahoo Answers is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Want to Make BIG MONEY from your Blog ?
yahoo answers(1) You Can Make $700+ a day by Mastering Yahoo AnswersIf you’ve been sleeping under a rock for a few years I bet you don’t know what Yahoo Answers is well LISTEN UP! Yahoo Answers is becoming one of the fastest growing websites on the web for a good reason, it solves people’s problems. People come online for a solution whether it be a product or information, making a sale or generating ad revenue is as simple as being helpful.

Let me start off by stating this, you will get what you put into this. Sure this method like most can be automated and outsourced eventually but for the noobs starting out, you will have to put some work into it. Much like the craigslist post method whether it be e-whoring, CPA, or products, your ad (response in this case) will have to be somewhat thought through.

I can guarantee the people out there willing to put in the effort, following this guide will make you $100+/day easily and of course once mastered with new accounts and/or products that convert more often the possibilities are endless.

OK let’s jump into this thing and make some cash, Yahoo Answers is much different than most classified/posting websites. It allows any user to come in with a question and have people compete to answer it. Generally the more detailed question which strikes the user to have the most knowledge will win, this is why I felt it was necessary to post the previous information.

Let’s look at the accounts you will need and some of the limits of Yahoo Answers, much like craigslist there are people out there looking for savvy IM’s trolling the website to paste their affiliate link. YA is not against people helping people and making a sale while at it, however there are some issues. YA limits your account if it is new, meaning you cannot dive in and spam the place (unless you like getting banned of course). Your going to need some patience (or a sh*tload of accounts) obviously we are BH marketers and we don’t have much.

So let’s make some accounts, while creating your new accounts it is advised that you change your I.P. address for each account created, this is so YA will not ban our main ip address believing we are just making accounts to spam the website. Let’s make about 30 accounts on different IP addresses, I’m going to have to assume you know how to change your ip address at this point if not ask around someone will be willing to guide you in the right direction. 30 accounts means we will have 15 fresh accounts to ask questions, and 15 fresh accounts to answer questions. You can answer other people’s questions with either set of accounts however this would mean that you are gambling at not being the top choice. This makes your accounts more credible however so don’t be afraid to do it every once in a while. When answering your own however you can certainly pick yourself as a winner while doing this however it is recommended you are not logged in to two accounts on any one IP address, this is a really baitout way to say “hey look YA, I’m answering my own question like an idiot. Please ban both accounts!”

When you answer your question with an affiliate product, CPA offer, or a website with your ads on it to generate revenue, wait a few days for other answers to build. Don’t just give it all away at once let it turn into as popular a category you can before choosing your own answer as the winner. This guarantees more views/ gives you a look of legitimacy.

While posting your link add it to your ‘source’ when posting and YA only accepts formats of http before the link. This source should *always* be followed up by a great answer that shows you have knowledge about the question otherwise people are going to wonder why their 300 word answer wasn’t picked over your 30 word one with no intelligence. OK so, by now we have at least 1 question account, and 1 answer account, let’s get some traffic to this YA minisite (your question page).

This is what I wanted to cover next, I know some of you are saying why would I do this over and over again if I can just put an ad on craigslist once and get 200+ responses… you idiot. Google considers YA to be an authoritative website, all of us SEO specialists know this means big potential results on some even bigger keywords. Each of your 15 question accounts should have a product to promote EACH, you should be looking for keywords on the niche of this product that you can tackle down and slaughter on the search engines. Too bad we can’t control the title of the question though, ooohhh yeaaaa, we STARTED the question so we have prime placement of our keyword possibly in the headline (see what I’m getting at?).

If you thought Youtube, and craigslist can bring traffic to your offers/websites you can mark down another new website that can bring you more traffic (not to mention it’s more targeted as well).

flat You Can Make $700+ a day by Mastering Yahoo Answers
Let me explain why this is more targeted, most people here are sharing life experiences and solutions that work for THEM PERSONALLY. Any marketer can tell you a true genuine response in someone’s brain is better than an ad, it just works better you cannot compare the 2! You will have more eager people to write your CPA’s, read more quality content, signup for your opt-in lists, or even buy your products than ever!

Sorry getting a little carried away here as usual, let me mention some more specifics for the starters out there.

Much like craigslist postings you are going to want to mask your affiliate links however to remain inconspicuous within YA your going to probably need a domain related to your niche. If your making a post about acai berries helping your kid get out of his hospital bed your going to want some kind of diet/cleansing domain like w w w . nutrional – help. comx (did not check the actual domain also cannot post links as my account is still new).

Also for the starters out there some great affiliate programs to join to promote these offers are:

Neverblue Ads
Azoogle Ads

Also each of your posts should have a unique IP address to them, yes this is a daunting task but nothing compares to looking legitimate and continuing your business without disruption.

Let me recommend some offers/types of questions that convert well in YA.
Some great ones are freebies, yes there are people that see them as illegitimate however you would be surprised of how many idiots there still are on the internet thinking they will really get an iphone if they input their email in a field. Another great niche to target is the mortgage/loans niche. We can use some fear marketing in this current economic situation and promote these products. Some of these loan application can go for about $9/lead with about only 6-10 fields, and there completely free to the user so why wouldn’t they want to do them.

I had a few days where I got about 60 leads for this loan offer paying about $9.50 for an application, most of them found me online as I had a very lucrative keyword at the time that was in the top 10 in google showing my mini site (YA page). This is not uncommon you can get many keywords in the top 10 using this method, and make BANK while they are up there. Making $1k/day is not an impossible task at YA, however be prepared to do some thorough keyword research, if you have a great keyword research tool then you will be fine, I’d personally recommend keyword discovery.

You Can Make $700+ a day by Mastering Yahoo Answers is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Legal Cookie Stuffing Fri, 20 Feb 2009 23:18:00 +0000 Legal Cookie Stuffing is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Want to Make BIG MONEY from your Blog ?

This is a little trick that can be used to make thousands of dollars a month driving traffic to simple review pages for affiliate products. It is almost too simple to take seriously, but try it and see for yourself.

Cookie stuffing doesn’t always have to be against the terms of service. I constantly get permission from merchants to cookie stuff my link on my own pages.

The bottom line is that you are spending time and money to get potential customers to your landing page/affiliate link, so therefore, if they buy, you deserve the commission.

The problem with affiliate links is that almost everyone knows what they are these days, and I don’t care what you do to pretty them up.

Regardless if it’s: (says I’m an affiliate who has no idea what I’m doing)

or (says i’m an affiliate that makes no money because you’ll never click this)

or (says I may have power link generator but people still know what I’m trying to pull)

or even…………. secretly embedded with your affiliate link (says I’m at least sneaky about it but you were also smart enough to hover the mouse over)

A good percentage of the time you are losing the chance at those visitors because you have now lost credibility instantly.

The rest of the time is spent losing the commission because the buyer just hacks your affiliate link off the domain, or does a type in.

People today are so against you making money that even if you do get them to click an embedded cloaked link like xyxyxyxy, once they see what the site is they will actually delete their cookies and visit again so your cookie is in the trash can.

If instead of the above, you did a review site or landing page that told the user to go to with no affiliate link, it looks like a real deal review.

I only use this for high traffic sites like a, or new hot IM products that are gaining a buzz.

The whole point is that the person knows instantly that its not an affiliate link, yet it doesn’t matter because as soon as they landed on your page they were stuffed with your cookie.

This also works fantastically because a lot of times a person will search multiple sites looking for information and yours is seldom the one that causes the sale right then and there.

Luckily, since you stuffed that cookie, and that visitor probably won’t be clicking any affiliate links, they will simply do a type in like when they decide to buy a couple of hours or days later, and guess what?

You still got the commission.

What’s most comical about this is that I really didn’t want to give this little gem up, but you’re probably thinking it’s a waste of time or at least something you’ll save for a lot later.

It’s a shame because if I didn’t make the money I do from other streams, this one tactic would be my full time job and I could easily earn $300,000 or more a year setting up stuffed page after stuffed page.

One of the best ways to do this is to look like a total noob, and by that I mean set up a blog called something stupid like

Instead of your typical review site page put up just for a specific product, make it a blog post as if you bought the product, use the service, etc and make it seem like you are just having general conversation about it.

The point of this step is actually psychological. Even without an affiliate link your URL is, and you are advertising it, your visitors will know that something is up, and if nothing else, assume you probably own the product and are promoting it yourself.

If it’s just some random blog, many people will assume you’re just promoting it for readership and not whatever post they happened to land on. This, in their minds, makes you an unbiased third party on the subject.

Everyone thinks cookie stuffing is mainly for ebay and that it has to be illegal in the eyes of the merchant, and that’s just not the case, nor is it the smart way to utilize such an amazing income generating tool.

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Affiliate Links and How to Cloak Them Sun, 08 Feb 2009 23:04:46 +0000 Affiliate Links and How to Cloak Them is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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Want to Make BIG MONEY from your Blog ?
Affiliate sales amount to billions of dollars each year. Most successful online use affiliate sales for at least a portion of their business. To direct buyers to your affiliate products, it is necessary to include a link to the product that you are promoting. These are called affiliate links. Each link includes the name of the product you are recommending as well as you own personal ID for that program.

Affiliate links are a necessary component in the Internet marketing business. But we sometimes find that unscrupulous people steal them. There are shady people out there who will look at your affiliate link and consummate the sale after replacing your affiliate ID with their own. 

For that reason, if you want to make serious money in that arena, you should always cloak your affiliate links.

In addition to lost sales, there is another reason to cloak your affiliate links; they look unprofessional and announce that fact that it is an affiliate product.

And unfortunately, there are those out there who will not knowingly buy affiliate sponsored products. For those reasons, it is best to cloak your affiliate links.

There a number of techniques that you can use to do this. Following are four tactics that you can use to cloak your links:

1. Use free link cloaking sites. These sites will allow you to enter a URL and they will convert it into a cloaked link. Tinyurl is probably the most well known of these sites but there are many others that do the same thing. You can find these sites by doing a search for ‘free affiliate cloaking.’

 Examples of sites are:                                                         

2. You can also use software, both free and paid, that will cloak your links. You can find hundreds of software programs by searching for ‘affiliate cloaking software.’   


3. An option that most super affiliates use is the purchase of a domain name for one specific affiliate product. Using this tactic, they either develop a specialized landing page or use either domain forwarding or re-directs to link to the affiliate products.


4. As an alternative to purchasing your own domain, you can use a page within your existing site and re-direct traffic from that page. If you are uncertain how to use re-directs, you can see many examples by doing a search for ‘link redirects.’

Affiliate Links and How to Cloak Them is a post from: BlackHatBuzz For More Details and FREE Downloads visit:

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