Get Backlinks on Auto-Pilot


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Earning money on auto-pilot is NOT rocket science.

You could be sitting in the lounge while your sites make it up the search engine rankings for high paying keywords on autopilot.

Now…here’s a glimpse of the value you’ll get in This Blogfarm Blueprint Package

Module 1: Niche Research

Any website should be started with niche research.This document would provide links to generate ideas and find micro niches.So in the interest of providing you with the best and most accurate information possible I’m going to share with you something I found quite sometime ago and have been using to find niche markets for my blogging business.

Module 2: Autoblog Blueprint

This is my complete guide on how to make thousands of dollars per month through autoblogging. First of all, I will teach you how to set up a single autoblog, and from there you can increase your arsenal of mini-auto-updating websites. Autoblogging, despite the term auto, does take quite a bit of work to set up, and some patience to see profits. Although setup may take a while, it is quite simple.

Autoblogging is a very practical, and straightforward way to make money on the internet .You will start to see profits and vast amounts of visitors to the autoblogs you set up within aweek! So, whether you are interested in learning how to make enough money to quit your job, or you just want to make a few extra dollars for the weekend, this guide will teach you everything you need to know about autoblogging with all the settings you need to do for optimization.

Module 3: Blogfarm Domination

The heart of this System lies in the blogfarm domination module.This module will teach how to build Pagerank and get top search engine rankings for your keyword by using multiple sites. Blogfarm domination is the first product to address the topic and a lot of research on google PR algorithms and tactics has gone into it.

The goal of this document is to show you how to set up a very effective blog farm – one that will make the search engines “stand up and take notice” whenever something is posted to those blogs which in turn will also cause them to follow any links (“backlinks”) to your pages.

What is Unique about this?

  1. The first product to address the topic of blogfarms.
  2. Step by step tutorials with lots of screenshots.
  3. A tested method to make money.
  4. Simple language and easy to follow for newbies.

What is included?

1.  Niche research ebook
2. Autoblog blueprint ebook
3. Plugins for autoblog. (custom re-writer plugin worth 50$ )
4. Custom theme
5. Header generation software with lots of premade headers.
6. Blogfarm domination ebook.

 Need money on Auto Pilot ??

Download it HERE ……   Click HERE to GET it !!


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Did You Know That Roughly 90% Of People Who Buy Resell Rights Products Never Make A Cent From Them?

Great if that’s not you but what about your customers both old and new?

Resell How to Pull Money from Re Sell Rights Products

So Why The High Number?

Because these are the people that simply don’t know what to do.

How do I know this?

From listening to my subscribers and what I’ve seen all too often from forums and struggling marketers that just haven’t been able crack success with resell rights products.

Most feel overwhelmed

These folks are overwhelmed by the mass volume of information and resell products they’ve bought that they don’t know where to even begin which is why most fail to take any action at all.

Those that do try are competing with the thousands of others selling the exact same cookie cutter products, with the fierce competition they all cancel each other out because it’s the person that sells it for next to nothing that gets the sale.

It’s no wonder why resellers wonder why they can’t make any money at all.

I can relate to this because when I first started out I had no clue what to do first and that the products I bought had been cycling around on the net since 2002 and could be found everywhere free and so were pretty much worthless.

It wasn’t without making my fair share of mistakes and months worth of trial and error that I eventually started to make money from resell rights products.

Because of this I have created a 210 page ebook crammed full of steps and resources that I still follow today to take my old, has been resell products and transform them into brand new profitable money makers.

Think Back To When You First
Started Out

Remember what it was like when you first started out?, you didn’t have all the answers either, you had to make your share of mistakes and we forget what it was like to struggle at the beginning.

Now we effortlessly FTP and create websites and graphics but we make the mistake of assuming that everyone else can too.

know this from the resell rights products I still receive, (and I’m guilty of this myself in the past with my own resell right products) the products come with template and product, licenses but with absolutely NO instruction on how to upload that template or how to collect payment from sales.

We just leave them to it.
Don’t believe me?, just look through your resell rights products you’ve purchased over the years and you’ll find only a small percentage actually have any instructions on how to set up their reseller site, if any at all.

Why Your Customers Will Love You

Your customers will love you for giving them the information they need to get past first gear, they won’t struggle anymore or be left wondering what to do next.

They’ll learn step by step how to sift the moneymakers from the dead wood from their huge collection of resell rights products long before they invest any time into them. They’ll finally be able to make money from the resell rights products they already have no matter how long they’ve had them.

They will know from the start how to determine if there is even a hungry market waiting for them before they ever spend a cent avoiding the huge mistakes most newbies make by pushing products to a market that simply isn’t there.

They’ll discover how to breathe new life into any sagging old resell product in their collection past its used by date no matter how old, overexposed or how many people already own them. If there is still a captive market for those products then there is always money to be made.

Sure there is information out there but what I found in my experience when trying to figure it all out is that most of it was useless junk thrown together for the author to make a quick buck off of.

The information that was useful usually only scratched the surface and didn’t go into a lot of detail because the writer assumed you had prior knowledge of the material.

Other reports came in little bite sizes of information that left me hanging or to track down the missing bits to try and fill in the gaps which is where I’d usually hit the wall.

Based on what I’ve found works for me and through trial and error, I have set everything out step by step from beginning to end and everything in between including:

  • Handpicking the right resell rights product from their existing collection (you can’t just pick any old one)
  • Testing for profitability for maximum success
  • Overhauling the product and graphics
  • Mastering killer ad copy that sells
  • Minisite template (a free, easy to edit template with mock sales copy, just fill in the blanks)
  • Pricing properly for huge profit
  • Getting their website active online, full step by step instructions with screen shots
  • Flooding their website with hungry traffic
  • Selling their product
  • Taking payment, full step by step instructions with complete with screen shots
  • Creating a long term business

They are shown every step of the way, no stone is left unturned and they’re not left scratching their heads what to do next.

Here’s What You Get:

  • 210 page ebook with 39,204 words and screen shots in PDF format full of details and step by step instructions
  • 210 page ebook in raw. doc source format ready to be edited
  • Reseller website and graphics with full sales copy
  • Full instructions for setting up your reseller site and collecting payment
  • Fill in the blanks sales template to use when creating their own product

This license grants you the following rights and use of the product. smile How to Pull Money from Re Sell Rights Products

[YES]Can be edited and your name put on it as the author.
[YES]Can be packaged with other products.
[YES]Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product.
[YES]Can be sold.
[YES]Can be broken down into several different products.
[YES]Can be offered on paid membership sites.
[YES]Can be used as E-Course material.
[YES]Can be used as ebook as content.
[YES]Can sell Resale Rights.
[YES]Can sell Master Resale How to Pull Money from Re Sell Rights Products

Interested ???

Download it Here….

Get it now Click Here to download – FREE


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As much as I love my BlackHat methods, I’ve really found myself making good money by doing a twist on an old method….I’ll give you a general overview of it….It’s easy to get started, not too time intensive, and you’ll have much better SERP results than traditional bum marketing……

Here it is in easy to follow steps…..

You will be using Web tools to find the hottest products and then using EzineArticles and other 2.0 properties to get multiple places on Page 1 of Google.

It’s so easy….If you’ve done traditional bum marketing before….This is way better!

Step 1 ) Find a product that’s hot right now…..2 places you can go.

Amazon Bestsellers:

Browse by category and these will give you the hottest items in any given category.

Google Product Search:

This is even better….Check out the bottom of the page. They are real time
searches for products. If you refresh (or F5) you can get updated searches.
These are the items that people are looking for now.

Step 2) Write down 5 items from step 1 that you can :

a) Find an affiliate program for and

b) Develop a long-tail keyword phrase for your articles.

Let’s go over these two points in more detail…..

Finding the affiliate program – 3 ways

Amazon Associate Program (4% And Up) – This is okay only if you have no other affiliate options AND you are dealing with a $200+ item:

Ebay Partner Network ( Varies) – This is overall better than Amazon but you have to deal with items that sell regularly on eBay:


Do a Google search for: "product name" affiliate program OR "product category" + affiliate program – 90% of the time, you will find an affiliate that pays good commissions for whatever product you wish to promote. This takes a little more research but it’s worth the effort.

Developing a long-tail keyword – When you did your product search, you want to be a specific as possible of the item. Consumers that are looking to buy, type in the exact name and model of the item they’re looking for. So you don’t want "Panasonic TV", you want "Panasonic Viera TC-32LZ800".

Here’s how you determine if your long-tail keyword is a winner…..

Go to Google and type in your exact keyword surrounded by quotes in the search bar. If you get 50,000 or less results AND you see 4 or more advertisers in the sponsored/AdWords section (right side), you have a winner.

If your results are slightly above 50,000, then try allintitle:"keyword phrase" and if you get 10,000 or less results, then you should be fine.

Step 3) You should have 2-3 items among your original list of 5.

Now, let’s pick the winner of the bunch.

This is a two-step process.

Go to Google Keyword Tool:

Enter each item separately (be sure that use synonyms is not checked) to determine monthly volume for that search term. Write down the approximate average search volume for each phrase. Obviously, the higher the better!

Go to Google Trends and enter each item name, separated by comma:

From the graph, pick the one item that has the most attractive curve (not downward or highly volatile).

Take the item with a high search volume and an attractive graph….You should now have a clear winner to run with.

Step 4) Bum Market using your product keyword phrase.

Oh no, bum marketing! Yes, but your results are going to payoff a lot quicker because your articles are going to hit page 1 of Google right away since most specific product searches have very few competitor pages.

Here’s how to you bum market quickly and painlessly. Let’s use our Panasonic TV keyword phrase from before…."Panasonic Viera TC-32LZ800".

To bum market this phrase, you will have it in your title (Preferably at the start of the title) and you will have it repeat throughout a 250-300 word article 2-3 times. (Be sure the it first appears within the first 100 characters of your article text)

Focus on Ezine Articles 80% of the time but also setup articles on proven, high-PR Web 2.0 properties like Scribd, Quizilla, and Wordpress just to mix it up. Ultimately, you want your pages to take over most of the top ten of Google but for now just focus on one article at a time.

Once your article is published, see where it shows up on Google. If for some reason, it doesn’t crack the top 10, use social bookmarking sites and other backlinks (slowly, don’t go crazy….Google likes slow!) until it is in the top 10.

So what are you going to write about….Easy!

Talk about the products benefits, features, why you like it. Take information from the product homepage. Paraphrase articles that have been written about it. So for our Panasonic example some titles might be, "The Panasonic Viera TC-32LZ800 -You Got To Get This!" or "Top 5 Benefits of the Panasonic Viera Tc-32LZ800" or "Here’s Why The Panasonic Viera TC-32LZ800 Blows Away The Competition".

Don’t reinvent the wheel….Google information on your product and paraphrase it.

Step 5 ) Collect Your Money $$

I’d be the first to tell you that sometimes, Black Hat is the way to go, but mixing your revenue streams is so crucial. Once you got your Black Hat methods in place,  you may give this method a try. I think you’ll find it to be a consistent money maker for you…..I know it has for me! smile Demand + Bum Marketing=$$$ In Your Pocket


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Important Disclaimer: Some, but not all, of the strategies, techniques, and methods I share in The Dirty Secrets of Hyper-Speed Info Products course may be considered "Grey Hat" and may result in:

  • Server-Crippling Traffic To Your Websites
  • Shocking Sales Conversions For Your Products
  • Stampedes of Hungry Buyers Opting-In To Your Lists
  • So Much Automated Income Each Month You May Forget How To Spell "Recession"
It’s Time To Stop Making Them Rich and MAKE YOURSELF RICH

The Dirty Secrets of Hyper-Speed Info Products…

Dirty Secret #1: The Dirty Secrets of Hyper-Speed Info Products can have you generating sales for your product making you money today – not some "guru".

Dirty Secret #2: No one else is using these methods… How do I know? Because if they were, the forums would be flooded with talk about them and the “gurus” would be charging $2,000+ for the info.

Dirty Secret #3: I don’t have to worry about driving traffic to my sites – my affiliates do that for me.

Dirty Secret #4: I spend less than 5 hours making COMPLETE products and that INCLUDES the time it takes to create the basic website!

Dirty Secret #5: Pay-Per-Click SUCKS! – I let my affiliates battle Adwords.

Dirty Secret #6: ENTIRE membership e-courses that I spend less than 3 or 4 hours setting up bring in between $10 and $127 per month APIECE

Dirty Secret #7: Blackhat? Why bother? My customers email me asking when my next product’s coming out before I’ve even thought of what it’s going to be about!

Dirty Secret #8: Short reports that take me an hour (or less!) to create using these secret methods sell for $10 to $47 each. These really add up fast…I sell hundreds a month and you will too.

Dirty Secret #9: I don’t wait to get paid. I drink my morning coffee adding up my Paypal balance.

Dirty Secret #10: Even though these products take me no time at all to create, customers love them so much they email me asking for more before I’ve even had time to think up new material! How much easier can “selling” info products be?

Dirty Secret #11: Recession? What Recession? The economic downturn is boosting sales!

Dirty Secret #12: Saturation Proof. I can enter ANY niche, no matter how competitive, and dominate immediately.

Dirty Secret #13: 100% Unique content that NO ONE ELSE has – NO PLR, NO MRR, NO Rehashed, Recycled crap (admittedly, sometimes I’ll throw in MRR bonuses if they’re good enough, but my actual products are 100% unique)

Get them HERE…………….

To download it CLICK HERE


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Make $100 A Day On Autopilot Cashing In On
The "BUZZ"

This Will  Make YOU Money!


People Have Already Started Making Money With Blackhat Buzz!
This method has nothing to do with dating, e-whoring, anything mentioned before, or Youtube etc.

The only investment you need is a domain name and nothing else.

It is easy to get started and can take about 15 minutes to set up. How long before you see results?

Possibly after a day you will start making money if you follow the steps or even on the same day.

Want to Know MORE ???

Download it HERE !!
yelp blackhat BLACKHAT BUZZ   Make $100+ A DAY ON AUTOPILOT
Mirror Link if above download does not Work

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I’ve decided to share this because it cannot be saturated since it can be done for pretty much any keyword and adwords campaign.

I am sure some of you  have already done this before and maybe are still successfully doing it but I just started doing this recently and am sure some people will find this useful.

Let’s say you had a campaign that has been generating an ROI (Return on Investment) of around 110% which is considered pretty good when it comes to PPC (pay-per-click). This campaign might have around 300 profitable keywords in 30 or so different ad groups.

Then what if you decided to COMPLETELY DOMINATE YOUR COMPETITION biggrin Totally Dominate the Competition on Google.

This is what you need to do. Here is an example:

Buy 7 niche related domains. (ie:,,, ect) 

Be sure to use different extents (I will explain why later on) So, you might buy 3 .com, 2 .info and 2 .net domains. Then open 7 more adwords accounts and load those same keywords and ad groups in those accounts.

So now you will have 7 new +1 old account.

So each account should have different ad copies (change the wording on each ad slightly)  and make sure each landing page is slightly altered.

So why should you create 7 more accounts?

Well it’s actually quite simple. Google displays only first 8 paid placements on the 1st results page and you want to have them all!!

Now when someone searches for a ”Certain Keyword" only your ads will show up which guarantees you maximum exposure and therefore more clicks and more sales/leads.

And not only that! Most  people when they are looking to buy something,  they usually click on 2 or 3 ads and sometimes even more to compare prices and products. It often doesn’t make any mathematical and statistical sense since there is only a certain percentage of people that are going to decide to buy from you and not the other guy. I know that some people will say that this can be avoided with cookie stuffing but thousands and thousands of products and CPA offers aren’t possible to stuff so therefore this works like a charm.

As a matter of fact, in one test campaign,  It increased the ROI by 180%!! Currently the ROI is at 290% instead of 110% because of this tactic. In simple terms, the test campaign generated $2.90 for every dollar spent !!

Of course you will spend much more since you will be getting a lot more clicks and you could be paying more per click but your  ROI  will go through the roof.

*The reason to purchase 7 more different domains with different extensions and have different ad copies and landing pages is: 

Keep your competition in the dark and they won’t find out what your doing and possibly report you to adwords or even worse, they will start doing the same method. Also Adwords doesn’t allow you to have only 1 ad for a certain keyword. You can rotate the ads all you want but only 1 ad will show which doesn’t give you maximum exposure.

I think this method is laid out in a way that nobody should have any big problems getting this off the ground.

Hope you liked it. Now stop dreaming and JUST DO IT!

One more note: You should have different names and different Credit Card info for all the accounts. You just need to buy VCCs (virtual Credit Cards) or create them through paypal’s credit card plugin.

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You can now get your hands on an ebook, that if implemented can make you an easy $100 per day minimum…………………………

craigs page Secret Craigslist Cash Manual I’m not going to say it’s going to be a cakewalk, but if you’re willing to do a little work and implement the methods you find here, you will make money. I encourage you not to skip anything. Read things over and over and follow the instructions. While there is opportunity to tweak and modify these methods, you can’t go wrong by just following them exactly….

Table of Contents

Section I: The Basics…………………………………….. …3
Introduction………………………………………… 4
The Basics of Posting Ads……………………….. 5
Important Intangibles………………………………11
Section II: Money Making Methods……………….15
Method #1: Home Business CPA Offer………….16
Method #2: Biz Opp Autoresponder………………19
Method #3: Email Extraction………………………22
Method #4: Apartment Lead Service……………..25
Method #5: Foreclosure Leads……………………28
Method #6: Zip Submits……………………………30
Section III: Bonus Material………………………….32
Bonus #1: Creating and Profiting from PVA’s…… 33
Bonus #2: Backpage Video Method………………37
THANK YOU…………………………………………39


Enjoy & Make Some Money!

craigslist art 150x150 Secret Craigslist Cash Manual

Click the Picture to Download

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How a 17 year old saved his family from financial devastation with a simple system for making money online…

"Discover The Secret Breakthrough System Developed By A 17 Year Old ‘Kid’ That You Can Steal To Start Creating Your Own Passive Income Online, Today"

If A 17 Year Old ‘Kid’ Can Make Money With This System With Just A Few Hours To Spare Each Week…

Then So Can You!


“How To Create A Short Report In
Under An Hour & Market It Using A
Systematic Process To Create An
Insane Passive Income Online”


Want to Know More ??

Download here FREE !!

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Click the image above to Download

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This is a long term strategy to make $$$ ……….

From a friend, So here it goes…

The following will build a successful site in 1 years time via Google alone. It can be done faster if you are a real go getter, or everyones favorite a self starter.

A) Prep work and begin building content. Long before the domain name is settled on, start putting together notes to build at least a 100 page site. That’s just for openers. That’s 100 pages of real content, as opposed to link pages, resource pages, about/copyright/ tos…etc eg: fluff pages.

B) Domain name:
Easily brandable. You want "" and not "" . Keyword domains are out – branding and name recognition are in – big time in. The value of keywords in a domain name have never been less to se’s. Learn the lesson of "" becomes "" and why they did it. It’s one of the most powerful gut check calls I’ve ever seen on the internet. That took serious resolve and nerve to blow away several years of branding. (that is a whole ‘nother article, but learn the lesson as it applies to all of us).

C) Site Design:
The simpler the better. Rule of thumb: text content should out weight the html content. The pages should validate and be usable in everything from Lynx to leading edge browsers. eg: keep it close to html 3.2 if you can. Spiders are not to the point they really like eating html 4.0 and the mess that it can bring. Stay away from heavy: flash, dom, java, java script. Go external with scripting languages if you must have them – there is little reason to have them that I can see – they will rarely help a site and stand to hurt it greatly due to many factors most people don’t appreciate (search engines distaste for js is just one of them).

Arrange the site in a logical manner with directory names hitting the top keywords you wish to hit.
You can also go the other route and just throw everything in root (this is rather controversial, but it’s been producing good long term results across many engines).
Don’t clutter and don’t spam your site with frivolous links like "best viewed" or other counter like junk. Keep it clean and professional to the best of your ability.

Learn the lesson of Google itself – simple is retro cool – simple is what surfers want.

Speed isn’t everything, it’s almost the only thing. Your site should respond almost instantly to a request. If you get into even 3-4 seconds delay until "something happens" in the browser, you are in long term trouble. That 3-4 seconds response time may vary for site destined to live in other countries than your native one. The site should respond locally within 3-4 seconds (max) to any request. Longer than that, and you’ll lose 10% of your audience for every second. That 10% could be the difference between success and not.

The pages:

D) Page Size:
The smaller the better. Keep it under 15k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 12k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 10k if you can – I trust you are getting the idea here. Over 5k and under 10k. Ya – that bites – it’s tough to do, but it works. It works for search engines, and it works for surfers. Remember, 80% of your surfers will be at 56k or even less.

E) Content:
Build one page of content and put online per day at 200-500 words. If you aren’t sure what you need for content, start with the Overture keyword suggester and find the core set of keywords for your topic area. Those are your subject starters.

F) Density, position, yada…
Simple old fashioned seo from the ground up.
Use the keyword once in title, once in description tag, once in a heading, once in the url, once in bold, once in italic, once high on the page, and hit the density between 5 and 20% (don’t fret about it). Use good sentences and speel check it  Spell checking is becoming important as se’s are moving to auto correction during searches. There is no longer a reason to look like you can’t spell (unless you really are phonetically challenged).

G) Outbound Links:
From every page, link to one or two high ranking sites under that particular keyword. Use your keyword in the link text (this is ultra important for the future).

H) Insite Cross links.
(cross links in this context are links WITHIN the same site)
Link to on topic quality content across your site. If a page is about food, then make sure it links it to the apples and veggies page. Specifically with Google, on topic cross linking is very important for sharing your pr value across your site. You do NOT want an "all star" page that out performs the rest of your site. You want 50 pages that produce 1 referral each a day and do NOT want 1 page that produces 50 referrals a day. If you do find one page that drastically out produces the rest of the site with Google, you need to off load some of that pr value to other pages by cross linking heavily. It’s the old share the wealth thing.

I) Put it Online.
Don’t go with virtual hosting – go with a stand alone ip.
Make sure the site is "crawlable" by a spider. All pages should be linked to more than one other page on your site, and not more than 2 levels deep from root. Link the topic vertically as much as possible back to root. A menu that is present on every page should link to your sites main "topic index" pages (the doorways and logical navigation system down into real content).
Don’t put it online before you have a quality site to put online. It’s worse to put a "nothing" site online, than no site at all. You want it flushed out from the start.

Go for a listing in the ODP. If you have the budget, then submit to Looksmart and Yahoo. If you don’t have the budget, then try for a freebie on Yahoo (don’t hold your breath).

J) Submit
Submit the root to: Google, Fast, Altavista, WiseNut, (write Teoma), DirectHit, and Hotbot. Now comes the hard part – forget about submissions for the next six months. That’s right – submit and forget.

K) Logging and Tracking:
Get a quality logger/tracker that can do justice to inbound referrals based on log files (don’t use a lame graphic counter – you need the real deal). If your host doesn’t support referrers, then back up and get a new host. You can’t run a modern site without full referrals available 24×7x365 in real time.

L) Spiderlings:
Watch for spiders from se’s. Make sure those that are crawling the full site, can do so easily. If not, double check your linking system (use standard hrefs) to make sure the spider found it’s way throughout the site. Don’t fret if it takes two spiderings to get your whole site done by Google or Fast. Other se’s are pot luck and doubtful that you will be added at all if not within 6 months.

M) Topic directories.
Almost every keyword sector has an authority hub on it’s topic. Go submit within the guidelines.

N) Links
Look around your keyword sector in Googles version of the ODP. (this is best done AFTER getting an odp listing – or two). Find sites that have links pages or freely exchange links. Simply request a swap. Put a page of on topic, in context links up your self as a collection spot.
Don’t freak if you can’t get people to swap links – move on. Try to swap links with one fresh site a day. A simple personal email is enough. Stay low key about it and don’t worry if site Z won’t link with you – they will – eventually they will.

O) Content.
One page of quality content per day. Timely, topical articles are always the best. Try to stay away from to much "bloggin" type personal stuff and look more for "article" topics that a general audience will like. Hone your writing skills and read up on the right style of "web speak" that tends to work with the fast and furious web crowd.

Lots of text breaks – short sentences – lots of dashes – something that reads quickly.

Most web users don’t actually read, they scan. This is why it is so important to keep low key pages today. People see a huge overblown page by random, and a portion of them will hit the back button before trying to decipher it. They’ve got better things to do that waste 15 seconds (a stretch) at understanding your whiz bang flash menu system. Because some big support site can run flashed out motorhead pages, that is no indication that you can. You don’t have the pull factor they do.

Use headers, and bold standout text liberally on your pages as logical separators. I call them scanner stoppers where the eye will logically come to rest on the page.

P) Gimmicks.
Stay far away from any "fades of the day" or anything that appears spammy, unethical, or tricky. Plant yourself firmly on the high ground in the middle of the road.

Q) Link backs
When YOU receive requests for links, check the site out before linking back with them. Check them through Google and their pr value. Look for directory listings. Don’t link back to junk just because they asked. Make sure it is a site similar to yours and on topic.

R) Rounding out the offerings:
Use options such as Email-a-friend, forums, and mailing lists to round out your sites offerings. Hit the top forums in your market and read, read, read until your eyes hurt you read so much.
Stay away from "affiliate fades" that insert content on to your site.

S) Beware of Flyer and Brochure Syndrome
If you have an ecom site or online version of bricks and mortar, be careful not to turn your site into a brochure. These don’t work at all. Think about what people want. They aren’t coming to your site to view "your content", they are coming to your site looking for "their content". Talk as little about your products and yourself as possible in articles (raise eyebrows…yes, I know).

T) Build one page of content per day.
Head back to the Overture suggestion tool to get ideas for fresh pages.

U) Study those logs.
After 30-60 days you will start to see a few referrals from places you’ve gotten listed. Look for the keywords people are using. See any bizarre combinations? Why are people using those to find your site? If there is something you have over looked, then build a page around that topic. Retro engineer your site to feed the search engine what it wants.
If your site is about "oranges", but your referrals are all about "orange citrus fruit", then you can get busy building articles around "citrus" and "fruit" instead of the generic "oranges".
The search engines will tell you exactly what they want to be fed – listen closely, there is gold in referral logs, it’s just a matter of panning for it.

V) Timely Topics
Nothing breeds success like success. Stay abreast of developments in your keyword sector. If big site "Z" is coming out with product "A" at the end of the year, then build a page and have it ready in October so that search engines get it by December. eg: go look at all the Xbox and XP sites in Google right now – those are sites that were on the ball last summer.

W) Friends and Family
Networking is critical to the success of a site. This is where all that time you spend in forums will pay off. pssst: Here’s the catch-22 about forums: lurking is almost useless. The value of a forum is in the interaction with your fellow colleagues and cohorts. You learn long term by the interaction – not by just reading.
Networking will pay off in link backs, tips, email exchanges, and it will put you "in the loop" of your keyword sector.

X) Notes, Notes, Notes
If you build one page per day, you will find that brain storm like inspiration will hit you in the head at some magic point. Whether it is in the shower (dry off first), driving down the road (please pull over), or just parked at your desk, write it down! 10 minutes of work later, you will have forgotten all about that great idea you just had. Write it down, and get detailed about what you are thinking. When the inspirational juices are no longer flowing, come back to those content ideas. It sounds simple, but it’s a life saver when the ideas stop coming.

Y) Submission check at six months
Walk back through your submissions and see if you got listed in all the search engines you submitted to after six months. If not, then resubmit and forget again. Try those freebie directories again too.

Z) Build one page of quality content per day.
Starting to see a theme here? Google loves content, lots of quality content. Broad based over a wide range of keywords. At the end of a years time, you should have around 400 pages of content. That will get you good placement under a wide range of keywords, generate recip links, and overall position your site to stand on it’s own two feet.

Do those 26 things, and I guarantee you that in ones years time you will call your site a success. It will be drawing between 500 and 2000 referrals a day from search engines. If you build a good site with an average of 4 to 5 pages per user, you should be in the 10-15k page views per day range in one years time. What you do with that traffic is up to you, but that is more than enough to "do something" with.

The biggest hidden SECRET is taking ACTION…

What you do today will change your tomorrow. I hope this post is useful and help you start to make a living from the internet.

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I believe this is probably the blueprint that most people are actually seeking and will work for most marketing endeavors, here goes:

Targeted Traffic + Great Offer = $$$

This is the very simple blueprint but guess what, it works!

So how do we get targeted traffic?

Im sure you have read all the information possible about getting traffic from 100’s of different sources and the truth is that you only need to be KIND OF good with around 2 sources.

Here’s what you need to do:


Write 3 articles per day, ending up with 50+ articles all with varying anchor text (long tail keywords) and I generated alot of traffic just from these, I believe this is the best method when your just starting a new website and entering a new niche, you can become an expert, you build natural direct traffic that is pre-sold, you build authority in the niche and in the search engines and best of all, your articles get picked up by other sites which means your links actually grow over time WITHOUT you needing to do anything.

I only submitted to ezinearticles and originally I sent them to a squeeze page and collected email address, this was cool as I was getting lots of traffic and building my list, but guess what, list building is pointless unless you have cash flow!

The more people that see your offer the more likelly they are to buy it, put the sales letter up the front where it will get the most eyeballs, you can add the squeeze page when you know people actually want to buy your stuff.

I also have some previous experience with SEO, now I love free search traffic, its about as targeted as you can get if you find the right keywords, you see people who are searching are ACTIVELY seeking your product, anyways to learn SEO I recommend that you download and watch the stompernet CD’s, the red,blue, gold and purple pack, get ‘em, take a day off and learn it, take notes and implement the ideas as quick as humanly possible.

Lets say you get great at SEO and you decide to go for a term like "dog training", this traffic is great because it will build your list and you will get authority status BUT FOR CASH FLOW IT SUCKS!

There are 3 types of keywords:

a) info seekers (HD Televisions)
b) comparison/pricing (42" HD Televisions)
c) buyers (Samsung 42" HD Television with Wall Bracket)

Im sure you can see above just what im talking about, now the trick for this is to aim your site at high traffic terms (weird huh?) most people would say this was the worst way but I actually think its the best way, here’s why:

If you dominate for a broad phrase the search engines tend to rank you higher for long tail terms almost AUTOMATICALLY, this is especially the case in non-competitive niches, its like they cant find anything relivant so they just assume your the closest match and rank you at the top, this is great because we can get some traffic to the site and find out our buying keywords ($$$).

So how do we find those? Get traffic and install google analytics.

I then stick up an order form or a basic opt in box or something where I can set up a goal and measure the interest and track what keywords converted, if your just testing you can set up a landing page that says:

"Hey are you interested in buying {product xyz}? If so just hit the button below"

Then set up google analytics and set up a goal to track what conversion rate you get and which keywords converted, I see to many people trying to launch huge sales letters and spending so much money on adwords to build a list BUT THEY DONT KNOW IF THESE PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY BUY SOMETHING!

I’ve often found this easiest way to answer any question is just ask directly, forget surveys, forget opt ins, just have ONE question, the response rate is higher and you will get a faster feel for the market place.

So here is the summary of what you need to do:


Write lots of articles for, 1 per day for 30 days would be fine.

Learn SEO by watching stompernet CD’s (red, blue, yellow, purple)

Install google analytics, make a landing page with just ONE question on it (HINT: Would you buy product (XYZ) today for [PRICE]?)

Monitor conversion rates and get converting keywords.


A great offer can be the difference between a dead business and a thriving one (and I learned that the hard way), I initially ran a half price offer when I started to get some traffic and it did pretty well, It was just an order form and I billed them when I completed the work.

Then it got to sucessfull so I thought id change the offer around, I created a survey and the last question was about what kind of price the customer would expect to pay, they said a really low number so to test it I created a buy now button that was for that price and they would pay upfront, the result was shockingly bad, 1 conversion in 500 website visitors, I know for a fact that this was NOT due to rubbish traffic as my offer was working when I just had the order form up (and no buy now button).

Sometimes what people say and what they do are simply NOT congruent, they give logical answers instead of actual ones, price point is an example, when asking the customer what price they expected to pay they quoted a low price because they all wanted a cheap deal, when infact I know this was a total BS answer and I know that BECAUSE I TESTED AND GOT THE ACTUAL DATA.

The next thing id recommend is that you implement feedback loops, get to know the buying triggers and questions that you market place has, I mean really dig deep, your competition has probably NEVER done this but you need to if you want to suceed.

Just implement a small survey or even just one question every week or month, run it for 100 responses and take a look at the feedback, im sure you will find it facinating to read what actual visitors are saying.

One example you might do is under the buy now button or order form you should ask "If your still hesistant about purchasing today could you please tell me why?" I mean its such a simple idea but that data is GOLD, if I can find out why someone isnt buying from me then I can correct that problem and get more sales!

I think we often just ASSUME we know what people will do when they get to our website, we know what to do so they MUST know, however you cant just assume with these things, you have to test and get some feedback from the market, ask them so many damn questions over time that you could write a book about them as a "herd".

You should know why they buy, you should know how they buy, you should know what other products they want to buy, you should know what thier budget it, you should know how they found your site, you should know what they eat for damn breakfast!

Get as much data as possible on them by asking quick one question surveys, then all you do is take the feedback you get, find the trends and common issues and work them into your sales letter, pretty easy!

As for the offer you should test differnet ways to get the sale but I find the best one is giving them a chunk of the product and telling them to pay when happy, this is good for the service based industry, info products you can give away and tell them you will bill them 30 days later, membership sites give them a free 30 day trial, physical products you can do 3 easy payments with 30 day free trial or whatever.


Test different ways of getting conversions (30 day trial, bill me later, free shipping, 3 easy payments)

Put your offer where the most traffic is (homepage is preferable)

Focus on sales, nothing else matters but cash flow unless you are making BIG money.

DO lots of ONE QUESTION surveys and just ASK people directly what you want them to answer, you never know unless you ask!

Gather together the feedback and find commen problems in the marketplace then just work them into a sales letter and address each issue.


Install Google Analytics, monitor results and note down BUYING keyphrases, build links for those phrases and build out web 2.0 properties and dominate the entire page for your buying terms.

Implement ONE question surveys, what is your biggest question that you want to ask your website visitors?


Thats it, thats pretty much all you need to know.

Forget everything else and just focus on building THESE areas, seriously dont waste your time with anything else, its not important, you can be a great copywriter, ad tweaker, seo’er, carpet cleaner, fitness trainer, list builder…WHATEVER, but if you dont have any cash flow and sales and you dont know your marketplace and converting keywords then you aint gunna last long!

Go make some money.

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Warning: you are about to discover the most devious list of Black Hat techniques that are proven to make the most money possible, in the shortest amount of time. I have personally scoured the internet and tested each one myself, and eliminated the 90%, or so, of CRAP that is either too complicated, too pathetic, or just too hard to make any real money.

What I was left with is the "Creme de la Creme" of all Black Hat methods that I reworked to make more user friendly for the average person trying to make money online. I also found a "tester" (guinea pig) to implement the techniques for feedback. So far he has reported over $700 in profits.

The book consists of 26 pages. There are 5 methods explained in this book. All the methods involved in the book are blackhat. So if you are not gonna feel comfortable with this, do not read. But I can say that these techniques are quite amazing. Some of them are twisted versions of commonly known methods, making them original and new but still blackhat.

There are 5 techniques. Personally, I already knew 3 of them. This is because I’ve been here for quite a while and bought many other books. So I’m guessing if you have bought many many blackhat books before, you might know some of the techniques mentioned. But otherwise, this is quite a good book. The methods will definitely bring in money although some work is needed first. All the techniques will involve using CPA sites.

So now for the pros and cons:

* Nearly All methods are free. No investment required.
* Methods explained stepwise and very noob proof …
* A long list of links/resources is given at the end!
* 5 Methods in 1 book!
* You may not try all methods .. but every single one is guaranteed to land in money!

* Some techniques are old .. You might already know them
* Might need to invest some hard work and time before starting to earn a stable high income.

Final words:
Well this book is worth reading I believe. As you get 5 tricks in a single book!
My advice would be if you are an internet-guru, you might already know a few of these techniques .. but if you are new to blackhat, try this one. It’s worth it!


Download it now ! Click the Pic below to download !

Download Blackhat Methods

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I’ve decided to unveil the method that can be used to make over $330 in a single day, from a single Facebook Group, with no investment whatsoever.


But that’s only part of this awesome marketing guide, and only a fraction of the package you will receive. Not only will this guide show you the exact methods we’ve used to generate hundreds of dollars a day from Facebook Groups, you’ll also learn many other unbelievably lucrative methods that you won’t see ANYWHERE else.

Here are some of the things you will learn how to do with this guide:

1. The secret method  used to generate over $330 from one Facebook Group in one day, with zero investment.

2. How to promote Groups effectively and efficiently.

3. How to send 25,000 to 100,000+ emails EVERY DAY for FREE from Facebook’s servers.

4. How to instantly get HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS of Facebook Friends.

5. How to utilize Facebook’s viral channels to drive clicks or traffic anywhere you want.

6. How to create Groups that people feel they NEED to join.

7. Learn how to setup a simple Facebook application.

8. Learn an overall method of promotion that can be applied anywhere on the web to make you huge amounts of money.

Not only will this awesome package teach you all of this, you will also learn the complete ins and outs of Facebook. Learn everything there is to know about Facebook’s viral channels and how to use and/or abuse them. This package is meant for EVERYONE, from beginner to advanced FB marketers. We guarantee there is something to learn for everyone here. We cover the basics of Facebook marketing, so a bit may be redundant for those who are experienced FB marketers, but I’m sure you will still learn a thing or two. After that comes the juicy stuff, the secret stuff. This will be new to everyone. Like I said, if you’re an advanced marketer you can jump right in, if you’re just getting started, this package WILL introduce you to Facebook and it’s unique features and guide you through the entire process, from beginning to end. Plus a LOT more.

This is a 29 Page, Full-Color, Illustrated PDF Guide

Here’s what is included in the package:

1. FREE Facebook Friends Video Lessons, Part I and II

2. Secret Method Overview Tutorial Video

3. Simple Facebook Application Script (this will earn you lots of money!)

4. 8 Page, Full-Color, Illustrated PDF Easy Installation Guide For Simple Facebook Application Script.


Download the Complete package Below:


Click the Pic to Download…

facebook ULTIMATE Facebook Marketing Method! Earn THOUSANDS EVERY DAY

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So you want to Make some Money online?

Here is a List of many options to get you started in the right direction.  You can easily turn a nice profit using these programs and the techniques outlined here at

So what are you waiting for?  Get Started TODAY !!

Here is the List – This post will continue to update as I find more worthy links: — Sell space on your site for text ads

Amazon Affiliate Program – Easily create a store or shopping section on your site instead of sending your visitors to Amazon. Amazon handles the shopping cart and fulfillment.

Amazon Seller – Sell your stuff on Amazon

Associated Content – If you write a story, how-to, rant, etc. you can submit it to them and they will pay you $3-$20 per article if they like it

azoogleads – Another ad program. They do have some decent companies lined up as advertisers. You provide space, they’ll provide an ad.

BidVertiser – PPC (pay per click) program with a low $10 payout amount.

Bravenet – These guys offer a ton of services for webmasters and blog owners. Although I feel like I was spammed for a while, it has ceased and they’ll pay you $1 for each person you send over

Blog – Start a blog and consistently write excellent content. With good ad placement, you may make some money.

Business Opportunities Blog – A lot of the ideas pertain to online businesses. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it’s a good reference.

CafePress – You provide a design, they’ll toss it on a T-Shirt, Hat, etc. No upfront costs. Get a free online shop and promote your products on your website.

Chitika – Their eMiniMalls service has shown great results for many Bloggers and site owners. You choose a keyword and they show relevant products on your site using a pretty unique interface.

Clickbank – Another Affiliate Program site with 10,000+ products to advertise

ClicknWork – Get paid $5-$150 per hour for basically doing freelance work on a per-assignment basis. You have to pass a pretty tough test to get in.

Clicksor – These are the guys that generate contextual ads on sites that show up when you hover over a double-underlined word.

Commission Junction – If you have a site, you can join Commission Junction. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. Their are easily over 1,000 companies to choose from here.

Ether – If you are an expert on something, Ether provides a way for people to pay you to talk about it in a one-on-one setting. If you want to charge $250/hr, that’s fine. You have to do all the advertising so you should have a blog or site already established.

ELance – Name gives it away. Programmers, Codes, Web Designers, Writers, Editors, can look for freelance opportunities.

Feedvertising – This is an arm of Text Link Ads and is currently only good for WordPress 2.0 Users.

Feedburner – Not only are they the best place to house your feeds, they will also add ads to your feed and website. You get paid per impression.

Google Adsense – Come on, you don’t need an explanation. These ads are all over the place. Google displays relevant ads based on your site’s content

Google Adwords – Create simple text ads and choose keywords that determine when they are displayed. This is where the Adsense Content comes from. You do not need a site for this. – Get paid to fill jobs. Commissions range from $50-$5,000. It all depends on how tough the job is to fill and how desperate the hiring company is. This is another one that’s tough to explain. – Add their job board to your site. They then post jobs based on the geographic location of visitors and the position types you pre-select.

Jellyfish – This is a shopping site that pays you a percentage of the purchases made by people you refer. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct.

Jigsaw – It’s a pretty flaky model but if you have a Rolodex full of good contacts, you can sell them here. I can’t make sense of it but it looks like you get $0.10 per profile.

Microsoft Adcenter – Bid on keywords and Microsoft places your created ads then they are searched for. This is similar to Google Adwords. You do not need a site for this. – Sell your stuff on

Pageflakes – This is a company that developed a user-defined Ajax homepage to show feeds, flickr photos, and a ton of other things. Think of it as a replacement for your Google Homepage. Anyway – they’ll pay you $1 per referral that you send over. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct. This one is pretty simple.

Pay Per Post – I don’t agree with this model entirely but they have advertisers that will pay you to write about their products on your blog.

Pheedo – If you have an RSS feed, run it through Pheedo. Like Feedburner, they can include ads into your feed and if you really become large, advertisers will pay a premium for you to show their ads.

Shareasale – They are similar to Commission Junction and Linkshare however they seem to have lower tiered companies with advertising offers.

Shoemoney – This is a blog that can teach you a ton on making money online. I’ve spent hours reading his old stuff.

Software Judge – They will pay you up to $50 to review software.

Text Link Ads – You can earn by sending advertisers to them or by selling spots on your site. You must have a real site or blog to do this – nothing on a shared domain (i.e. /blogspot).

Vibrant Media – Don’t bother unless your site has 500,000 page views of text based content a month. If you have that readership, these are the guys that display bubble box ads to underlined words on your site.

Yahoo Publisher Network- This is the Yahoo version of Google Adsense.

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Probably one of the easiest (legitimate) ways to make money when it comes to CPA is incentive marketing.

The problem is, virtually everyone trying to get into it just copies everyone else and expects to make a profit, not unlike every other strategy to make some cash out there.

You probably hear a lot how incentive marketing "won’t last" or it’s "the end of incentive marketing".

Funny how the people who say things like this are always the ones whose opinions are completely worthless.

Incentive offers make companies big money, the consumer data alone allows them to make a fortune selling one thing after another to these people, or just renting the list to other companies who want to try and sell these people things.

After all, these customers took an incentive to try a product, and sure, maybe it was just for the cash, or to get an ipod, but what these companies are really paying for is the mindset of a person who would do such a thing in the first place, in laymen’s terms, they are an easy sell on multiple fronts, the proverbial weak minded consumer.

Over the last few years, I’ve seen a lot of ebooks being put out on "how to make a fortune with incentive marketing". Every single one of them says the same crap:

Get an incentive site script

Load it with CPA offers

Promote it

Make a fortune

071607 ipod 300x225 Incentive to Make Money            If it was five years ago, that alone could probably make you a couple grand a day in profits, consumers thought it was a dream come true to get free money or free gifts to sign up for a few free trials, the blackhatters weren’t hip to it yet and trying to beat the system, and people generally filled out their real information and took the full trial.

But…………..   It’s not five years ago.

Today, you have to get crafty, but a couple grand a day in net profits is still more than realistic if you’re willing to do a little work.

Let’s quickly highlight the main points of what you need to accomplish:

  •  Number one, legitimacy is KEY. These sites are now known to be mostly scams where the consumer does offer after endless offer only to give up, obviously never getting the gift, and word has spread about this. If you can’t look legit, you can’t make any money. My strategy really doesn’t make legitimacy the issue it normally is, but it will only help your bottom line so it’s non negotiable.
  •  Your target audience is no longer freebie seekers, let that sink in. Freebie seekers are nothing but trouble, they are bad leads, there is now a huge business based around being a freebie seeker (see, and just everything about the typical freebie site model and user is an absolute nightmare.
  •  Your target audience has changed so now the target site has changed. Gone are the days of throwing up a script, dumping in offers and promoting free ipods. The big money is and has always been in thinking outside the box, so that’s how we are going to roll out our sites.

Ipods, Xbox, Playstations and Cash…..It’s over, just accept it and move on. If you’re going to be another cookie cutter site, expect a cookie cutter outcome.

The new key to success is to go much smaller and much more targeted.

Your sites will only offer ONE gift (typically under $60), one targeted completely unique but in demand gift, think:


  • A new national best seller

  • A new in demand skin cream

  • A magazine subscription

  • A cool NEW cooking tool

I could sit here all day on the list alone, I’m just trying to get some raw examples in your head to start the correct thought process.

You could go about this one of two ways, sub domains working off one main site such as, or you could make a unique site for each gift to make it more appealing to the user, be able to optimize it with its own blog or forum (I’ll get into this in the Dominate IM forum), and have the option to sell it off for a nice profit if you choose.

One of the other HUGE drawbacks on both the consumer side and the merchant side, and the fundamental flaw in the system of incentive marketing is that typically, a person either has to do dozens of offers to get the free gift, most of which they could care less about, or they have to refer tons of friends, who are probably only registering to shut their friend up and have no real interest either.

The consumer gets screwed because the process sucks for them, they either have to sign up for a million offers, deal with cancellations, and spam, or they have to humiliate themselves by trying to sell their friends on signing up so they can get a lousy ipod.

The merchant gets screwed because they have so many people signing up that could care less about their product or service. As I mentioned above, yes, you better believe they still make serious money, but it could be a lot more, and that would also allow them to pay you more for incentivised customers.

The incentive site owner gets screwed because they have to deal with miserable administrative work dealing with all these schmucks including the CPA networks, they often get scrubbed huge each month for bad leads risking actually going into the red after advertising expenses already paid out, they deal with scammers and cheats all day, and the shelf life of their site will often times be less than six months before CPA networks wont accept their leads anymore.

My structure, however, solves everyone’s problems and I’m not shy about saying it.

Consider the following:

By promoting one targeted gift (let’s just run with my people magazine subscription as the example) we target a normal person, who is interested in the subscription yes, but would also generally be willing to take a free trial of something they find interesting if they could get that subscription free.

They would only have to complete 1-3 simple free offers at the MAX to get this free one year subscription, pay your advertising costs, and leave you with a nice profit in your hands.

They would not have to refer ANY friends to receive their free gift.

The offers on the site would be demographic targeted and plentiful. What’s that mean? It means we would target the offers we promote to the demographic of the person who would want that gift, aka People Magazine, so females, 18-45, who are into entertainment and fashion. We would also make sure there were a few dozen offers to choose from so that odds are good the user will be able to take a trial with something they actually may enjoy.

The merchant gets great quality customers trying their products. These customers did not set out to get a freebie, they were looking to BUY something, and thanks to your add jumping in front of them, decided to try a new product or two (that they actually could have some interest in) to get it free.

The site owner deals with far less admin, fraud, and general bullshit from the networks and merchants, their sites may make smaller profits singularly than a typical large incentive sites, but the shelf life could be years, and they can create literally thousands of sites offering virtually anything as a free gift.

Even though the user didn’t HAVE to refer friends, you better believe they will be talking about how they got a free subscription to People for taking a free trial of a diet pill or skin creme, and no advertising my friends, is more powerful than good old word of mouth.

You’re also instantaneously solving one of the biggest trust issues with typical consumer incentive marketing, the BIG gifts.

What’s more realistic to you?:

I’ll give you a free $500 Playstation 3 just for doing a few free offers and telling your friends!!!!!


We’d like to offer you a free one year subscription to People Magazine just for taking a free trial of ????????

Pretty obvious right? The bigger the prize, the less likely people will believe they can really have it. That’s why I like to stay under a $60 value, many times under $10. You’d probably be amazed how many women would take a free trial for a free Cover Girl Mascara that they like.

Men are no exception, they can be bribed, but they are far more pessimistic than women. I typically suggest targeting your sites primarily to women at first because they are a much easier sell and you need to get comfortable with the business model before venturing into more difficult customers.

I’m saving a lot of detail for the forum so I can answer questions live, but the last seed I would like to plant on this is yet another thing no one is ever willing to talk about.

With the right site, you can write your own ticket, meaning that CPA networks are not the only option; advertisers will be willing to give you direct offers if your traffic is good and that is serious money.

You can literally go straight to tens of thousands of companies who’s products/services fit the lifestyle of your typical user and say "Hey, I can get you hundreds of new quality customers per month if you are willing to offer a trial to them, and I have the data and references to prove it".

wink smile Incentive to Make Money

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The top two goals of any marketer are more money and more time. At least they should be their two top goals. That being said, I wanted to integrate both of these things into my Article Marketing business. And, that’s exactly what I accomplished.
I developed this method a little over a month ago. However, I wanted to actually test it for a month before I released it. Here are my final results:

$4,300 revenue (Roughly)
4 hours worked (Roughly, excluding time you won’t have to spend)

I’d say that’s pretty damn good if you ask me. Would you work 4 hours (of easy work) for $4k? And, it’s passive residual. Meaning, it keeps flowing in (passive) and it grows (residual). I guarantee that from the work done in December, I’ll keep seeing income from the articles submitted for probably over a year.

This method is going to be a bit detailed, as I don’t want any people attempting it coming back and complaining it doesn’t work. Even if you don’t complain, I still would like it to work for whoever goes and does it. It’s definitely worth it. If you’re having problems funding PPC/PPV campaigns, this can be your “funding money”…
In a nutshell, you’ll be getting free articles by splitting your commissions with freelance writers. If you’re rich already, paying for articles may be worth it to you. However, most of us aren’t that rich. And even if I was, I don’t know if I’d want to buy 1,000 articles at $5 – $15 a piece.

I’ve also tried “Scamming” people out of articles. That doesn’t work that well, and is definitely NOT a long term solution. You risk the hot headed freelance writers getting “too” pissed off at you and reporting you. Trust me, not a smart thing to do for a long period of time.

So, splitting commissions is the best way to go. Everything is free, so this shouldn’t be a problem. You’re doing very, very little work.
So, let’s get started:

1. You’ll obviously be getting freelance writers for classifieds sites. Craigslist is all that is needed, as it’s a little difficult to work with a large amount of people. I personally only worked with 2 people. However, I’ll be developing my own personal system that will allow me to work with over 100 – 500 people, easily. So, what you’re going to want to do is make a Craigslist ad (preferably in your own area if you live in the U.S.). Always, always keep your ad professional. Proper structure, grammar, use of words, etc. Nothing’s worse than a poorly written ad. Be honest and straightforward in your ad. I’m not going to post the exact ad I used, but it’s fairly simple. You’re looking for a few article writers to write articles for you based on a revenue sharing commission structure. You can lie and tell them that previous writers earn roughly $2 – $5k a month. No cost to get started, and will be able to see their articles published on the web. Keep it short and simple.

2. After the posting, if you’ve done it right, you’ll get a few hundred emails. At least I did. Instead of having an auto-responder, I just copy/pasted a pre-written response. All I did was replace their name at the top and bottom. (Eg. Hey ____ and Talk again soon _____) Obviously, the email response will detail the project more and then ask if they have any questions.

3. After they’ve responded to the first email response, I have a pre-written 2nd response to go with it. Along with that response, I’ll read over their first email and answer any questions they may have. The 2nd response starts with questions they have, and then a “Here’s a little bit more detail about everything”. And again, will ask them if they have any questions to get started.

4. If they’ve responded to the 2nd email, you’ve pretty much got them. At least I did.

Now basically what I’m describing to you now is what you’ll be describing to them. Which start with how you should have them write your articles.

• Offers
However, before you can have them write articles, you need an offer and keywords to go with it. The offer doesn’t really matter that much, so I’m not going to go into what offers/niche’s to target. However, I would advise you don’t target brand new offers. If it’s a brand related offer and the merchant shuts down or pulls their aff. program off the network – you’ve got a problem. Especially if all the articles list the brand name. If you find a “related” product to switch out your links on your site instead, then all the articles will ideally need to be changed to the new brand name. With 500+ articles floating around – that’s a bit of a task. So, stick to things that will be around for at least a year. And a good way to tell is by looking at how long they’ve already been around.

• Keywords

This is one of the most important things. If you’ve done article marketing or SEO – it’s all about keywords. You’re not going to be throwing up random articles and hoping for them to rank for random keywords. You should, and will be targeting each article for specific keywords and specific search engines. One article that ranks on Yahoo! may not rank on Google. All search engines have trends. Follow the trend and you’re golden. But, I’ll get into that a little more down the road. But for now, you need to get keywords for your niche. Ideally, you’d want to rank for heavy searched for keywords. However, those are a bit harder to rank for. So, you need more long-tail keywords as well. What I do is go into Google AdWords keyword tool, punch in the most generic phrase related to my offer and get ALL the results in the first section (which means all the results contain the word(s) I put in the search box. The second section is “related” terms) So for example, if my offer was free grant money, I’d type in free grants, free grant, grant money –etc – and get all the keywords.

Once I have all the keywords, I use a proprietary piece of software to determine the competition for each keyword. I personally like to start from the bottom up. I like seeing results first. And with low competition (which most of the time result in low search counts), you can see results faster. I’ve seen some guides and posts regarding not doing it this way, but I find it best. If you have your writers write 20 articles on high competition or medium competition searches and they don’t show up 1st, that can be “disappointing” to them. Even if you get them ranked #1 for a less searches for term, it’s still awesome to them to be #1 on the search engines. Remember, they know nothing about SEO, so THEIR content as #1 for a search is “amazing” to them. It fascinates them.
For those that don’t have software to use for analyzing competition, you can download a “FREE trial” of SENuke at You can use the competition analyzer for free – forever. Without ever having to actually buy the program. It may shut down on you, but all you have to do is restart the program – but that’s only if you’re going to use the software for more than about 10 minutes.

• How to Write Your Articles

It’s not “all about” ranking #1 on search engines. Unfortunately, you can’t really split-test 2 different articles. If you change your content, there’s a good chance the search engine(s) will knock you down. I’ve done it maybe a dozen times, and every single time I was knocked down the page, or knocked it off completely. That being said, you should have a general knowledge of what a good article looks like. Unfortunately, I can’t provide you with a blueprint article to go off of. You do have to do some things yourself, and it’s not hard to find a well written article that sells something. In a nutshell, the article should be part review, part description and part sales. The articles that perform the least are heavy sales articles. They get flagged as spam – by real people. No one wants to feel like they’re trying to be sold on something. Good articles are informational and provide value. The type of article that you’d send to a friend. A lot of my articles are pure information on a basic subject. For example, I may write an article about how to fix your slice in a golf swing. I won’t promote some magic tool, but at the end of the article I’ll have a link to “Buy pre-owned Callaway golf clubs at 50% off!”. You’d be surprised how many people click through to your offer. Same goes for any other niche. As another example, I’ve written articles about “weight loss tips” for random things, and at the end of the article I’ll link to a weight loss offer. I’ve gotten thousands of dollars just using that technique.

That, in my opinion, is what the general pitch of the article should feel like.
Now, you have to structure your articles properly for each keyword. For very low search count and competition, it’s easier to rank because you don’t necessarily have to target the exact keyword density and word count of the other top 5 – 10 results because they didn’t target in the first place, and there’s no “trend”. However, you’ll find that with the more competitive keywords search engines have a trend for the top 5 – 10 results. For example, a keyword like “food” – the top results will have generally the same keyword density and word count. Sometimes there will be flukes (eg. The top 5 have an average of 663 words, and the 6th result has 7,000 words on the page) Same goes for keyword density. Some pages will have a 1 – 3% density and then one of the top results will have a 0% or 5% density. That being said, I usually ignore the “flukes” to get a better idea of the average keyword and word density of the pages that are currently ranking. And, each search engine will have different trends for different results. Which is why for the most part I have my writers write 3 articles for the top 3 search engines.

Now that you have a list with the competition levels for each keyword you grabbed, I then do batch research of averages for each keyword to send to my writers. To do this, I use SEO Studio from which can be found at:

It took me about 3 weeks to find software to do exactly this. And even after I found them, I had to ask the programmer to edit the way it does the research. What this program does is “perfect” for what we are trying to accomplish.

It does the searches for each keyword inserted (just like a human would), and then gives you the averages of that keyword, as well as other data if you wish for just about any search engine(s) you want. Google, MSN, Yahoo, Ask, AltaVista and a bunch of others.
I then export the results, and send them to my writers. After of course explaining to them how to read the report and write the articles.
For the low competition keywords, as mentioned the averages don’t matter that much. I generally say 400 – 700 words, using the keyword ONCE in the first paragraph and ONCE in the title. That’s what I’ve found to work best for the long-tail – low competition keywords.

• Link building

After an article is submitted, I bookmark it on all the top bookmarking sites, plus a few more if it’s higher competition. Digg, stumbleupon, mister-wong, etc. You can get a list of the ones I use inside the SENuke program under Social Bookmarking.
For a few of those submissions, I use the keyword targeted in the title of the bookmark. And for the rest, I use related keywords.

I always give my writers 50/50 profit. They don’t know you’re actually really doing all the work with buying the domains, designing the site, hosting it, having the aff. network hookup – bumped payout, etc. So naturally, even if you tell them, they think they’re doing all the work. Even though they couldn’t do it without you. But, 50/50 is very fair, as you’re spending very little time publishing the articles and doing the linking to them. As mentioned, I made about $4,300 – half of that went to my writers based on their own generated commissions. I used Prosper202 to track each individual writer. I added them as “PPC Account” in step 1 in the setup. I keep in touch with the writers (but in the future when I work with 100 – 500 I obviously won’t be able to do that). And when you’re first getting started with them, you need to treat it as JV. And if you already haven’t guessed – you should have SEO sites for this. If you have 500 articles linking to one site – that’s a nice amount of links to just throw away on direct linking. Have an SEO site to go with this and you’re even more golden.

You should be submitting your articles to top article sites like GoArticles, eZineArticles, HubPages, Blogspot, Wordpess, other sites listed in SENuke, as well as a few other ones you can find with high PR’s.

Since this is such a long tutorial, I’m sure I left some small details out. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask away. And if you have good results, post back letting everyone know how you did. I’m sure if I can generate $4k in one month with only two writers, anyone who goes nuts with this method and works with 10+ can make a lot more. Good luck!

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