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 This Guide will share many Techniques and secrets that can be applied and used to generate thousands of dollars with whitehat and blackhat techniques.

These methods are not rehearsed methods but methods that I have used myself and that work. I will also go into some great detail on the best Affiliate Networks to join and how to get approved with Affiliate Networks.

This is going to be a complete step-by-step blueprint on CPA Marketing and after finishing this guide you will make money so fast you will end up thanking me. techniques and secrets that I have applied and used to generate thousands of dollars with whitehat and blackhat techniques.


But if you do not want to take action – Quit now.

So, now that I have your undivided attention,


What is CPA Marketing?

374px affiliate marketing i 300x262 Ultimate CPA Methods   How To make at least $500 every Day


CPA is an acronym for cost-per-action and represents an online advertising payment model in which payment are based only on qualifying actions such as sales,registrations, leads, downloads, form submissions.

This is quite an important section so please pay attention. This is where people tend to get confused and ask a lot of questions.

CPA Affiliate Marketing companies are those huge millionaire marketing companies which you guys are going to join. These companies act as the middle man and in turn pay you to generate leads for their clients.

There are lots of CPA affiliate marketing companies and personally I am a member of several networks just in case one day I wake up and find myself banned for no apparent reason.

So its best you spread your wings and join right now.

Here are the ones I highly recommend:




CPA Empire

Hydra Network






Want to Know More …………..


Download the ebook HERE

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What is Cookie Stuffing? Cookie stuffing or cookie dropping is a blackhat online marketing technique used to generate fraudulent affiliate sales. It involves placing an affiliate tracking cookie on a website visitor’s computer without their knowledge, which will then generate revenue for the person doing the cookie stuffing. Income is generated when the affected user visits the target affiliate site and either creates an account or makes a purchase, depending on the terms of the affiliate agreement. This not only cookies, essentially stealing their legitimately earned commissions. How is Cookie  Stuffer used? Cookie Stuffer is so easy to use. If you can setup a blog you can use Smart Stuffer. After installing simply load in your affiliate links and create your campaigns. Then place a reference to the Smart Stuffer system on any page. As visitors flow in you will start to see your conversions coming to life. Your system is now running on auto-pilot. Basic Features

✔ 99.9% Undetectable We do not use "iframes" , "javascript", "htaccess" or any of these old methods. ✔ Campaigns Allows you to keep track of your affiliate sets by defining campaigns. ✔ Unlimited Cookies You can add an unlimited amount of cookies to each of your active campaigns.  ✔ Open SourceYou are provided with unobfuscated PHP code.

Advanced Features

✔ Cookie Rotator Define the amount of cookies each visitor will get at random from each campaign. ✔ IP Tracker Never stuff the same visitor twice. Assures all stuffs are on unique IP addresses. ✔ Referer Spoofer Become a ghost to affilate programs. ✔ Frequency Control Sleep easy by setting an overall percentage of traffic to set your affiliate cookies on.

Download The Cookie Stuffer Script HERE

Just CLICK on the Monster

cookie 0611 022 150x150 FREE Cookie Stuffing Script

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Avoiding high (100%) CTR when dropping cookies

One problem with dropping the cookies on every visitor is that it will result in a 100% CTR which can be an obvious flag that something isn’t right. To avoid this you can take a couple of steps, depending on how much time you wish to put into it and your coding skills.

The simplest way to avoid this problem is to use PHPs rand() function to select a random number between(and including) 1-4 and then only output the code to drop the cookie if the number equals 1. This method won’t allow you to set an exact percentage because the number chosen will always be random. Out of 100 visits, it might select the numbers 2,3 and 4 30 times each while selecting the number 1 only 10 times.

Code sample:

  1. <?
  2. $random_number = rand(1,4);
  3. if($random_number == 1){
  4. echo “Our cookie stuffing code goes here!”;
  5. }
  6. ?>

If you have time then you might want to code something more advanced. For example:

  • Drop cookie only once per IP address
  • Keep a daily count of visitors and then limit how many people you drop the cookie on the next day. For example if you have 1000 unique visitors on Monday, on Tuesday you will drop the cookie on a maximum of 200 people.
  • Log every visitor and only drop a cookie on every tenth visitor
  • Etc.

Avoid getting caught forcing cookies on users

A lot of people have said, surely it’s easy to get caught forcing cookies on people if you have an iframe where the source is the affiliates page. This is true to some degree. You should take the following things into consideration:

  • The iframe method is the most basic and is intended as proof of concept rather than real world usage
  • If you have been an affiliate for awhile and your CTR isn’t ridiculously high then there’s no reason the advertiser would ever check your site for cookie stuffing

So what is a safer method than Iframes for dropping the cookie?

A safer method of dropping the cookie would be using a false image which redirects to the affiliates page that has the HTTP Cookie header. The browser will try to load the image, be redirected to the affiliate page and although it won’t process any html on the final page, it WILL read and process the HTTP headers… including the one which places the cookie ;) It’s crucial that you redirect to the exact page that has the cookie header, so be careful if the affiliate site redirects a lot of times before landing on its final page so that you select the correct one which is dropping the cookie.

The simplest way to do this would be using a .htaccess file which says, if there is a reference to “tracking_pixel.jpg” then redirect it to xyz affiliate page.

.htaccess Code sample:

  1. RewriteEngine On
  2. RewriteRule tracking_pixel.jpg [R,L]

You now edit your site template so that every page includes the image:

  1. <img src=”tracking_pixel.jpg” />

Now, even if the affiliate decides to come and take a look at your sites source code, they’re going to see nothing which catches their eye. If for example you had a website which sold clothes then the chances are you’d have a lot of images named blue_shirt.jpg and such like. So in this case you could easily name it red_shirt.jpg and have it mixed in somewhere in your template and they’d never know!

An even safer image cookie stuff..
Whilst it’s extremely unlikely, it is possible that someone checking your site for stuffing could try loading tracking_pixel.jpg into their browser and then they’d be redirected to the affiliate page and guess something is amiss. To combat this, instead of using .htaccess to redict to the affiliate page, we will instead tell it to treat a file named tracking_pixel.jpg as a PHP file.

.htaccess Code sample:

  1. <Files tracking_pixel.jpg>
  2. ForceType application/x-httpd-php
  3. </Files>

Now we put PHP code in tracking_pixel.jpg which checks the referring page. If the referrer is empty then the user has gone direct to our image and we should output a 404 error, if there is a referrer then the image has been included on a page and should be redirected to the affiliate site.

tracking_pixel.jpg code sample:

  1. <?
  2. if(!$_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’]){
  3. header(“HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found”);
  4. } else {
  5. header(“Location:”);
  6. }
  7. ?>

So now just include the following code on any page that you wish to drop cookies from:

  1. <img src=”tracking_pixel.jpg” />

Also note that you’re not limited to including the image on your own site! You could also include it on forums and such like… basically anywhere that will allow you to place images. So if you signed up to a popular bingo forum you might decide to start becoming a regular poster and dropping cookies for all the well known bingo rooms.

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Let me make something clear from the get go, I personally don’t give two hoots about people doing this. I have tried it in the past as proof of concept and in the end decided against it for the moral reasons. I have and probably will again do worse in the future so don’t think I’m against other people doing this for moral reasons.

Talking about click bots for adsense on the forum is a complete no-no and will result in an instant ban, why? Because it’s click FRAUD.. you’re earning money in a fraudulent way.

What is an affiliate?

To increase traffic and sales, certain companies run affiliate programs where they will pay you a nice bit of money for each person you put through to them who purchases an item. For example someone may run an ebay banner on their site and if a user was to click onto that and buy something then the site owner running the banner would earn a little bit of money.

What is cookie stuffing?

Each time you send someone through to the affiliate site, e.g ebay then a cookie will be dropped onto their system which lets ebay know exactly where the user originally came from and then if they buy something you will be sure to earn a little cream off the top. Cookie stuffing or cookie dropping basically involves forcing this cookie onto visitors computers without them even knowing its happening and never sending them onto the affiliate site (e.g ebay). The normal place for this to happen is large busy forums which have thousands of users passing through every day and having multiple cookies dropped onto their systems for different companies without even knowing.

What’s wrong with this?

  • The affiliate is paying you on the basis of you introducing traffic and sales to their website. However you’re not actually doing this, you’re forcing cookies onto their systems in the background and when they go and buy something from ebay you’re claiming a little bit of money for it. Ebay are paying you for traffic you didn’t even introduce and therefore you’re defrauding them. They were going to have the sale regardless of you, the only reason you’re being attributed for the lead is because you used shady tactics to drop a cookie.
  • Another problem with this is that your cookie may overwrite the cookie of a legitmate affiliate who is working hard to generate genuine traffic. So you’re taking money that they would have earnt.

Let me compare this to another regular online fraud.. People have been known to run google adsense on their sites but instead of having legitimate clicks, they use javascript to force the user to click on an advert without even knowing. By having the advert clicked they have just cost the advertiser money for a lead and earnt themselves a little bit of cream. Usually the end user will not see the resulting page of the ad click.   Similar level of fraud.

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Cookie stuffing

Before even considering cookie stuffing please read this  post on dropping affiliate Cookies.  It’s not my place to judge people and their methods but I want to at least point out the moral and legal implications before you go running amok and stuffing cookies everywhere. This page isn’t because this is a new amazing method of making money, its old and pretty much talked about everywhere. Ths page is here as a result of a debate elsewhere. If you already have an idea on the different cookie stuffing methods, what’s involved etc then read This  updated post on Cookie Stuffing.

What is cookie stuffing?

As a normal affiliate you would signup to an affiliate program such as with ebay and then promote the link they give you on your own website. When someone clicks on the link and goes through to ebay-  a cookie is put onto their system to track them and if they purchase something you earn a little bit of money.

However when you’re cooking stuffing you don’t actually send visitors to ebay, you simply force the cookie onto their system in the background without them ever knowing. This means you don’t have to drive traffic to them or give them any kind of promotion at all. And because ebay is so big, the chances are a lot of your visitors are going to buy something from them at some point anyway.

How can I start stuffing cookies?

There are several methods of stuffing cookies. There are some paid solutions out there but I can’t see they offer much/any benefit over doing it yourself.

The solution you use will depend on how much control you have over the site. For example you will use a different method on sites you own yourself against other peoples forums you signup and post to.

All of these following examples are going to be based on the victim merchant being ebay. This is just a random choice and any affiliate program could be used. I’m going to use a made up url of

I have created this Resource File which includes the code for each of these examples.

Download it Here

cookie 0611 02 All about Cookie Stuffing

The most basic method ever..

The most basic way of stuffing a cookie would to use a html img tag which references the affiliate page which drops the cookie. The visitors web browser will goto this page, even though its not an image and will accept the cookies returned.

Iframe cookie stuffing

Description: This is one of the oldest and most simplest methods out there. Most people who cookie stuff have started out using this method. Basically you put a 1 pixel iframe on your existing website and everytime someone visits your site, the affiliate page is loaded within the iframe and the cookies are dropped onto the visitors system.

Resource folder /iframes/1/

Description: You literally just take your affiliate link and make a 1 pixel iframe with the source being the affiliate link.

Pros: The biggest pro point of this is that its extremely easy and just about anyone can do it without even having to think about it. To improve your chances of not getting discovered running the hidden iframe you should ensure that there is actually a [ebay] banner or texual link on the same page as the iframe so that at first look the advertiser will think you are sending them genuine traffic.

Cons: This is quite an easy method to pick up on. The merchant or affiliate company simply needs to view the html source code of your site and see the hidden iframe.

Resource folder /iframes/2/

Description: You again go with the same idea of a 1 pixel iframe but instead of having the iframe in your normal page you include an external javascript file which obfuscates the iframe html code. You can find thousands of free online services which will obfuscate your code by searching for ‘html encryption’. For example you could create stats.js which holds the obfuscated iframe and then include it within your normal page.

Pros: Even if the merchant checks your html code, they’re just going to see normal html and are unlikely to think anything of the javascript file. Even if they do then they won’t understand the contents of the javascript file because it’s been obfuscated.

Cons: Some advanced merchants might go to the extreme of checking all your javascript files and then de-obfuscating your code.

Resource folder /iframes/3/

Description: You may be thinking that the affiliate is going to check your external javascript files and then de-obfuscate the html.   Okay well how about another layer or protection! We will use htaccess to tell the server to treat our JS file as a php file and then check the referer. If there is no referring page then we know someone has gone direct to the javascript file and we will output some bullshit JS else we output the real stuff.

Pros: Even if the merchant checks your html code, they’re just going to see normal html and are unlikely to think anything of the javascript file. Even if they do then they won’t understand the contents of the javascript file because it’s been obfuscated.

Cons: Again if you get a merchant on interweb steroids then they may send a fake referer to the javascript file to see if you’re cloaking the content based on referer. Very unlikely but possible. Another problem is that if they sniffed the raw packets when viewing your main site then they’d see the code come in. This is even more unlikely and they’d still have to them de-obfuscate your code.

Overall pros of the iframe methods: These methods can be used very simply and setup extremely quickly. They’re the starting step for most cookie stuffers and give you a good introduction into how it works. You would work upon these scripts with different ways to protect yourself from being caught.

Overall cons of the iframe methods: The biggest con of this is that at the bottom of the visitors browser window they might spot the affiliate url as the page is loaded in the background.

Image cookie stuffing

Description: This method is a little more advanced and secure than the iframe methods. This time you include a standard image on your page but set the source of the image file as being the affiliate link. The browser will follow this and although it won’t be able to load it as an image (since its actually a webpage), it will still read and act on the headers returned, and as we know.. cookies are sent via headers. We set the alt of the image as a space so that when it doesn’t load it simply produces a blank space rather than a broken image picture.

Resource folder /image/1/

Description: You literally just take your affiliate link and make add a new image to your page with the source being the affiliate link. You set the alt text to a space so that no broken image picture is displayed.

Pros: This is better than iframe methods because instead of many urls passing in the visitors browser for the affiliate page as each component within the iframe loads, there will only be one url and it will pass very quickly.

Cons: Just like the iframe 1 method, the affiliate/merchant could view source and see something sus. is going on pretty easily.

Resource folder /image/2/

Description: This time to decrease the chances of getting caught we actually include what appears to be a local jpg file but infact it’s a php file which uses a redirection header to send the browser onto the affiliate page. Just like iframe method 3 we check referer so that if someone goes direct to the page they wont see the redirect.

Pros: Even if the affiliate/merchant checks your source code then they’re almost certainly not going to think anything of just another image tag within your code.

Cons: The visitor/merchant might spot their domain at the bottom of the browser as it passes by once quickly.

One huge pro about using the image method is that you can signup to OTHER PEOPLES forums and then post the image link in your signature. For example you signup to a poker room who pay $100 for every customer you get to join them. Then you go signup to a huge poker forum, you stick the image in your signature and start posting on the forum. Before you know it you have dropped your cookies on everyone on that forum and the chances are quite high they’re going to go signup for a poker room anyway. You can’t do this with the iframe method since most forums won’t allow you to post html.

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First make sure you ping your blog, and then after  you add new content you will then update.

            You can use either:

Then submit your rss feed to a few agregators like:

After that, bookmark at the following sites:

This should have you indexed within about 12 – 24 hrs. Sometimes faster.

And sometimes putting an ad up on free classifieds can bring similar results with you url. Like backpage or domesticsale.

Good Luck !!

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Make $30 or more a day with


Download the  PDF ebook HERE

1. Make an account on It doesn’t require any payments.

2. Go to, find many clips and movies. It would be great if you downloaded big files. (500mb+)

3. Split the big files with Hjsplit:It’s a great program for screenshots. 

4. Now upload the videos in parts on

5. Spam your download links with pictures from the clip or movie on porn or warez forums.

I’ve made much money following this guide. Uploading 100 movies/day like me, and you will see results. 

This is a really simple way to get over $30/day.

If you work really hard you can make much more cash every day.

I’ll hope this guide will bring you a stable and secure income every day, every month, every year. 



Learn how to make over $30/day with this method.



If you want to generate some thumbnails from your movie use the program called  bsplayer.



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Ever seen something on a store that was out of you budget so you had to either prolong or abandon your purchase? Well with this trick, you will never have to wait again on stores that accepts PayPal as a form of payment. Here are 10 easy steps to tricking a store into believing you have paid for an item in full, while only sending whatever amount you want!


To do this hack, you need a FireFox add-on called “Tamper Data”. Get it here.

  1. Download and  install Tamper Data.
  2. Use Google to find sites that take Paypal as payment.
  3. Find something that you are interested in. (Paying for scripts seems safest)
  4. Turn on Tamper Data (can be found in tools once installed.)
  5. Click add to cart
  6. Continue to checkout
  7. Right before you click the button to be forwarded to Paypal for payment, turn on Tamper Data in the Tools section of FireFox.
  8. Every time the site tries to store something, Tamper Data pops up and asks what you want to do. Being very careful, glance down and look for the price of the item, if it’s not there, then click ok; If it is then select the price and change it to what you want to pay. Then click ok.
  9. Once Paypal has loaded, turn Tamper Data off by clicking stop tamper.
  10. Notice Paypal now charges you whatever price you entered earlier.

If you get to the Paypal confirm payment page, then you have gone too far, just go back to the beginning and try again.

Additional Notes:

  • Instead of setting the price to $0.01, set it to 1% of the actual price. This way if the shopkeeper does a quick glance at his Paypal account, he will see $1.50 and may (provided it’s a quick glance) think it’s the correct amount- $150. It’s human nature to speed things up and if the owner sees the order has been paid for in PayPal, most will automatically assume it’s correct.
  • In the chance that you do get caught this tactic of moving the decimal place also can help the store owner believe the messed up payment is due to a computer problem rather than hacking.

This article is only intended to help storekeepers be more aware of this PayPal flaw, Black Hat Library is not responsible for how you use it! :)

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Autoblogging on Blogger

Posted by admin under AutoBlogging

What will you need:
- Free hosting with cURL and Cron Jobs and for that i recomend:
- A wordpress blog with an autoposting plugin and a rewriting plugin(i’ll talk about it ahead)
- RSS Bookmarker from Mass Automation so you can do your social bookmarking on autopilot
- A little script that runs on a cron job to ping all your blogs at least once a day

So, here are the steps:
Create your account on 000webhost

Install wordpress on your newly created hosting account

Install UAW, wp-O-matic , feedwordpress or caffeinated content(not in included in the pack cause you can find those easily)

Define a category for each new blogger blog you wanna post to
for example you want to make a blog about cars then create a category on your wordpress blog named cars and set your autoposting plugin to post the content you want for the related blogger blog on that category!

Now that you have a category for each blogger blog you want to post to you can get custom feeds by category, here’s a little guide on that:

So, now you are autoposting to your wordpress blog which is your content source for all blogs, and you need to rewrite that content! For that download the wp-synonimizer plugin that i included on the package. If you choose to use caffeinated content you may skip this step cause it includes a rewriting engine

Ok, you got unique content for all the blogs you want so now you need to post it to blogger!

but for each blog you want to post to you must post the contents from the associated category on your wordpress blog (see step 5!)

Now that the autoposting is set and running you need to autobookmark your content, for that use RSS Bookmarker which is included on the pack at the end of this post!

Now you will need to ping your blogs on a defined time basis, for that i included a neat little script in the pack that does the job pretty well!
How to use it:
First update these 3 files that are included on the pinger script pack: proxylist.txt and place a list of proxies on that file (remember to update the list oftenly!!!), pinglist.txt that contains all the ping services you wanna ping(i included a nice list on the file) and blogs.csv that contains your blogger blogs in this format: ‘Title of the blog,

Now upload the pinger folder to your host and create a cron job to run the pinger.php file on the time rate you want(twice a day should be fine!)

And that’s all. If you follow this steps you can create fully automated blogger blogs with no hassle!!
If you have any other recomendations to add to this tutorial plz post it here and i’ll keep this thread updated!

Now the download link for the pack:

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Affiliate sales amount to billions of dollars each year. Most successful online use affiliate sales for at least a portion of their business. To direct buyers to your affiliate products, it is necessary to include a link to the product that you are promoting. These are called affiliate links. Each link includes the name of the product you are recommending as well as you own personal ID for that program.

Affiliate links are a necessary component in the Internet marketing business. But we sometimes find that unscrupulous people steal them. There are shady people out there who will look at your affiliate link and consummate the sale after replacing your affiliate ID with their own. 

For that reason, if you want to make serious money in that arena, you should always cloak your affiliate links.

In addition to lost sales, there is another reason to cloak your affiliate links; they look unprofessional and announce that fact that it is an affiliate product.

And unfortunately, there are those out there who will not knowingly buy affiliate sponsored products. For those reasons, it is best to cloak your affiliate links.

There a number of techniques that you can use to do this. Following are four tactics that you can use to cloak your links:

1. Use free link cloaking sites. These sites will allow you to enter a URL and they will convert it into a cloaked link. Tinyurl is probably the most well known of these sites but there are many others that do the same thing. You can find these sites by doing a search for ‘free affiliate cloaking.’

 Examples of sites are:                                                         

2. You can also use software, both free and paid, that will cloak your links. You can find hundreds of software programs by searching for ‘affiliate cloaking software.’   


3. An option that most super affiliates use is the purchase of a domain name for one specific affiliate product. Using this tactic, they either develop a specialized landing page or use either domain forwarding or re-directs to link to the affiliate products.


4. As an alternative to purchasing your own domain, you can use a page within your existing site and re-direct traffic from that page. If you are uncertain how to use re-directs, you can see many examples by doing a search for ‘link redirects.’

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How To Cloak Links The Simple Way

There are people on the Net who honestly think link cloaking is ‘not done’, because visitors can’t see where they are redirected too if the click the link. Hm, that’s a great argument to consider, until…

…your affiliate ID is taken from the link, so you will not earn a commission. In that case, you definitely WANT to cloak your links, don’t you?

Another reason to cloak links is that you want to count how many people have clicked on them. Thus you can discover which links work well and which don’t.

Yet another reason could be, because your (affiliate) links are long and ugly. Especially when using them in text email they take a lot of space and sometimes break up into two or more lines.

So yes, there are valid reasons to mask your links.

There’s a lot of software available that can do the job very well, but there are also easy ways to cloak your links yourself.

One of the ways is to use a simple HTML redirect. You simply add the following line inside the <head> and </head> meta tags:

<meta http-equiv=”REFRESH” content=”0;url=”>

Just replace ‘’ by your link and you’re done.

IF you have log files available and IF they record access to such pages, then you have a counter too. That’s two ‘IF’s’ however.
Also, from the information I read from the SEO experts, this kind of link cloaking isn’t appreciated by search engines, because lots of people have abused this method.

You can also use Javascript to cloak your links quite easy. Here’s an example:

<script type=”text/javascript”>
window.location = “”

This redirect doesn’t leave a single trace, but it’s hard to count clicks to this page.

The same applies to this link cloak in PHP:

You can also use a htaaccess redirect to cloak your links and even use a rewrite rule, but, although easy to implement, these solutions are too complicated for this post. I want to talk about an easier one.

You see, I use a simple PHP script that is very easy to set up. No PHP knowledge required. And it counts clicks! Nothing special, but it does its job very well.
Plus, and that’s another advantage of cloaking your links, if the page you’re referring to disappears from the Net, you can easily replace your cloaked link by another one!

Lots of these scripts use a MySQL database to store the information, but this one doesn’t. It’s a simple text file. No need to set up another database!
It’s a great balance between functionality and ease of installation.

this script allows you to backup the text file containing your links from the screen, so if anything goes wrong, you’ll have a backup copy at your hard disk.

And you may want to add a rel=”nofollow” to all of your cloaked links, as the refer to your counter script, which is useless in search engines.

Other software that you can check out is Smart Links. It allows you to turn your affiliate links that nobody wants to click on, into cash-generating magnets.

Another piece of very interesting software that is worth checking out is Affiliate ID Manager. It’s a program where you can store and manage all your IDs, passwords, affiliate links and other relevant details in ONE secured software. All your info will be orgazined and available to you so you can concentrate on your work instead of searching for your missing links… This essential tool will save lots of time and money and comes with …..Master Rebrandable Rights !!!

You can try to find this software at Google or receive it  completely Free.

(They are easy to find:  just do a search for the product name!)

So, how about you?
Do you cloak your links and if yes, how?

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The Script Adult Sites Use To Generate Thousands Of Unique Visitors And Make Almost Any Site Viral Instantly!

The “Revenge” Site Script

I’m giving away a script that can be used to make sites like the following:

WARNING: Mature content below.

Click here for sample viral Site



virral Get the Viral Revenge Script



  How does 355,000 visitors to your site in less than a month sound with $0 on ads spent and less than 2 hours of work?

How about $2500+ profit within 3 days of launching a website, with no affiliates and no product?

How would you like to turn your website visitors into link dropping machines who promote your website every chance they get without paying them a dime?

Sound too good to be true? It’s true.

 The script allows you to reward your visitors for sending

traffic to your site. Here are just a few ideas…

“Send 10 visitors to my sales page and get a free report”.

CLICK HERE For another sample site using this Technique

“Send 25 people to my squeeze page and get access to my secret video”.

Included along with the script you will receive an information package with tons of great ideas to startup your site using The Viral Script. Here are a few samples from the package:

“If you own an Ebook Product you can split up the book into small chunks of text. Allowing a visitor to see more of the ebook by sending visitors.”

“If your into adult then you have tons of options with The Viral Script. Put up a site with a bunch of high quality videos in whatever niche you choose and let visitors unlock more videos with the more views they send.”

“Watching TV shows online is becoming very popular so make a site with a bunch of episodes for a particular tv season. The more visits your visitors send the more of that season they get to watch. Find some good converting Email Submits and this could be very popular.”

The script can be used for product promotion, list building, affiliate marketing, traffic contests, you name it, the power of “The  Script” is only limited by your imagination.


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Here’s the basic step by step method to use: [oh before I go into it, I am going to do the step by step on how to get STARTED, not the method I use once I've configured all my plugins/themes with my information in them. This is as detailed as it should get because of this.]

blog blogging Step by Step to setting up an Autoblog

1. Create a folder on my desktop that says “100 blog setup” (yep it really says that)
2. Create a folder in that folder that says “plugins”
3. Create a folder in that folder that says “themes”
4. Create a txt file that says “important information” in the main folder
5. Create a txt file that says “blog_logins” in the main folder
6. Create a txt file that says “emails” in the main folder
7. Create a txt file that says “twitter logins” in the main folder
8. Add the robots.txt to my main folder:

Sitemap: /sitemap.xml

User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-content/cache/
Disallow: /wp-content/themes/
Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /wp-login.php

9. Create a txt file called “pinglist” that holds your pinglist [duh]
10. Create a folder in the main folder called “keywords”
11. Create a folder in the main folder called “completed themes”
12. Create a php file in the main folder that is called “functions.php” and contains:

if ( function_exists(’register_sidebar’) )

[This is because some of the themes you choose will not be widget ready and you will want to make them widget ready later on]
13. Go register your domain names, and setup your hosting account etc. IE. Get a domain, configure your nameservers, and login to your account[s].
14. Setup blogs on your first 3-4 domains using Fantastico in your cpanel.
15. Copy the login information and paste it into your “blog_logins” file.
16. Open your ftp client and add the 3-4 sites to it [assuming different hosting accts]
17. Go to your first site, click on the www, and add the robots.txt to the root index
18. Go to wp-content then delete the plugins folder. Replace it with your plugins folder. [oops missed that step--once you set up your plugins folder, put all the plugins you will need into it and unzip them all. Remove the zipped files. The files I use for basic autoblog setups are:

About Me widget
Advanced Excerpt
All in One Adsense and YPN
Caffeinated Content for WordPress
Global Translator
Google XML Sitemaps
MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer
Platinum SEO Pack
Privacy Policy
SEO Post Link
SEO Smart Links
Twitter Tools
Unique Article Wizard
WordPress Database Backup
WordPress WriteAgain! [or some other wp rewriter plugin]
WP answers! [from the maker of WP VideoTube--this mate is spot on with his shit and a member here!]
WP VideoTube
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

19. Login to the blogs [use a tabbed browser and have them all open]
20. While you are ftping your files to each of the blog’s plugin folders, go to Settings–> Writing and turn on your XML-RPC publishing options if you want to use BlogSlammer! with these setups.
21. Go to Settings–> Permalinks and set your permalinks to Custom:/%postname%/
22. Go to Posts–> Categories and create about 6-7 if not more categories. The more, the better.
23. By now at least two of your blogs have their plugins installed. Go to them. Select all. Activate all. Update any out to date ones that you missed. Then activate the other two blog’s plugins too.
24. Go to Settings–>Max Blog Press ping optimizer and activate it by putting your name and email address in it. Copy and paste your pinglist from your pinglist file no less into the box, set the settings to where it will only post 1 time every 120 minutes or more or less in order to control excessive pinging.
25. Go to Tools–> WP Videotube and click on the link at top that says “here” to edit your template. Delete the {video_description} line and edit your height and widths to around 320*230 [just some arbitrary numbers here, but you need to reduce the width of the videos as they will overflow on some templates; you only need to do this part of the step if you have a plan to use such a theme].
26. Configure CC under the Settings–> CC link
27. Go to Post –> CC Management and run it at least once per blog so you have some content on your site to play with while editing your themes/widget/codes.
28. Go to themes and choose your theme and activate it. **You should have ftped these earlier too but I forgot to tell you =P***Edit the files of your theme with your adsense pub numbers if applicable to your theme
29. Go to widgets and edit your sidebars. You will want to add your global translator, text, tag, and recent posts in the very least, but mix it up from blog to blog by adding different others ones too. For the text one, use it to put adsense in your sidebars. I use the Old Adsense Code Generator from here:
Code: fast code generation.
<–Use next step before the above step if you find that your theme isn’t widget ready–>
30. Click on sidebar.php and at the top where it says

    to begin the list of one of the sidebar contents and add this line right below it:

|| !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>

Then find the close tag and add this right above it:


Then edit the functions.php to include this:

if ( function_exists(’register_sidebar’) )

And if your theme does not have a functions.php, add the one you have in your 100 blog setup folder to it via your ftp client.
**As some themes have two sidebars, make sure that you are putting that line above the proper sidebar’s end list else your theme will be messed up.
31. Go to Settings–>global translator and adjust the settings so they look better in your theme as it sometimes does not look right.Try the div option first, and if that does not work, go to tables option with the option to show 5-7 flags per row.
32. Go to Settings–>Sociable option and configure those options the way you like. I take it a step further and only have a few key main ones and then adding random others to mix it up…cause yes I am weird like that. I usually just blind click these cause I don’t really care about the sociable options really…
33. Go to Settings–> Adsense and configure your adsense settings. I put min to only show the 300*250 and 468*60 ads in the top left or top center parts of my posts with around 5-7 pixels of space. I then look at the themes and see if it will look better with ads not showing on the front page and click that option if it does. Otherwise, just save. To make picking the colors easier, just open up Themes–>Editor in another tab and view the css file for the color scheme or the file that contains the add units if they are adsense ready themes and use the colors from there.
34. Go to Privacy Policy and configure to your liking. I don’t like the links on them, so I update my first options to show no links. Then I have it generate a page for me.
35. Go to SEO Post link and activate the settings there.
36. Go to UAW and configure the options there. I always add custom div titles and click all categories EXCEPT THE UNCATEGORIZED. Activate it.
37. Go to CC and finish finding more content. For what categories you cannot find content in, go to the Tools –> WP Answers and setup campaigns for your other categories [add to the ones you did find content to for more content on those if you want to as well].
38. Go to Tools –> WP Videotube and add a few video posts [I find that videos attract a lot more visitors] across 3-4 categories. ***MAKE SURE IF YOU ARE USING ONE HOSTING ACCOUNT TO HOST A LOT OF BLOGS THAT YOU PAY ATTENTION TO HOW MANY PROCESSES YOU HAVE RUNNING AT ONCE….at least that is my theory
39. Go to Settings–> YARRP plugin and configure those settings the way you want.
40. Go to Settings –> Platinum SEO and configure it with a title, description, and keywords that you should have generated from w/e keyword generator you use while doing steps 1-39 but I forgot to tell you too. I use KW Elite most times.
41. Go to Twitter Tools and add your login info to the twitter accounts that you created with your awesome twitter account creator (or manually…) that I forgot to tell you to do but you can still do at this time (man, what a run-on!). Save those details.
42. Change your blogroll links to referral links on clickbank or other products/programs.
43. Once you have a network setup, interlink your blogs with posts and links in the post titles as well as in different posts posting to different posts.
44. Drive traffic to your sites/link build. I did do this before and only slowly started lately, but it does help with traffic.
45. Rinse and repeat with your profits. =D

**Optional steps would include an option that I believe is not supposed to be discussed in the open.
**Once you have setup your themes, you will want to ftp the completed setups to your “completed themes folder” so you don’t have to edit them each time you want to with your adsense codes or widget ready change.
**Use Blogslammer! to post Spin-ready articles to your blogs in general categories or post ebay rss posts.
***ETA: Edit your About Me widget to make your blog look a little more personable. Change it up from blog to blog too–some with, and some without.
I have made sales off Clickbank and made money through adsense with this method [only tweaked a little for my personal setups--added a couple of extra plugins and used different ad networks, but in general still basically the same]. There should be no reason now not to start earning as I have literally taken your hand and guided you the whole way. Any minor steps that I may have left out are common sense so I’m not gonna offer an addendum to this post with extra information as that would just totally give everything away, and who wants that?

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Blackhat PR

Posted by admin under Blackhat SEO

Have you seen a sudden increase in the interest in “Black PR”? If you haven’t… you will. blackhat PR

What is it? For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, “Black PR” or BPR occurs when a person with malicious intent — often a competitor — uses various techniques to attack and even destroy an adversary’s reputation. It may be unethical, but in a zero-sum business world it is also survival of the fittest. It is a strategic alternative and a most effective one at that.

How’s it done? There are thousands of ways to screw with the basic relationship between the organization and its stakeholders frankly. But now with Web 2.0, it doesn’t get any easier.

By way of background, the term “Web 2.0″ was coined by O’Reilly Media in 2003 as a marketing buzzword used to capture the new ways of developing and interacting with on-line applications. Web 2.0 applications are by-directional and absolutely better suited for information gathering and analysis. Regrettably, these very same technologies can also be used by Black PR practitioners to reach the masses faster than ever before. Welcome to BPR 2.0.

For the record, BPR techniques in the Web 2.0 world are pretty much the same as their earlier iterations; only now the new tools can handle enormous volumes of information. While in Web 1.0 the data was hard to be found, analyzed and modified; today it is much more accessible and a lot more integrated. Simple fact, search engines query information more often than before and cached information sources never disappear.


Here, to spirit discussion, let’s look at some of the technical aspects of Web 2.0 and how each relate to potential Black PR practices:

Ajax — The term stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a new Web development practice which pushes key-business logic from the Web server down to the Web client in order to provide better user interface and in general improved user experience. However, often developers push down too much causing information leaks to appear around the internal application. These leaks may often contain sensitive information. BPR pros will then use the information obtained strategically as part of a reverse public relation campaign.

Feeds — Feeds are syndication formats designed to automatically deliver content to the user. RSS and ATOM are the two most popular formats. The idea behind feeds is rather than the need to visit a specific site as was the case in Web 1.0, a feed brings the information to the user. Due to their modularity and the remixable nature, feeds can very efficiently aggregate and re-distribute information.

Black PR professionals can take advantage of both RSS and ATOM by first locating key information channels and then using them to redistribute an alternative message. Once a carefully placed message is in circulation with important feed channels, it could potentially reach millions of users instantly. This type of technology can be used to spread forged messages in order to perform a negative BPR “stunt.” And remember, traces of these stunts remain on the Net (your Web portfolio) forever.

Social Networks — One of the key features of Web 2.0 is its social aspect. Social Networks are probably one of the most powerful BPR tools since they can be used to spread false messages virally.

Splogs – Blogging is now the undisputed 21st century media platform for delivering messages. However, Splogs, short for spam blogs, are false, forged and artificially created blogs by software agents. Splogs are usually used to generate income by abusing advertisement platforms such as Google Ad-Sense.

However, it is completely different story when it comes to BPR. Black PR practitioners can and do employ the power of splogging to deliver a message across multiple platforms. The actual splog content is dynamically generated out of completely legitimate blogs and deadly BPR messages are then subsequently embedded. The more splogs that are employed, the further the message is distributed.

SEO Power Tools — There are even power tools to enable even better and more successful BPR. One such is Paterva. Paterva is mega powerful tool which utilizes several social networks, search engines and information sources, such as the MIT PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) data to enable BPR professionals to extract and find links between entities in an easy to use and quite graphical way. Paterva can find links between e-mails, names, social profiles, locations, etc. Once the map is reveled the connections are obvious and leveragable.


Frankly, the real scary part… This stuff isn’t that hard. For instance, a hacker could very readily create hundreds of junk backlinks to your site within a short period of time. Most commonly they’ll set up a Splogs created using a free blog account. They’ll create it in such a way that the anchor text of these links to contain spam words like “online gambling” or “viagra”. Bottom line: Google sends up a red flag anytime you acquire too many backlinks too quickly (especially if the links look spammy). In short order, your Google PR (page rank) goes to hell.

You want a real example of BPR 2.0’s effectiveness? Here’s a BPR strategy designed steal the clients of their rival. One of the leading European airlines (name withheld here for security) recently launched a new version of its website. It’s Ajax Web2.0 orientated; it’s beautiful; and it’s vulnerable. What happened? The airline’s major competitor hired a small team of professional “black-hats” (hackers) to probe the site using light-weigh Web-apps. The hackers directly found various “leaks,” allowing them glean the names, contact details and many other personal data of the competitor’s customers. The competing airline used the information to target specific travel prospectives and prices. The result: the company with the beautiful new website lost about 25 percent the annual revenue as a result of client conversion.


A loss of 25 percent the annual revenue… That’s real money! And THAT should keep you up at night.

Well, at the very least, it should knock some sense into all the nuts-and-berries Social Media PR 2.0 freaks who think Web 2.0 is akin to the Second Coming.

Web 2.0 is without doubt the most innovative approach to technology. However, due to its flexibility, modularity and easy of use, it perfectly suits black public relations practices. The future is within the information, the single most valuable resource in the digital world. Black PR needs indefinite supply of it and Web 2.0 is here to make that happen.

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Welcome to the BlackhatBuzz !

Posted by admin under General

The term “Black Hat”  comes from the old cowboy western movies where all the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats.

image008 Welcome to the BlackhatBuzz !

Black Hat SEO is like your mailbox full of spam. It is the practice of using prohibited tricks to gain fast high rankings in the search engines. It is also a way to quickly get your site banned and removed from a search engines index, sometimes permanently. Black Hat SEO provides no long term solution for a websites visibility because most of the major search can detect a site employing these techniques. If you find an SEO company offering to do any of the following Black Hat SEO techniques listed below run away like it was a bubonic plague epidemic. These techniques will greatly damage your websites placement in the long run and you might find yourself begging to allow google for inclusion. Google provides a list of guidelines here.Below are some common Black Hat SEO techniques.

Keyword Stuffing: the practice of using a keyword or keyword phrase sometimes hundreds of times in order to trick a search engine into thinking that a page is relavant to a particular subject. It is ok to use a keyword phrase multiple times on a pages but it needs to be within about a 4% ratio to the rest of the page. This is also known as keyword density.

Cloaking: creating pages specifically for search engines to view that a user will never actually see. When search engines index a particular website a page specifically built for the search engine is brought up by a web server. These pages are often have nothing to do with the page the user will end up on.

Doorway pages: these are pages that are designed specifically for search engines and often redirect a user to another page on a website. They are created in effort to gain high rankings in the search engines but are generally full of poor content that would provide no value to a user.

Link Farms: Pages that contain hundreds of links in an effort to gain backlinks for a website. Some SEO companies will tell a client they will get them thousands of backlinks by automatically submit there website to websites and directories. There is no value to doing this because search engines are able to recognize link farms and place no value on their links, Remember back links help the most when they are from relevant, high quality websites.

What are you – white hat or black hat? Grey hat perhaps? Or do you just like to dabble but aren’t that fussed either way..?

For those of you still looking puzzled, white hat marketing is the good witch of the north to the black hat’s wicked witch of the west. Search can get a bit confusing sometimes, there’s just so much to know. In the next few weeks the Chinwag team will be getting to grips with the elusive search zeitgeist.

Today search engines include all kinds of undisclosed registers in their search programs; Google says it ranks its sites with over 200 secret techniques. It wasn’t too long ago though, that search engines were prone to abuse and manipulation from marketers, and in some ways it’s still happening. Black hat marketing tricks like burying key words and inbound links into a site to make it look more popular in search results have often landed companies in hot water.

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