Making Money with Craigslist and CPA
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I have been using Craigslist for a couple of months and making around $xxx per month with very minimum efforts.
Many of us think that we will get banned from CPA if we use CL, well, there is a way to do it without getting banned.
Just do it like this:
1. Login to your CPA Network site
2. Browse the CPA offers which allow email marketing
3. Now, with every offer, you will get the premade template.
(I mean they will give you body content and subject line.)
4. Go to craigslist and search for the people who are interested in it.
5. Make a list of their email ids.
6. Email them.
Important points to note:
1. When you send emails to them, dont put images and dont use html.
2. Try to use FREE offers, like email submits.
3. You will make around $10 for every hr you will work.
4. Conversion ratio will be low, so need of getting banned
5. Since you use offers which allow email marketing, so no need to hide the referrer.
6. Use creativity
How to send bulk emails?
Well, this part I will keep as a secret for some more days, and if I get good response from this Post then I will also share this part with you. I have got a way to email them which costs hardly $x per month and I am able to send more than 5000 emails daily.