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I have been using Craigslist for a couple of months and making around $xxx per month with very minimum efforts.

Many of us think that we will get banned from CPA if we use CL, well, there is a way to do it without getting banned.

Just do it like this:

1. Login to your CPA Network site
2. Browse the CPA offers which allow email marketing
3. Now, with every offer, you will get the premade template.
(I mean they will give you body content and subject line.)
4. Go to craigslist and search for the people who are interested in it.
5. Make a list of their email ids.
6. Email them.

Important points to note:

1. When you send emails to them, dont put images and dont use html.
2. Try to use FREE offers, like email submits.
3. You will make around $10 for every hr you will work.
4. Conversion ratio will be low, so need of getting banned
5. Since you use offers which allow email marketing, so no need to hide the referrer.
6. Use creativity

How to send bulk emails?
Well, this part I will keep as a secret for some more days, and if I get good response from this Post then I will also share this part with you. I have got a way to email them which costs hardly $x per month and I am able to send more than 5000 emails daily.

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Usefull PHP Scripts

Posted by admin under General

85 Php Scripts

Yes – There are a few GEMS in here

Browse the list and Download them all at the bottom of this post.

1) Expired Domain Finder Script:
2) PHP Auto Hits Script:
3) PHP Link Listing Script:
4) PHP MySQL Yahoo Style Link Directory/Search Engine:
5) PHP MySQL Website Stats Business:
6) Automated Form Submission Prevention Script
7) A Sophisticated PHP Ecommerce Site
8) The Well Known osCommerce PHP Shopping Cart!
9) Your Own FTP Program Written In PHP:
10) A FAQ Generator PHP Script:
11) Two Very Nice PHP Toplists Scripts!
12) The Second Is A VERY Nicely Designed PHP Topsite Script:
13) Two Auction Scripts 1 PHP, And 1 Perl/CGI!
14) The Second Is Another Popular CGI Auction Script!
15) Two Affiliate Scripts Both Written In PHP!
16) The Second Affiliate Script Is A More Sophisticated Script:
17) POP-UP Creator:
18) PHP Authentication Script NICE!:
19) The Perpetual Traffic Generator:
20) A PHP Links Exchange Website Script:
21) Two ClickBank Scripts
22) The Second ClickBank Script Is The Instant Site Maker:
23) A “Suggest My Site” Script Let your visitors suggest your site easily
24) A PHP Script For Building A Web Ring:
25) A PayPal Store Shopping Cart:
26) PHP Form To Email Script SECURE!:
27) A Online MultiPlayer Chess Script
28) A Super Easy Administration Program
29) A Sharable Web-Based Address Book Script
30) A News Publishing Script
31) A “Users Online” Script
32) Awesome File Transfer Script
33) Affiliate Banner Rotation Script
34 Simply AWESOME Dating Website Script
35) Simple yet Powerful Download Counter Script!
36) Another “Users Online” Script!
37) Text based counter written in PHP
38) A FAQ manager written in PHP and MySQL
39) A Sports League, Fixture and Prediction Management Script
40) A PHP Whois Lookup Script!
41) HOT PHP Visitor Logging Script!
42) Awesome LiveHelp Script!
43) PHP & MySQL Content Management System
44) An Electronic Reminder Script
45) Hot Mailing List Script!
46) Web-based Image Management System!
47) Web-based POP Email Client!
48) Hot Fully Featured Web Portal System
49) Nice FFA Link’s Page Script
50) Highly Advanced Guestbook Script
51) Powerful Portal with Content Management
52) PHP Online Classifieds Script
53) Fully Featured Web Event Calendar
54) A PHP Bookmarks/Favorites Script
55) Client Invoicing Script (HOT)
56) ICQ Pager Script
57) Frequently Asked Questions Management Script
58) ClickBank “Thank You” Page Protector Script
59) MySQL Database Backup Perl Script
60) CGI-Based Autoresponder Script
61) Fully Featured PHP Message Boards Script
62) PHP “Submit-A-Link” Style Script
63) USENET News Client
64) PHP Image to ASCII Generator
65) MySQL-Based Office Intranet Suite
66) Another PHP Web FTP Program
67) PHP Based Image Watermarking Script
68) Nice Looking PHP-based eCard Script/Website
69) A Simple Document Management System
70) PHP-based Instant Photo Gallery Script
71) Anchor Tag Creator Script
72) CGI Customer Tracking System Script
73) Advanced Photo/Image Gallery Script
74) Awesome PHP-Based Chatroom Script
75) PHP Counter Hosting Script/Website
76) Perl Visitor Welcome Script
77) Website Indexing and Searching Script
78) PHP-Based Help Desk Script
79) Complete PHP Bug Tracking Script
80) Document Management System
81) Banner Management and Tracking System
82) Web Form Generator Script
83) Directory Indexer Written in PHP
84) Web-based Reservation System
85) PHP Online Project Management Script



php 150x150 Usefull PHP Scripts

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One of the biggest factors of ranking high in the search engines is other websites linking to yours. And one of the most often asked questions  is……. Wait for it……….. How or where do i get them.

Cbox Links – CBox; a Tagboard software that bloggers and website owners can add to their website. It works much like the Wordpress comments part of the wordpress script only its a simple shoutbox type script that you can throw a few links onto.
Google query to find an updated list of sites running this vulnerable software: allintext:[get a cbox]

Two Quick free links – Two simple ones that you have probably seen around a lot when your searching for sites is the and the wiki directory , these can just be thrown up in about 1 minute flat, and make sure in the wiki directory you add some related categories for better potential. They should get you indexed pretty fast.

Referer Spamming – Quite a simple method and a software called PRstorm thats found around this board should easily get you started, you add in the urls you want to referer spam, and the ones you want to be linked. This shows up in referer logs and you can easily get a fresh list by searching sites with referer logs with good PR or those sites with the My top referers list. Yes you can find PRstorm around this forum somewhere.

Unlimited free .edu and .gov links – Another great potential is edu and gov links as Google and others give authority over these types of domain extentions.
The ’site:’ feature in Google allows only results with that domain name or domain extension to show up. You can “hack” this feature to allow Google to find the most relevant university and government websites related to your sites.

Heres a few examples.
Google query: blog [or blog]
Results in: Google finds any .gov website that is running a blog or has a /blog/ directory. You can then visit these blogs and post comments (if you can find wordpress blogs like this one), and get hundreds of free .gov backlinks.
[Alternative queries: ‘blog’ ‘blogs’ ‘wordpress’ ‘comment’ ‘guestbook’ ‘2007′ ‘2006′]

Google query: *your niche* + blog
For example: internet marketing blog
The top result is a .edu blog that links to a non edu blog, but that blog is related and is PR3 and has edu backlinks. That is also a great relevant place to comment, even if it is not directly a .edu. On the other hand, the third result was a PR3 highly related .edu internet marketing blog with zero comments. That is easy .edu backlinks!

You can easily replicate these queries to fit your needs, and it is highly scalable. You can find .edu, .gov, and if you are lucky, .mil blogs. If you are not as picky, you can just search specifically for the blogs without the .edu or .gov extension, and you can find some high pageranked blogs on the first pages of results. Play around with it, enjoy it, it’s free! Then ofourse you know how to drop a link on the comments.

Edu Guestbooks – Guestbooks can too be quite good for dropping backlinks

RSS Feed Directories – This ones for the bloggers and forum owners too, anything really with an RSS feed, even if you fake an RSS feed and randomize it, it can still work.
Here is a good list of places to submit your feeds or you can use those automated software like RSS Announcer or Submitter, Or Bloggergenerators free blog and ping tools, theres a ton out there.

* Yahoo RSS Guide
* News

Tagbox Linkdropping – Another like the Cbox is Tagbox it works the exact same way.
Powered by Tagbox

Contests – Contests are a good way of word of mouth or bloggers blogging about it, another good example is a giveaway for say the person who sends the most traffic to you, you can use a link trading script to check whos best or a referer script to see which person sends the most, this will bring links to you if you work it smartly.

Digging – Digging the same as any network like such brings an incredible amount of backlinks and gets the buzz around fast.

Digg Comments – Digg comments can get you a few links and the latest comment is always usually at the top. So its an idea maybe to post on the popular diggs.

Commenthunt – Most of you already know this but commenthunt searches blogs without nofollow tags its a search engine type thing you can search for relevent blogs the url is – heres another shoutbox type way of backlinks Check This Query and get dumping links.

A Free EDU blog of your own – Get a free EDU blog of your own or many just by signing up heres the link. Free Edu Blog

Digitalpoint CO-Op Network – Another one that can work in some cases.
Digitalpoint developed a mass link exchange program called the DP Co-op Advertising Network (aff). After signing up, you then add 3-5 links on every one of your pages, and this earns you more linking power (coop weight). The more weight you have, the more links to your site you receive from other members in the coop. You can choose up to 15 anchor texts and there are over 30,000,000 available links in the network today. Sites have been using it to rank #1 for “Debt” “credit cards” “bankruptcy” and “loans.” Such a simple method is allowing them to outrank massive authority sites like Wikipedia, but the main concern is how long will this gravy train last and when will Google do something about it?

Google staff already know about the network, but have not yet done anything to prevent people from quickly ranking for popular terms. I just want to clarify that I would NOT recommend this technique to anyone that is going to be doing a long term link building campaign for their blogs, but I would recommend it for “made for adsense” sites, and even blackhat/greyhat temporary high profit earning sites.

Flickr Spamming – Flickr allows comments on photos taken by other people, now you can go wild and mass comment but i wouldnt recommend it, instead pick suitable pics about your niche and simply write a comment saying something smart like can i use this picture on my blog here, then drop your link, or go wild and do it anywhere.

Article Submission – If you have a product thats going to be released or a new site, its best to get the word around fast, using something like Article Equaliser or something that mass submits to a ton of article directories, this builds fast backlinks but sometimes takes time to get approved, and its best not using spammy type articles but interesting ones work better. And you’ll find that a lot of other sites scrape article sites for there own content. Giving even more backlinks.

Using Software – You can also use software like Internet Business Promoter, I prefer version 8, because it scans the engines for you, and gets links using keywords, to semi-automatically fill link submission forms to niche related directories. It works well and although is a slow process works perfectly

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In this guide I will show you how you can earn some good cash if you are willing
to spend some time doing E-Whoring which really isn’t that bad.

Step 1 – Sign up for the Affiliate Program @

This is one of the best affiliate programs to register for because they
offer weekly payouts and they don’t require you to have a website therefore
you will immediately be accepted. For this method the best program will be
the pay per free signup because they pay you  for every free
member that you refer to them. In my opinion it has the best conversion

Step 2 – Imagine your an Escort Girl

Now this is the reason for this being a black hat method. It’s not illegal or
anything, it’s just black hat. You will need to imagine that you’re an escort
girl. Go and find some sexy pictures of a girl that you think would attract
many people and save these pictures so that you can post them in the
advertisements which I will explain in a bit. (Please do note that escort girl
advertising is 100% legal so you don’t have to worry about anything plus
anyway you’re not an escort, your just pretending to be one to trick people
into signing-up under your referral link.)

Step 3 – MSN, AIM or Yahoo Messenger

You will need to create an account for any one of these messengers above.
You don’t have to use all of them but it would be an advantage because
then more people would be able to add you to their contacts list. Make sure
that the names that you create are sexy and seductive, so for example you
could use something like “hotsexyjenny” @aim @yim @msn or something
similar. Just make sure it sounds sexy.

Step 4 – Posting Your Advertisement

Now it’s time to post your advertisement on Craigslist. Describe the girl from
the picture as good as you can put your email address and messenger details
in the ad so that people can contact you. Use the pictures you have saved
previously to post the ad and make sure you have some spare ones so that
when someone contacts you and asks you for more pictures, you can
actually give them some. Once the ad has been posted you will be flooded
with free customers via email and messenger; it’s very easy. Do remember
that you don’t have to use Craigslist only, you can use all sorts of Classified
Ad Sites such as Gumtree, Kijiji or even other escort/dating sites such as,, etc…

You can see some examples of escort ads here:


And if you are going to use Craigslist then you should always post in the
Erotic Services section which can be located here (remember that this is just
an example, you can post your ads in different cities):


Step 5 – Talk to your client via Instant Messenger – Getting Your First Sale!

After you’re done with posting your ads on Craigslist or whichever other
classified ads site you have chosen customers will start contacting you.
Before you respond to your customer you need to have the correct attitude
towards this. YOU are the escort, so you will need to act like it. When you’re
talking to a guy online, YOU are in control. If he wants your phone number
he has to sign up. Tell him it’s FREE. YOU are the boss. The guy wants the
girl on the pictures and he is willing to pay hundreds of dollars to see her. So
the $0.00 free credit card fee from Webcams is nothing to him. Tell him that
“due to the law you are forced to go through verification websites” and you
“DO NOT play with little kids that can’t verify that they are 18″ because your
services and lifestyles aren’t cheap. Use your common sense, be creative
and say things like you live near them and you are interested in the things
they are; it’s a great way to get sales. The more creative you are the more
better you will be at this. The main thing is to say what it takes to get the
sale. Most importantly they must actually think you’re the girl they are
talking to. If they believe you, they will buy. Even small things matter. So if
you happened to Google the weather in that guy’s city, it could make
everything easier and give you a faster sale.


When talking to customers, you are pretending to be an escort, who is a
woman on the pictures you have shown in the ad. You want to be as
believable as possible. Use pink, feminine font when talking to clients. Comic
Sans MS in bolded pink is very effective.


Have attitude! These girls ARE usually “bitchy”. Use winks and treat some of
them nice and some of them like this below:

Girl: they don’t let anybody who doesn’t get verified so stop wasting my time if you are not willing to play by my rules…freeloaders can’t be choosy
Steven Burberry: ok
Steven Burberry: ill do it
Girl: hurry up before I change my mind
Steven Burberry: ok

Get The Sale Quick!

To get the sale in the most efficient amount of time as possible, you want to
convince the customer that yes, you are the escort, and get them signed up
as quickly as possible. Here is the order of questions you should ask in order
to get the sale quickly:

Who they are? – Ask them A/S/L
What they want, Fs? – Massage, Greek etc
Where they want to Meet? In call, Outcall?
When do they want to Meet? – Tonight, Tomorrow?
How long they want? – Half an hour, Hour?
Price? – 300 roses an hour, 200 roses ½ hour. Negotiate only if they won’t pay that much to get the sale.
Send Your Webcams Link Code – Hey, they need you to verify on their site. Don’t worry it’s totally free and will only take a sec. You will get my phone number right after you verify. Go here: Paste your webcams affiliate link here. Let me know when you’re done k?
Close the sale – Ask them if they are done filling it out, Keep talking and get them to join. Close the sale. Block them and lol them.

Sample Conversation #1

Customer : Hey there saw your ad on craigslist
Customer : your pretty hot
Affiliate (you): Hi baby…want to get together tonight?
Customer : ya that was the plan, im really horny
Customer : why dont u come over and fuck me silly
Customer : for say…$200?
Affiliate (you): now, that would be prostitution and what you just did is called soliciting prostitution…let’s not break any laws, ok?
Affiliate (you):I’m not a prostitute, I’m an escort
Affiliate (you):Men enjoy my company and making them happy
Customer: your an escort… isnt that what you do?
Affiliate (you): sweetheart, think about this…we all know what we know, but they don’t want to break any laws, do we?
Customer : of course not
Affiliate (you): goood ~puuuurrrrr~
Affiliate (you): so tell me babe, how about coming to see me tonight?
Affiliate (you): so tell you what…I’ll tell you what I can do and you tell me if it sounds like fun
Affiliate (you): So, how about this. my time and companionship for an hour is rewarded with a donation of $200 in cash. Anything else that happens is just a choice between two consenting adults
Affiliate (you): I really LOOOVVEEE spending time with hot guys
Affiliate (you): are you hot?
Customer: of course I am
Affiliate (you): ya baby…then are we on?

Sample Conversation #2

Customer: what’s the rate
You: we can talk about that over the phone
You: its free to get ur id cleared. Always better to be safer than sorry
Customer: how does that take place?
You: Your Affiliate Link Here
just the trial not the membership
Customer: you are one of those webcam “models”?
You: the trial gets u my number and proves ur not a cop
You: no im not a cam girl
You: my agency uses this site to clear id coz cops cant sign up for it
You: and it proves im real plus we can webcam
chat for free before we meet
Customer: Not that it matters, but why wouldnt a cop sign up for it?
You: its concidered entrapment

You: and that is illegal

You: r u interested
Customer: Im looking this thing over… 2 day trial??? what is that all about?
Customer: they don’t want no stinking trial

You: the trial is used just to prove ur not le
You: it protects both of us
Customer: do you ever use euro’s?
You: i have
You: i don’t really like to
Customer: why not?
Customer: it is pretty good
You: it’s too expensive
You: so do u wanna Meet up?
You: how much are you looking to $$
Customer: yah
You: and what exactly are you looking for
Customer: what do you provide?
You: fs
You: gfe
You: I’am good at everything
Customer: nice!
Customer: I’m way out here by IAD in a hotel.. is that too far?
You: no baby nothing is too far
Customer: yah!
Customer: you dont have any more pictures thattheycan see?
You: yeah I do, here you have some baby
Customer: You are very pretty.
You: ty baby
Customer: The only deal with this hoteltheyam in,theywould have to let you in the door. You need a key to get in after 11
You: that’s fine baby, just hurry and get cleared I can be on my way
Customer: Like dominos pizza? 30 min or less?
Customer: Hey, do you deliver?
You: yes I deliver fresh and hot
Customer: nice! hahahhahaha funny too
Customer: your saying I have sign up for your website?
You: no no, you just need to do the free verification, that clears ur id and proves ur not a piggy
Customer: Should I be concerned about any STD’s or anything?
You: not at all everything is fully protected and I carry documentation to prove I’m disease free
Customer: thanks for that
Customer: How old are you?
You: I’m 19
Customer: nice!
You: u ok?
Customer: I really don’t I want to put my credit card # into this system…. It looks like Trouble
Customer: cash is king ya know
You: roses are accepted in person as a donation
You: the cc 2 roses proves ur legit
You: that is y cops cant do it
Customer: I have never had to do anything like this before……
You: it’s for safety reasons from all the police stings going on
Customer: police stings? Now that is not good
Customer: I don’t feel like getting arrested tonight
You: lol that is y they use the site
You: it proves ur not a cop and u know they aren’t either
You: entrapment honey
Customer: how long will it take you to get here?
You: what town did u say again?
Customer: herndon
You: not that long im not too far
Customer: okay, im ready
You: ok
You: u got cleared?
You: lol when u get ur id through u get my contact info
You: did you get approved yet babe?
Customer: ya,theyam in
You: all right great, I’m going to go fill up the car at the gas station, why don’t you call me in about 5-10min? my number is on the site there MWAH cya later babe

Knowing How to Speak Escort

Often times clients who contact you will be knowledgeable in the field of
escorts. They may use terms you do not understand or are not familiar with.
These terms refer to services an escort provides and are used to disguise
the real meaning from law enforcement and other agencies. As an escort,
you should be familiar with all these terms. Below is a link to a website with
terms. You need to know these terms. Escort – A woman who is paid for her
time and companionship. DO NOT promise sex over Yahoo messenger. You
MUST use escort terms. Try being “Honest”, surprisingly it works. Say
something like this, “I’ll go to one of the next 20 guys that want to see me
bad enough that they don’t mind verifying for free. I’m not looking for a
cheapskate, sorry. I am speaking to 5 other potential clients right now I work
on a first cum first serve basis” This website has terminology for many
escort terms. If you are not finding one you need, simply Google the word

and you will get a definition:


The Most used terms are BBBJ, Greek, GFE, FS, In call, Outcall, Cups. You
need to know these by heart. Go to the address above to find out what they

Key Selling Points

Use these selling points to influence a customer if they are unsure about
signing up with your website.

1. They can join for a FREE, YES, FREE!
2. Your customers can find girls all over the USA and more!
3. These girls are all verified with current contact information.
4. Discreet billing, shows on bill as czbbilling. His wife will never know
5. All escorts are pre-screened, safe and secure. (No undercover cops acting like an escort)
6. ***On ABC News 07/25/07-Cops are setting up stings to catch guys. They use craigslist and use a girl with a phone number. For NO $$$ they will have the comfort and security of knowing they are going with a pre-screened and REAL escort. ***HUGE SELLING POINT***
7. If they do not want to sign up because of credit card fraud worries, inform them that it is a secure site and the same system is used at Amazon and BestBuy.

Step 6 – Block Your Customer!

Now that the customer has signed-up under you referral link, block him and
never talk to them again. Enjoy your sales and have fun.


This method can earn you a very nice income very easily; all you have to do
is take action and apply this method. Why is this method better than any
other E-Whoring method out there? Because you are posting ads for
targeted customers which are almost guaranteed to signup. In a normal
E-Whoring method you just target random people on adult chat sites etc…
but using this method you actually target people who are looking for girls
therefore the conversion ratio is much, much higher! Or at least it should be.

Anyway, this method is based on the legalescortscash program but instead
of doing it there you apply it to an affiliate which will pay you more.
I have not tested this method because I can’t post ads on Craigslist which
really works best for this and I don’t really have the time to E-Whore but I
do believe this method should work very well.


Want to know More………

Download the entire manual – CLICK HERE

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Yes – You can make Money with Downloads $300-$600 Cash per Week or Day

Unlike other upload websites that give you pathetically low prices, such as $10 for 1000 US downloads.

You Can get from 30-60 cents PER DOWNLOAD!

Thats $600 for 1000 US downloads – sixty times more than any other upload cash website!

→Simple sign up. Start earning in less than 30 seconds!

→Low cashout limit – get your money after earning only $10 !

→You can get payed via check or paypal !!!!!

Want to Know MORE ??

Click Here to Download the Ebook

cash 150x150 How to Make $300   $600 with Downloads

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 This Guide will share many Techniques and secrets that can be applied and used to generate thousands of dollars with whitehat and blackhat techniques.

These methods are not rehearsed methods but methods that I have used myself and that work. I will also go into some great detail on the best Affiliate Networks to join and how to get approved with Affiliate Networks.

This is going to be a complete step-by-step blueprint on CPA Marketing and after finishing this guide you will make money so fast you will end up thanking me. techniques and secrets that I have applied and used to generate thousands of dollars with whitehat and blackhat techniques.


But if you do not want to take action – Quit now.

So, now that I have your undivided attention,


What is CPA Marketing?

374px affiliate marketing i 300x262 Ultimate CPA Methods   How To make at least $500 every Day


CPA is an acronym for cost-per-action and represents an online advertising payment model in which payment are based only on qualifying actions such as sales,registrations, leads, downloads, form submissions.

This is quite an important section so please pay attention. This is where people tend to get confused and ask a lot of questions.

CPA Affiliate Marketing companies are those huge millionaire marketing companies which you guys are going to join. These companies act as the middle man and in turn pay you to generate leads for their clients.

There are lots of CPA affiliate marketing companies and personally I am a member of several networks just in case one day I wake up and find myself banned for no apparent reason.

So its best you spread your wings and join right now.

Here are the ones I highly recommend:




CPA Empire

Hydra Network






Want to Know More …………..


Download the ebook HERE

374px affiliate marketing i1 150x150 Ultimate CPA Methods   How To make at least $500 every Day



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What is Cookie Stuffing? Cookie stuffing or cookie dropping is a blackhat online marketing technique used to generate fraudulent affiliate sales. It involves placing an affiliate tracking cookie on a website visitor’s computer without their knowledge, which will then generate revenue for the person doing the cookie stuffing. Income is generated when the affected user visits the target affiliate site and either creates an account or makes a purchase, depending on the terms of the affiliate agreement. This not only cookies, essentially stealing their legitimately earned commissions. How is Cookie  Stuffer used? Cookie Stuffer is so easy to use. If you can setup a blog you can use Smart Stuffer. After installing simply load in your affiliate links and create your campaigns. Then place a reference to the Smart Stuffer system on any page. As visitors flow in you will start to see your conversions coming to life. Your system is now running on auto-pilot. Basic Features

✔ 99.9% Undetectable We do not use "iframes" , "javascript", "htaccess" or any of these old methods. ✔ Campaigns Allows you to keep track of your affiliate sets by defining campaigns. ✔ Unlimited Cookies You can add an unlimited amount of cookies to each of your active campaigns.  ✔ Open SourceYou are provided with unobfuscated PHP code.

Advanced Features

✔ Cookie Rotator Define the amount of cookies each visitor will get at random from each campaign. ✔ IP Tracker Never stuff the same visitor twice. Assures all stuffs are on unique IP addresses. ✔ Referer Spoofer Become a ghost to affilate programs. ✔ Frequency Control Sleep easy by setting an overall percentage of traffic to set your affiliate cookies on.

Download The Cookie Stuffer Script HERE

Just CLICK on the Monster

cookie 0611 022 150x150 FREE Cookie Stuffing Script

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Avoiding high (100%) CTR when dropping cookies

One problem with dropping the cookies on every visitor is that it will result in a 100% CTR which can be an obvious flag that something isn’t right. To avoid this you can take a couple of steps, depending on how much time you wish to put into it and your coding skills.

The simplest way to avoid this problem is to use PHPs rand() function to select a random number between(and including) 1-4 and then only output the code to drop the cookie if the number equals 1. This method won’t allow you to set an exact percentage because the number chosen will always be random. Out of 100 visits, it might select the numbers 2,3 and 4 30 times each while selecting the number 1 only 10 times.

Code sample:

  1. <?
  2. $random_number = rand(1,4);
  3. if($random_number == 1){
  4. echo “Our cookie stuffing code goes here!”;
  5. }
  6. ?>

If you have time then you might want to code something more advanced. For example:

  • Drop cookie only once per IP address
  • Keep a daily count of visitors and then limit how many people you drop the cookie on the next day. For example if you have 1000 unique visitors on Monday, on Tuesday you will drop the cookie on a maximum of 200 people.
  • Log every visitor and only drop a cookie on every tenth visitor
  • Etc.

Avoid getting caught forcing cookies on users

A lot of people have said, surely it’s easy to get caught forcing cookies on people if you have an iframe where the source is the affiliates page. This is true to some degree. You should take the following things into consideration:

  • The iframe method is the most basic and is intended as proof of concept rather than real world usage
  • If you have been an affiliate for awhile and your CTR isn’t ridiculously high then there’s no reason the advertiser would ever check your site for cookie stuffing

So what is a safer method than Iframes for dropping the cookie?

A safer method of dropping the cookie would be using a false image which redirects to the affiliates page that has the HTTP Cookie header. The browser will try to load the image, be redirected to the affiliate page and although it won’t process any html on the final page, it WILL read and process the HTTP headers… including the one which places the cookie ;) It’s crucial that you redirect to the exact page that has the cookie header, so be careful if the affiliate site redirects a lot of times before landing on its final page so that you select the correct one which is dropping the cookie.

The simplest way to do this would be using a .htaccess file which says, if there is a reference to “tracking_pixel.jpg” then redirect it to xyz affiliate page.

.htaccess Code sample:

  1. RewriteEngine On
  2. RewriteRule tracking_pixel.jpg [R,L]

You now edit your site template so that every page includes the image:

  1. <img src=”tracking_pixel.jpg” />

Now, even if the affiliate decides to come and take a look at your sites source code, they’re going to see nothing which catches their eye. If for example you had a website which sold clothes then the chances are you’d have a lot of images named blue_shirt.jpg and such like. So in this case you could easily name it red_shirt.jpg and have it mixed in somewhere in your template and they’d never know!

An even safer image cookie stuff..
Whilst it’s extremely unlikely, it is possible that someone checking your site for stuffing could try loading tracking_pixel.jpg into their browser and then they’d be redirected to the affiliate page and guess something is amiss. To combat this, instead of using .htaccess to redict to the affiliate page, we will instead tell it to treat a file named tracking_pixel.jpg as a PHP file.

.htaccess Code sample:

  1. <Files tracking_pixel.jpg>
  2. ForceType application/x-httpd-php
  3. </Files>

Now we put PHP code in tracking_pixel.jpg which checks the referring page. If the referrer is empty then the user has gone direct to our image and we should output a 404 error, if there is a referrer then the image has been included on a page and should be redirected to the affiliate site.

tracking_pixel.jpg code sample:

  1. <?
  2. if(!$_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’]){
  3. header(“HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found”);
  4. } else {
  5. header(“Location:”);
  6. }
  7. ?>

So now just include the following code on any page that you wish to drop cookies from:

  1. <img src=”tracking_pixel.jpg” />

Also note that you’re not limited to including the image on your own site! You could also include it on forums and such like… basically anywhere that will allow you to place images. So if you signed up to a popular bingo forum you might decide to start becoming a regular poster and dropping cookies for all the well known bingo rooms.

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Let me make something clear from the get go, I personally don’t give two hoots about people doing this. I have tried it in the past as proof of concept and in the end decided against it for the moral reasons. I have and probably will again do worse in the future so don’t think I’m against other people doing this for moral reasons.

Talking about click bots for adsense on the forum is a complete no-no and will result in an instant ban, why? Because it’s click FRAUD.. you’re earning money in a fraudulent way.

What is an affiliate?

To increase traffic and sales, certain companies run affiliate programs where they will pay you a nice bit of money for each person you put through to them who purchases an item. For example someone may run an ebay banner on their site and if a user was to click onto that and buy something then the site owner running the banner would earn a little bit of money.

What is cookie stuffing?

Each time you send someone through to the affiliate site, e.g ebay then a cookie will be dropped onto their system which lets ebay know exactly where the user originally came from and then if they buy something you will be sure to earn a little cream off the top. Cookie stuffing or cookie dropping basically involves forcing this cookie onto visitors computers without them even knowing its happening and never sending them onto the affiliate site (e.g ebay). The normal place for this to happen is large busy forums which have thousands of users passing through every day and having multiple cookies dropped onto their systems for different companies without even knowing.

What’s wrong with this?

  • The affiliate is paying you on the basis of you introducing traffic and sales to their website. However you’re not actually doing this, you’re forcing cookies onto their systems in the background and when they go and buy something from ebay you’re claiming a little bit of money for it. Ebay are paying you for traffic you didn’t even introduce and therefore you’re defrauding them. They were going to have the sale regardless of you, the only reason you’re being attributed for the lead is because you used shady tactics to drop a cookie.
  • Another problem with this is that your cookie may overwrite the cookie of a legitmate affiliate who is working hard to generate genuine traffic. So you’re taking money that they would have earnt.

Let me compare this to another regular online fraud.. People have been known to run google adsense on their sites but instead of having legitimate clicks, they use javascript to force the user to click on an advert without even knowing. By having the advert clicked they have just cost the advertiser money for a lead and earnt themselves a little bit of cream. Usually the end user will not see the resulting page of the ad click.   Similar level of fraud.

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Cookie stuffing

Before even considering cookie stuffing please read this  post on dropping affiliate Cookies.  It’s not my place to judge people and their methods but I want to at least point out the moral and legal implications before you go running amok and stuffing cookies everywhere. This page isn’t because this is a new amazing method of making money, its old and pretty much talked about everywhere. Ths page is here as a result of a debate elsewhere. If you already have an idea on the different cookie stuffing methods, what’s involved etc then read This  updated post on Cookie Stuffing.

What is cookie stuffing?

As a normal affiliate you would signup to an affiliate program such as with ebay and then promote the link they give you on your own website. When someone clicks on the link and goes through to ebay-  a cookie is put onto their system to track them and if they purchase something you earn a little bit of money.

However when you’re cooking stuffing you don’t actually send visitors to ebay, you simply force the cookie onto their system in the background without them ever knowing. This means you don’t have to drive traffic to them or give them any kind of promotion at all. And because ebay is so big, the chances are a lot of your visitors are going to buy something from them at some point anyway.

How can I start stuffing cookies?

There are several methods of stuffing cookies. There are some paid solutions out there but I can’t see they offer much/any benefit over doing it yourself.

The solution you use will depend on how much control you have over the site. For example you will use a different method on sites you own yourself against other peoples forums you signup and post to.

All of these following examples are going to be based on the victim merchant being ebay. This is just a random choice and any affiliate program could be used. I’m going to use a made up url of

I have created this Resource File which includes the code for each of these examples.

Download it Here

cookie 0611 02 All about Cookie Stuffing

The most basic method ever..

The most basic way of stuffing a cookie would to use a html img tag which references the affiliate page which drops the cookie. The visitors web browser will goto this page, even though its not an image and will accept the cookies returned.

Iframe cookie stuffing

Description: This is one of the oldest and most simplest methods out there. Most people who cookie stuff have started out using this method. Basically you put a 1 pixel iframe on your existing website and everytime someone visits your site, the affiliate page is loaded within the iframe and the cookies are dropped onto the visitors system.

Resource folder /iframes/1/

Description: You literally just take your affiliate link and make a 1 pixel iframe with the source being the affiliate link.

Pros: The biggest pro point of this is that its extremely easy and just about anyone can do it without even having to think about it. To improve your chances of not getting discovered running the hidden iframe you should ensure that there is actually a [ebay] banner or texual link on the same page as the iframe so that at first look the advertiser will think you are sending them genuine traffic.

Cons: This is quite an easy method to pick up on. The merchant or affiliate company simply needs to view the html source code of your site and see the hidden iframe.

Resource folder /iframes/2/

Description: You again go with the same idea of a 1 pixel iframe but instead of having the iframe in your normal page you include an external javascript file which obfuscates the iframe html code. You can find thousands of free online services which will obfuscate your code by searching for ‘html encryption’. For example you could create stats.js which holds the obfuscated iframe and then include it within your normal page.

Pros: Even if the merchant checks your html code, they’re just going to see normal html and are unlikely to think anything of the javascript file. Even if they do then they won’t understand the contents of the javascript file because it’s been obfuscated.

Cons: Some advanced merchants might go to the extreme of checking all your javascript files and then de-obfuscating your code.

Resource folder /iframes/3/

Description: You may be thinking that the affiliate is going to check your external javascript files and then de-obfuscate the html.   Okay well how about another layer or protection! We will use htaccess to tell the server to treat our JS file as a php file and then check the referer. If there is no referring page then we know someone has gone direct to the javascript file and we will output some bullshit JS else we output the real stuff.

Pros: Even if the merchant checks your html code, they’re just going to see normal html and are unlikely to think anything of the javascript file. Even if they do then they won’t understand the contents of the javascript file because it’s been obfuscated.

Cons: Again if you get a merchant on interweb steroids then they may send a fake referer to the javascript file to see if you’re cloaking the content based on referer. Very unlikely but possible. Another problem is that if they sniffed the raw packets when viewing your main site then they’d see the code come in. This is even more unlikely and they’d still have to them de-obfuscate your code.

Overall pros of the iframe methods: These methods can be used very simply and setup extremely quickly. They’re the starting step for most cookie stuffers and give you a good introduction into how it works. You would work upon these scripts with different ways to protect yourself from being caught.

Overall cons of the iframe methods: The biggest con of this is that at the bottom of the visitors browser window they might spot the affiliate url as the page is loaded in the background.

Image cookie stuffing

Description: This method is a little more advanced and secure than the iframe methods. This time you include a standard image on your page but set the source of the image file as being the affiliate link. The browser will follow this and although it won’t be able to load it as an image (since its actually a webpage), it will still read and act on the headers returned, and as we know.. cookies are sent via headers. We set the alt of the image as a space so that when it doesn’t load it simply produces a blank space rather than a broken image picture.

Resource folder /image/1/

Description: You literally just take your affiliate link and make add a new image to your page with the source being the affiliate link. You set the alt text to a space so that no broken image picture is displayed.

Pros: This is better than iframe methods because instead of many urls passing in the visitors browser for the affiliate page as each component within the iframe loads, there will only be one url and it will pass very quickly.

Cons: Just like the iframe 1 method, the affiliate/merchant could view source and see something sus. is going on pretty easily.

Resource folder /image/2/

Description: This time to decrease the chances of getting caught we actually include what appears to be a local jpg file but infact it’s a php file which uses a redirection header to send the browser onto the affiliate page. Just like iframe method 3 we check referer so that if someone goes direct to the page they wont see the redirect.

Pros: Even if the affiliate/merchant checks your source code then they’re almost certainly not going to think anything of just another image tag within your code.

Cons: The visitor/merchant might spot their domain at the bottom of the browser as it passes by once quickly.

One huge pro about using the image method is that you can signup to OTHER PEOPLES forums and then post the image link in your signature. For example you signup to a poker room who pay $100 for every customer you get to join them. Then you go signup to a huge poker forum, you stick the image in your signature and start posting on the forum. Before you know it you have dropped your cookies on everyone on that forum and the chances are quite high they’re going to go signup for a poker room anyway. You can’t do this with the iframe method since most forums won’t allow you to post html.

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First make sure you ping your blog, and then after  you add new content you will then update.

            You can use either:

Then submit your rss feed to a few agregators like:

After that, bookmark at the following sites:

This should have you indexed within about 12 – 24 hrs. Sometimes faster.

And sometimes putting an ad up on free classifieds can bring similar results with you url. Like backpage or domesticsale.

Good Luck !!

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Welcome to the BlackhatBuzz !

Posted by admin under General

The term “Black Hat”  comes from the old cowboy western movies where all the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats.

image008 Welcome to the BlackhatBuzz !

Black Hat SEO is like your mailbox full of spam. It is the practice of using prohibited tricks to gain fast high rankings in the search engines. It is also a way to quickly get your site banned and removed from a search engines index, sometimes permanently. Black Hat SEO provides no long term solution for a websites visibility because most of the major search can detect a site employing these techniques. If you find an SEO company offering to do any of the following Black Hat SEO techniques listed below run away like it was a bubonic plague epidemic. These techniques will greatly damage your websites placement in the long run and you might find yourself begging to allow google for inclusion. Google provides a list of guidelines here.Below are some common Black Hat SEO techniques.

Keyword Stuffing: the practice of using a keyword or keyword phrase sometimes hundreds of times in order to trick a search engine into thinking that a page is relavant to a particular subject. It is ok to use a keyword phrase multiple times on a pages but it needs to be within about a 4% ratio to the rest of the page. This is also known as keyword density.

Cloaking: creating pages specifically for search engines to view that a user will never actually see. When search engines index a particular website a page specifically built for the search engine is brought up by a web server. These pages are often have nothing to do with the page the user will end up on.

Doorway pages: these are pages that are designed specifically for search engines and often redirect a user to another page on a website. They are created in effort to gain high rankings in the search engines but are generally full of poor content that would provide no value to a user.

Link Farms: Pages that contain hundreds of links in an effort to gain backlinks for a website. Some SEO companies will tell a client they will get them thousands of backlinks by automatically submit there website to websites and directories. There is no value to doing this because search engines are able to recognize link farms and place no value on their links, Remember back links help the most when they are from relevant, high quality websites.

What are you – white hat or black hat? Grey hat perhaps? Or do you just like to dabble but aren’t that fussed either way..?

For those of you still looking puzzled, white hat marketing is the good witch of the north to the black hat’s wicked witch of the west. Search can get a bit confusing sometimes, there’s just so much to know. In the next few weeks the Chinwag team will be getting to grips with the elusive search zeitgeist.

Today search engines include all kinds of undisclosed registers in their search programs; Google says it ranks its sites with over 200 secret techniques. It wasn’t too long ago though, that search engines were prone to abuse and manipulation from marketers, and in some ways it’s still happening. Black hat marketing tricks like burying key words and inbound links into a site to make it look more popular in search results have often landed companies in hot water.

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