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Black Hat Methods to Make Money

BHbuzz brought Making Money With Black Hat Methods

The following is a collection of BH methods that can be used to make money Follow the methods with your own twists as that will boost your income greatly. Don't do it word for word, you'll still get money, but not as much.

We are going to randomly go to different methods because I'm an unorganized dude (haha).

No fluffy crap, let’s get down to business.


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"Imagine – A Short Time From Now You Could Be Watching Your CPA Accounts Absolutely Flood With Cash While You Count Your Lucky Stars You Discovered These Secret Black Hat Methods!"


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OR You Could STILL  Be Throwing

Your Money Away On Another Lousy Ebook,
Wondering If You’ll Ever

Earn Any Money At All Online!





Anyone, anywhere, including YOU can learn and use these amazing black hat strategies to quickly and easily create an income of $300 per day or more (per strategy)!

If you are interested in quickly and quietly building a huge income online using my methods, you need to check your morals at the door.

You see, these methods are definitely black hat.  Now that does not mean that the methods are illegal or even immoral, just that they are frowned upon by the do-gooders.  For me, I couldn’t care less what they think.

Let The Rest Worry About What Is Moral And What Is Not While You And I Concentrate On Making Tons Of Cash!

That’s my motto. As long as I am not doing anything illegal, I don’t worry to much about whether my methods are considered white hat or black hat.

The thing is, these black hat strategies really work! It is not uncommon to make $300 per day, working 15 minutes per day! And that is only from one strategy. Truly there is a ton of money to be made with black hat methods.

So you must be wondering by now what some of these strategies are…

I’ve helped quite a few friends like yourself who wanted to quickly get up and running making good money online.

I came to the realization that there is so much money to be had with these methods that there was no reason for me to keep them to myself.

So, in keeping with the spirit of me making as much money as possible, I decided to release:

The Worlds Fastest, Easiest Blackhat Strategies To Make $300 per Day Or More Online!
This guide is for you if….

  • You are sick of paying for traffic. These methods are low cost or even free!
  • You want the straight goods – I am no Shakespeare….I give you step by step instructions to make a pile of dough!
  • You are tired spending hours a day just to make a few bucks – many of these strategies are set-and-forget!


Once You Discover The Power Of These Secret Black Hat Strategies, You Will Never Have Financial Worries Again !


Essentially, you can live the life you currently only dream of without slaving like a chump!  


So, in keeping with the spirit of me making as much money as possible, I decided to release:

You will discover hard core black hat strategies that really make money. Strategies like:

Check red Now You Can Really Learn BlackHat Methods   Noob Friendly The IPhone Bait And Switch Method (set this one up correctly and it can make you a mint for years to come)!


Check red Now You Can Really Learn BlackHat Methods   Noob Friendly The Mystery Shopper Extravaganza  (use this untapped source of labor and quietly rake in the dough)!


Check red Now You Can Really Learn BlackHat Methods   Noob Friendly YouTube Cash Grab (This one will make you money hand over fist!)


Check red Now You Can Really Learn BlackHat Methods   Noob Friendly Censored!   The last one is so dastardly I can’t even tell you here. Use ONLY in case of financial emergency… think of it as a switchblade in your back pocket, to be used when the need arises…


Well enough – I MUST BE CRAZY !!

But get it all FREE HERE……….

BHbuzz brought(1) Now You Can Really Learn BlackHat Methods   Noob Friendly

Click the IMAGE to Download


If you have spent any significant amount of time online, you have likely come across the term  Black Hat at one time or another.

This term is usually associated with many negative comments. This Article is here to address those comments and provide some insight into the real life of a Black Hat SEO professional.  I’ve been involved in internet marketing for close to 10 years now, the last 7 of which have been dedicated to Black Hat SEO. As we will discuss shortly, you can’t be a great Black Hat without first becoming a great White Hat marketer. With the formalities out of the way, lets get into the meat of things, shall we?


What is Black Hat SEO?

The million dollar question that everyone has an opinion on. What exactly is Black Hat SEO?

seo white black hat(2) Crash Course in BlackHat SEOThe answer here depends largely on who you ask. Ask most White Hats and they immediately quote the Google Webmaster Guidelines like a bunch of lemmings. Have you ever really stopped to think about it though? Google publishes those guidelines because they know as well as you and I that they have no way of detecting or preventing what they preach so loudly. They rely on droves of webmasters to blindly repeat everything they say because they are an internet powerhouse and they have everyone brainwashed into believing anything they tell them. This is actually a good thing though. It means that the vast majority of internet marketers and SEO professionals are completely blind to the vast array of tools at their disposal that not only increase traffic to their sites, but also make us all millions in revenue every year.

The second argument you are likely to hear is the age old ,“the search engines will ban your sites if you use Black Hat techniques”. Sure, this is true if you have no understanding of the basic principals or practices. If you jump in with no knowledge you are going to fail. I’ll give you the secret though. Ready? Don’t use black hat techniques on your White Hat domains. Not directly at least. You aren’t going to build doorway or cloaked pages on your money site, that would be idiotic. Instead you buy several throw away domains, build your doorways on those and cloak/redirect the traffic to your money sites. You lose a doorway domain, who cares? Build 10 to replace it. It isn’t rocket science, just common sense. A search engine can’t possibly penalize you for outside influences that are beyond your control. They can’t penalize you for incoming links, nor can they penalize you for sending traffic to your domain from other doorway pages outside of that domain. If they could, I would simply point doorway pages and spam links at my competitors to knock them out of the SERPS. See….. Common sense.


So again, what is Black Hat SEO? In my opinion, Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO are almost no different. White hat web masters spend time carefully finding link partners to increase rankings for their keywords, Black Hats do the same thing, but we write automated scripts to do it while we sleep. White hat SEO’s spend months perfecting the on page SEO of their sites for maximum rankings, black hat SEO’s use content generators to spit out thousands of generated pages to see which version works best. Are you starting to see a pattern here? You should, Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO are one in the same with one key difference. Black Hats are lazy. We like things automated. Have you ever heard the phrase "Work smarter not harder?" We live by those words. Why spend weeks or months building pages only to have Google slap them down with some obscure penalty.

If you have spent any time on web master forums you have heard that story time and time again. A web master plays by the rules, does nothing outwardly wrong or evil, yet their site is completely gone from the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) one morning for no apparent reason. It’s frustrating, we’ve all been there. Months of work gone and nothing to show for it. I got tired of it as I am sure you are. That’s when it came to me. Who elected the search engines the "internet police"? I certainly didn’t, so why play by their rules? In the following pages I’m going to show you why the search engines rules make no sense, and further I’m going to discuss how you can use that information to your advantage.

Search Engine 101

As we discussed earlier, every good Black Hat must be a solid White Hat. So, lets start with the fundamentals. This section is going to get technical as we discuss how search engines work and delve into ways to exploit those inner workings. Lets get started, shall we?

Search engines match queries against an index that they create. The index consists of the words in each document, plus pointers to their locations within the documents. This is called an inverted file. A search engine or IR (Information Retrieval) system comprises four essential modules:

A document processor

A query processor

A search and matching function

A ranking capability

While users focus on "search," the search and matching function is only one of the four modules. Each of these four modules may cause the expected or unexpected results that consumers get when they use a search engine.

Document Processor

The document processor prepares, processes, and inputs the documents, pages, or sites that users search against. The document processor performs some or all of the following steps:

Normalizes the document stream to a predefined format.

Breaks the document stream into desired retrievable units.

Isolates and meta tags sub document pieces.

Identifies potential indexable elements in documents.

Deletes stop words.

Stems terms.

Extracts index entries.

Computes weights.

Creates and updates the main inverted file against which the search engine searches in order to match queries to documents.


The document processor extracts the remaining entries from the original document. For example, the following paragraph shows the full text sent to a search engine for processing:

Milosevic’s comments, carried by the official news agency Tanjug, cast doubt over the governments at the talks, which the international community has called to try to prevent an all-out war in the Serbian province. "President Milosevic said it was well known that Serbia and Yugoslavia were firmly committed to resolving problems in Kosovo, which is an integral part of Serbia, peacefully in Serbia with the participation of the representatives of all ethnic communities," Tanjug said. Milosevic was speaking during a meeting with British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, who delivered an ultimatum to attend negotiations in a week’s time on an autonomy proposal for Kosovo with ethnic Albanian leaders from the province. Cook earlier told a conference that Milosevic had agreed to study the proposal.


To reduce this text for searching  the following:

Milosevic comm carri offic new agen Tanjug cast doubt govern talk interna commun call try prevent all-out war Serb province President Milosevic said well known Serbia Yugoslavia firm commit resolv problem Kosovo integr part Serbia peace Serbia particip representa ethnic commun Tanjug said Milosevic speak meeti British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook deliver ultimat attend negoti week time autonomy propos Kosovo ethnic Alban lead province Cook earl told conference Milosevic agree study propos.

The output  is then inserted and stored in an inverted file that lists the index entries and an indication of their position and frequency of occurrence. The specific nature of the index entries, however, will vary based on the decision in Step 4 concerning what constitutes an "indexable term." More sophisticated document processors will have phrase recognizers, as well as Named Entity recognizers and Categorizers, to insure index entries such as Milosevic are tagged as a Person and entries such as Yugoslavia and Serbia as Countries.

Term weight assignment. Weights are assigned to terms in the index file. The simplest of search engines just assign a binary weight: 1 for presence and 0 for absence. The more sophisticated the search engine, the more complex the weighting scheme. Measuring the frequency of occurrence of a term in the document creates more sophisticated weighting, with length-normalization of frequencies still more sophisticated. Extensive experience in information retrieval research over many years has clearly demonstrated that the optimal weighting comes from use of "tf/idf." This algorithm measures the frequency of occurrence of each term within a document. Then it compares that frequency against the frequency of occurrence in the entire database.

Not all terms are good "discriminators" — that is, all terms do not single out one document from another very well. A simple example would be the word "the." This word appears in too many documents to help distinguish one from another. A less obvious example would be the word "antibiotic." In a sports database when we compare each document to the database as a whole, the term "antibiotic" would probably be a good discriminator among documents, and therefore would be assigned a high weight. Conversely, in a database devoted to health or medicine, "antibiotic" would probably be a poor discriminator, since it occurs very often. The TF/IDF weighting scheme assigns higher weights to those terms that really distinguish one document from the others.

Query Processor

Query processing has seven possible steps, though a system can cut these steps short and proceed to match the query to the inverted file at any of a number of places during the processing. Document processing shares many steps with query processing. More steps and more documents make the process more expensive for processing in terms of computational resources and responsiveness. However, the longer the wait for results, the higher the quality of results. Thus, search system designers must choose what is most important to their users — time or quality. Publicly available search engines usually choose time over very high quality, having too many documents to search against.

The steps in query processing are as follows (with the option to stop processing and start matching indicated as "Matcher"):

At this point, a search engine may take the list of query terms and search them against the inverted file. In fact, this is the point at which the majority of publicly available search engines perform the search.

Tokenize query terms.

Recognize query terms vs. special operators.

————————> Matcher

Delete stop words.

Stem words.

Create query representation.

————————> Matcher

Expand query terms.

Compute weights.

– — – — – — – –> Matcher


Step 1: Tokenizing. As soon as a user inputs a query, the search engine — whether a keyword-based system or a full natural language processing (NLP) system — must tokenize the query stream, i.e., break it down into understandable segments. Usually a token is defined as an alpha-numeric string that occurs between white space and/or punctuation.

Step 2: Parsing. Since users may employ special operators in their query, including Boolean, adjacency, or proximity operators, the system needs to parse the query first into query terms and operators. These operators may occur in the form of reserved punctuation (e.g., quotation marks) or reserved terms in specialized format (e.g., AND, OR). In the case of an NLP system, the query processor will recognize the operators implicitly in the language used no matter how the operators might be expressed (e.g., prepositions, conjunctions, ordering).

Steps 3 and 4: Stop list and stemming. Some search engines will go further and stop-list and stem the query, similar to the processes described above in the Document Processor section. The stop list might also contain words from commonly occurring querying phrases, such as, "I’d like information about." However, since most publicly available search engines encourage very short queries, as evidenced in the size of query window provided, the engines may drop these two steps.

Step 5: Creating the query. How each particular search engine creates a query representation depends on how the system does its matching. If a statistically based matcher is used, then the query must match the statistical representations of the documents in the system. Good statistical queries should contain many synonyms and other terms in order to create a full representation. If a Boolean matcher is utilized, then the system must create logical sets of the terms connected by AND, OR, or NOT.

An NLP system will recognize single terms, phrases, and Named Entities. If it uses any Boolean logic, it will also recognize the logical operators from Step 2 and create a representation containing logical

sets of the terms to be AND’d, OR’d, or NOT’d.

At this point, a search engine may take the query representation and perform the search against the inverted file. More advanced search engines may take two further steps.

Step 6: Query expansion. Since users of search engines usually include only a single statement of their information needs in a query, it becomes highly probable that the information they need may be expressed using synonyms, rather than the exact query terms, in the documents which the search engine searches against. Therefore, more sophisticated systems may expand the query into all possible synonymous terms and perhaps even broader and narrower terms.

This process approaches what search intermediaries did for end users in the earlier days of commercial search systems. Back then, intermediaries might have used the same controlled vocabulary or thesaurus used by the indexers who assigned subject descriptors to documents. Today, resources such as WordNet are generally available, or specialized expansion facilities may take the initial query and enlarge it by adding associated vocabulary.

Step 7: Query term weighting (assuming more than one query term). The final step in query processing involves computing weights for the terms in the query. Sometimes the user controls this step by indicating either how much to weight each term or simply which term or concept in the query matters most and must appear in each retrieved document to ensure relevance.

Leaving the weighting up to the user is not common, because research has shown that users are not particularly good at determining the relative importance of terms in their queries. They can’t make this determination for several reasons. First, they don’t know what else exists in the database, and document terms are weighted by being compared to the database as a whole. Second, most users seek information about an unfamiliar subject, so they may not know the correct terminology.

Few search engines implement system-based query weighting, but some do an implicit weighting by treating the first term(s) in a query as having higher significance. The engines use this information to provide a list of documents/pages to the user.

After this final step, the expanded, weighted query is searched against the inverted file of documents.


Search and Matching Function

How systems carry out their search and matching functions differs according to which theoretical model of information retrieval underlies the system’s design philosophy. Since making the distinctions between these models goes far beyond the goals of this article, we will only make some broad generalizations in the following description of the search and matching function.

Searching the inverted file for documents meeting the query requirements, referred to simply as "matching," is typically a standard binary search, no matter whether the search ends after the first two, five, or all seven steps of query processing. While the computational processing required for simple, unweighted, non-Boolean query matching is far simpler than when the model is an NLP-based query within a weighted, Boolean model, it also follows that the simpler the document representation, the query representation, and the matching algorithm, the less relevant the results, except for very simple queries, such as one-word, non-ambiguous queries seeking the most generally known information.

Having determined which subset of documents or pages matches the query requirements to some degree, a similarity score is computed between the query and each document/page based on the scoring algorithm used by the system. Scoring algorithms rankings are based on the presence/absence of query term(s), term frequency, tf/idf, Boolean logic fulfillment, or query term weights. Some search engines use scoring algorithms not based on document contents, but rather, on relations among documents or past retrieval history of documents/pages.

After computing the similarity of each document in the subset of documents, the system presents an ordered list to the user. The sophistication of the ordering of the documents again depends on the model the system uses, as well as the richness of the document and query weighting mechanisms. For example, search engines that only require the presence of any alpha-numeric string from the query occurring anywhere, in any order, in a document would produce a very different ranking than one by a search engine that performed linguistically correct phrasing for both document and query representation and that utilized the proven tf/idf weighting scheme.

However the search engine determines rank, the ranked results list goes to the user, who can then simply click and follow the system’s internal pointers to the selected document/page.

More sophisticated systems will go even further at this stage and allow the user to provide some relevance feedback or to modify their query based on the results they have seen. If either of these are available, the system will then adjust its query representation to reflect this value-added feedback and re-run the search with the improved query to produce either a new set of documents or a simple re-ranking of documents from the initial search.

What Document Features Make a Good Match to a Query

We have discussed how search engines work, but what features of a query make for good matches? Let’s look at the key features and consider some pros and cons of their utility in helping to retrieve a good representation of documents/pages.

Term frequency: How frequently a query term appears in a document is one of the most obvious ways of determining a document’s relevance to a query. While most often true, several situations can undermine this premise. First, many words have multiple meanings — they are polysemous. Think of words like "pool" or "fire." Many of the non-relevant documents presented to users result from matching the right word, but with the wrong meaning.

Also, in a collection of documents in a particular domain, such as education, common query terms such as "education" or "teaching" are so common and occur so frequently that an engine’s ability to distinguish the relevant from the non-relevant in a collection declines sharply. Search engines that don’t use a tf/idf weighting algorithm do not appropriately down-weight the overly frequent terms, nor are higher weights assigned to appropriate distinguishing (and less frequently-occurring) terms, e.g., "early-childhood."

Location of terms: Many search engines give preference to words found in the title or lead paragraph or in the meta data of a document. Some studies show that the location — in which a term occurs in a document or on a page — indicates its significance to the document. Terms occurring in the title of a document or page that match a query term are therefore frequently weighted more heavily than terms occurring in the body of the document. Similarly, query terms occurring in section headings or the first paragraph of a document may be more likely to be relevant.

those referred to by many other pages, or have a high number of "in-links"

Popularity: Google and several other search engines add popularity to link analysis to help determine the relevance or value of pages. Popularity utilizes data on the frequency with which a page is chosen by all users as a means of predicting relevance. While popularity is a good indicator at times, it assumes that the underlying information need remains the same.

Date of Publication: Some search engines assume that the more recent the information is, the more likely that it will be useful or relevant to the user. The engines therefore present results beginning with the most recent to the less current.

Length: While length per se does not necessarily predict relevance, it is a factor when used to compute the relative merit of similar pages. So, in a choice between two documents both containing the same query terms, the document that contains a proportionately higher occurrence of the term relative to the length of the document is assumed more likely to be relevant.

Proximity of query terms: When the terms in a query occur near to each other within a document, it is more likely that the document is relevant to the query than if the terms occur at greater distance. While some search engines do not recognize phrases per se in queries, some search engines clearly rank documents in results higher if the query terms occur adjacent to one another or in closer proximity, as compared to documents in which the terms occur at a distance.

Proper nouns sometimes have higher weights, since so many searches are performed on people, places, or things. While this may be useful, if the search engine assumes that you are searching for a name instead of the same word as a normal everyday term, then the search results may be peculiarly skewed. Imagine getting information on "Madonna," the rock star, when you were looking for pictures of Madonnas for an art history class.


Now that we have covered how a search engine works, we can discuss methods to take advantage of them. Lets start with content. As you saw in the above pages, search engines are simple test parsers. They take a series of words and try to reduce them to their core meaning. They can’t understand text, nor do they have the capability of discerning between grammatically correct text and complete gibberish. This of course will change over time as search engines evolve and the cost of hardware falls, but we black hats will evolve as well always aiming to stay at least one step ahead. Lets discuss the basics of generating content as well as some software used to do so, but first, we need to understand duplicate content. A widely passed around myth on web master forums is that duplicate content is viewed by search engines as a percentage. As long as you stay below the threshold, you pass by penalty free. It’s a nice thought, it’s just too bad that it is completely wrong.

Duplicate Content

I’ve read seemingly hundreds of forum posts discussing duplicate content, none of which gave the full picture, leaving me with more questions than answers. I decided to spend some time doing research to find out exactly what goes on behind the scenes. Here is what I have discovered.

Most people are under the assumption that duplicate content is looked at on the page level when in fact it is far more complex than that. Simply saying that “by changing 25 percent of the text on a page it is no longer duplicate content” is not a true or accurate statement. Lets examine why that is.

To gain some understanding we need to take a look at the k-shingle algorithm that may or may not be in use by the major search engines (my money is that it is in use). I’ve seen the following used as an example so lets use it here as well.

Let’s suppose that you have a page that contains the following text:

The swift brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Before we get to this point the search engine has already stripped all tags and HTML from the page leaving just this plain text behind for us to take a look at.

The shingling algorithm essentially finds word groups within a body of text in order to determine the uniqueness of the text. The first thing they do is strip out all stop words like and, the, of, to. They also strip out all fill words, leaving us only with action words which are considered the core of the content. Once this is done the following “shingles” are created from the above text. (I’m going to include the stop words for simplicity)

The swift brown fox

swift brown fox jumped

brown fox jumped over

fox jumped over the

jumped over the lazy

over the lazy dog

These are essentially like unique fingerprints that identify this block of text. The search engine can now compare this “fingerprint” to other pages in an attempt to find duplicate content. As duplicates are found a “duplicate content” score is assigned to the page. If too many “fingerprints” match other documents the score becomes high enough that the search engines flag the page as duplicate content thus sending it to supplemental hell or worse deleting it from their index completely.

My old lady swears that she saw the lazy dog jump over the swift brown fox.

The above gives us the following shingles:

my old lady swears

old lady swears that

lady swears that she

swears that she saw

that she saw the

she saw the lazy

saw the lazy dog

the lazy dog jump

lazy dog jump over

dog jump over the

jump over the swift

over the swift brown

the swift brown fox

Comparing these two sets of shingles we can see that only one matches (”the swift brown fox“). Thus it is unlikely that these two documents are duplicates of one another. No one but Google knows what the percentage match must be for these two documents to be considered duplicates, but some thorough testing would sure narrow it down ;).

So what can we take away from the above examples? First and foremost we quickly begin to realize that duplicate content is far more difficult than saying “document A and document B are 50 percent similar”. Second we can see that people adding “stop words” and “filler words” to avoid duplicate content are largely wasting their time. It’s the “action” words that should be the focus. Changing action words without altering the meaning of a body of text may very well be enough to get past these algorithms. Then again there may be other mechanisms at work that we can’t yet see rendering that impossible as well. I suggest experimenting and finding what works for you in your situation.

The last paragraph here is the real important part when generating content. You can’t simply add generic stop words here and there and expect to fool anyone. Remember, we’re dealing with a computer algorithm here, not some supernatural power. Everything you do should be from the standpoint of a scientist. Think through every decision using logic and reasoning. There is no magic involved in SEO, just raw data and numbers. Always split test and perform controlled experiments.

What Makes A Good Content Generator?

Now we understand how a search engine parses documents on the web, we also understand the intricacies of duplicate content and what it takes to avoid it. Now it is time to check out some basic content generation techniques.

One of the more commonly used text spinners is known as Markov. Markov isn’t actually intended for content generation, it’s actually something called a Markov Chain which was developed by mathematician Andrey Markov. The algorithm takes each word in a body of content and changes the order based on the algorithm. This produces largely unique text, but it’s also typically VERY unreadable. The quality of the output really depends on the quality of the input. The other issue with Markov is the fact that it will likely never pass a human review for readability. If you don’t shuffle the Markov chains enough you also run into duplicate content issues because of the nature of shingling as discussed earlier. Some people may be able to get around this by replacing words in the content with synonyms. I personally stopped using Markov back in 2006 or 2007 after developing my own proprietary content engine. Some popular software that uses Markov chains include




both of which are pretty old and outdated at this point. They are worth taking a look at just to understand the fundamentals, but there are FAR better packages out there.

So, we’ve talked about the old methods of doing things, but this isn’t 1999, you can’t fool the search engines by simply repeating a keyword over and over in the body of your pages (I wish it were still that easy). So what works today? Now and in the future, LSI is becoming more and more important. LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing. It sounds complicated, but it really isn’t. LSI is basically just a process by which a search engine can infer the meaning of a page based on the content of that page. For example, lets say they index a page and find words like atomic bomb, Manhattan Project, Germany, and Theory of Relativity. The idea is that the search engine can process those words, find relational data and determine that the page is about Albert Einstein. So, ranking for a keyword phrase is no longer as simple as having content that talks about and repeats the target keyword phrase over and over like the good old days. Now we need to make sure we have other key phrases that the search engine thinks are related to the main key phrase.

So if Markov is easy to detect and LSI is starting to become more important, which software works, and which doesn’t?


Fantomaster Shadowmaker: This is probably one of the oldest and most commonly known high end cloaking packages being sold. It’s also one of the most out of date. For $3,000.00 you basically get a clunky outdated interface for slowly building HTML pages. I know, I’m being harsh, but I was really let down by this software. The content engine doesn’t do anything to address LSI. It simply splices unrelated sentences together from random sources while tossing in your keyword randomly. Unless things change drastically I would avoid this one.

SEC (Search Engine Cloaker): Another well known paid script. This one is of good quality and with work does provide results. The content engine is mostly manual making you build sentences which are then mixed together for your content. If you understand SEO and have the time to dedicate to creating the content, the pages built last a long time. I do have two complaints. The software is SLOW. It takes days just to setup a few decent pages. That in itself isn’t very black hat. Remember, we’re lazy! The other gripe is the ip cloaking. Their ip list is terribly out of date only containing a couple thousand ip’s as of this writing.



Simplified Search Engine Content

This is one of the best IP delivery systems on the market. Their ip list is updated daily and contains close to 30,000 ip’s. The member only forums are the best in the industry. The subscription is worth it just for the information contained there. The content engine is also top notch. It’s flexible, so you can chose to use their proprietary scraped content system which automatically scrapes search engines for your content, or you can use custom content similar in fashion to SEC above, but faster. You can also mix and match the content sources giving you the ultimate in control. This is the only software as of this writing that takes LSI into account directly from within the content engine. This is also the fastest page builder I have come across. You can easily put together several thousand sites each with hundreds of pages of content in just a few hours. Support is top notch, and the knowledgeable staff really knows what they are talking about. This one gets a gold star from me.

BlogSolution: Sold as an automated blog builder, BlogSolution falls short in almost every important area. The blogs created are not wordpress blogs, but rather a proprietary blog software specifically written for BlogSolution. This “feature” means your blogs stand out like a sore thumb in the eyes of the search engines. They don’t blend in at all leaving footprints all over the place. The licensing limits you to 100 blogs which basically means you can’t build enough to make any decent amount of money. The content engine is a joke as well using rss feeds and leaving you with a bunch of easy to detect duplicate content blogs that rank for nothing.

Blog Cloaker

Another solid offering from the guys that developed SSEC. This is the natural evolution of that software. This mass site builder is based around wordpress blogs. This software is the best in the industry hands down. The interface has the feel of a system developed by real professionals. You have the same content options seen in SSEC, but with several different redirection types including header redirection, JavaScript, meta refresh, and even iframe. This again is an ip cloaking solution with the same industry leading ip list as SSEC. The monthly subscription may seem daunting at first, but the price of admission is worth every penny if you are serious about making money in this industry. It literally does not get any better than this.


So what is cloaking? Cloaking is simply showing different content to different people based on different criteria. Cloaking automatically gets a bad reputation, but that is based mostly on ignorance of how it works. There are many legitimate reasons to Cloak pages. In fact, even Google cloaks. Have you ever visited a web site with your cell phone and been automatically directed to the mobile version of the site? Guess what, that’s cloaking. How about web pages that automatically show you information based on your location? Guess what, that’s cloaking. So, based on that, we can break cloaking down into two main categories, user agent cloaking and ip based cloaking.

User Agent cloaking is simply a method of showing different pages or different content to visitors based on the user agent string they visit the site with. A user agent is simply an identifier that every web browser and search engine spider sends to a web server when they connect to a page. Above we used the example of a mobile phone. A Nokia cell phone for example will have a user agent similar to: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.1; U; [en]; Series60/3.0 NokiaE60/4.06.0) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413

Knowing this, we can tell the difference between a mobile phone visiting our page and a regular visitor viewing our page with Internet Explorer or Firefox for example. We can then write a script that will show different information to those users based on their user agent.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, it works for basic things like mobile and non mobile versions of pages, but it’s also very easy to detect, fool, and circumvent. Firefox for example has a handy plug-in that allows you to change your user agent string to anything you want. Using that plug-in I can make the

script think that I am a Google search engine bot, thus rendering your cloaking completely useless. So, what else can we do if user agents are so easy to spoof?

IP Cloaking

Every visitor to your web site must first establish a connection with an ip address. These ip addresses resolve to dns servers which in turn identify the origin of that visitor. Every search engine crawler must identify itself with a unique signature viewable by reverse dns lookup. This means we have a sure fire method for identifying and cloaking based on ip address. This also means that we don’t rely on the user agent at all, so there is no way to circumvent ip based cloaking (although some caution must be taken as we will discuss). The most difficult part of ip cloaking is compiling a list of known search engine ip’s. Luckily software like

Blog Cloaker



already does this for us. Once we have that information, we can then show different pages to different users based on the ip they visit our page with. For example, I can show a search engine bot a keyword targeted page full of key phrases related to what I want to rank for. When a human visits that same page I can show an ad, or an affiliate product so I can make some money. See the power and potential here?

So how can we detect ip cloaking? Every major search engine maintains a cache of the pages it indexes. This cache is going to contain the page as the search engine bot saw it at indexing time. This means your competition can view your cloaked page by clicking on the cache in the SERPS. That’s ok, it’s easy to get around that. The use of the meta tag noarchive in your pages forces the search engines to show no cached copy of your page in the search results, so you avoid snooping web masters. The only other method of detection involves ip spoofing, but that is a very difficult and time consuming thing to pull of. Basically you configure a computer to act as if it is using one of Google’s ip’s when it visits a page. This would allow you to connect as though you were a search engine bot, but the problem here is that the data for the page would be sent to the ip you are spoofing which isn’t on your computer, so you are still out of luck.

The lesson here? If you are serious about this, use ip cloaking. It is very difficult to detect and by far the most solid option.

Link Building

As we discussed earlier, Black Hats are Basically White Hats, only lazy! As we build pages, we also need links to get those pages to rank. Lets discuss some common and not so common methods for doing so.

Blog ping: This one is quite old, but still widely used. Blog indexing services setup a protocol in which a web site can send a ping whenever new pages are added to a blog. They can then send over a bot that grabs the page content for indexing and searching, or simply to add as a link in their blog directory. Black Hats exploit this by writing scripts that send out massive numbers of pings to various services in order to entice bots to crawl their pages. This method certainly drives the bots, but in the last couple years it has lost most of its power as far as getting pages to rank.

Trackback: Another method of communication used by blogs, trackbacks are basically a method in which one blog can tell another blog that it has posted something related to or in response to an existing blog post. As a black hat, we see that as an opportunity to inject links to thousands of our own pages by automating the process and sending out trackbacks to as many blogs as we can. Most blogs these days have software in place that greatly limits or even eliminates trackback spam, but it’s still a viable tool.

EDU links: A couple years ago Black Hats noticed an odd trend. Universities and government agencies with very high ranking web sites often times have very old message boards they have long forgotten about, but that still have public access. We took advantage of that by posting millions of links to our pages on these abandoned sites. This gave a HUGE boost to rankings and made some very lucky Viagra spammers millions of dollars. The effectiveness of this approach has diminished over time.

Forums and Guest books: The internet contains millions of forums and guest books all ripe for the picking. While most forums are heavily moderated (at least the active ones), that still leaves you with thousands in which you can drop links where no one will likely notice or even care. We’re talking about abandoned forums, old guest books, etc. Now, you can get links dropped on active forums as well, but it takes some more creativity. Putting up a post related to the topic on the forum and dropping your link In the BB code for a smiley for example. Software packages like Xrumer made this a VERY popular way to gather back links. So much so that most forums have methods in place to detect and reject these types of links. Some people still use them and are still successful.

Link Networks: Also known as link farms, these have been popular for years. Most are very simplistic in nature. Page A links to page B, page B links to page C, then back to A. These are pretty easy to detect because of the limited range of ip’s involved. It doesn’t take much processing to figure out that there are only a few people involved with all of the links. So, the key here is to have a very diverse pool of links.

Money Making Strategies

We now have a solid understanding of cloaking, how a search engine works, content generation, software to avoid, software that is pure gold and even link building strategies. So how do you pull all of it together to make some money?

he traffic you send it. You load up your money keyword list, setup a template with your ads or offers, then send all of your doorway/cloaked traffic to the index page. The Landing Page Builder shows the best possible page with ads based on what the incoming user searched for. Couldn’t be easier, and it automates the difficult tasks we all hate.

Affiliate Marketing: We all know what an affiliate program is. There are literally tens of thousands of affiliate programs with millions of products to sell. The most difficult part of affiliate marketing is getting well qualified targeted traffic. That again is where good software and cloaking comes into play. Some networks and affiliates allow direct linking. Direct Linking is where you setup your cloaked pages with all of your product keywords, then redirect straight to the merchant or affiliates sales page. This often results in the highest conversion rates, but as I said, some affiliates don’t allow Direct Linking. So, again, that’s where Landing Pages come in. Either building your own (which we are far too lazy to do), or by using something like Landing Page Builder which automates everything for us. Landing pages give us a place to send and clean our traffic, they also prequalify the buyer and make sure the quality of the traffic sent to the affiliate is as high as possible. After all, we want to make money, but we also want to keep a strong relationship with the affiliate so we can get paid.


As we can see, Black Hat Marketing isn’t all that different from White Hat marketing. We automate the difficult and time consuming tasks so we can focus on the important tasks at hand. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this.

we want to make money, but we also want to keep a strong relationship with the affiliate so we can get paid.









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It’s called the Blackhat Bank because it is simply a powerful method.

This method is simply so easy and although you might have heard of this method in this report I explain everything step-by-step on how to go about doing this. The method involves taking advantage of the US/UK and the world economy. We all know that we are in a Recession or “the credit crunch”, more and more people are looking for jobs and the stock market is at its lowest point. Small businesses are dying every day because of this…so when this happens people start to look for jobs and get desperate and this Blackhat method simply involves taking advantage of their desperation. This method can literally make you thousands a day if done right..

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Important Disclaimer: Some, but not all, of the strategies, techniques, and methods I share in The Dirty Secrets of Hyper-Speed Info Products course may be considered "Grey Hat" and may result in:

  • Server-Crippling Traffic To Your Websites
  • Shocking Sales Conversions For Your Products
  • Stampedes of Hungry Buyers Opting-In To Your Lists
  • So Much Automated Income Each Month You May Forget How To Spell "Recession"
It’s Time To Stop Making Them Rich and MAKE YOURSELF RICH

The Dirty Secrets of Hyper-Speed Info Products…

Dirty Secret #1: The Dirty Secrets of Hyper-Speed Info Products can have you generating sales for your product making you money today – not some "guru".

Dirty Secret #2: No one else is using these methods… How do I know? Because if they were, the forums would be flooded with talk about them and the “gurus” would be charging $2,000+ for the info.

Dirty Secret #3: I don’t have to worry about driving traffic to my sites – my affiliates do that for me.

Dirty Secret #4: I spend less than 5 hours making COMPLETE products and that INCLUDES the time it takes to create the basic website!

Dirty Secret #5: Pay-Per-Click SUCKS! – I let my affiliates battle Adwords.

Dirty Secret #6: ENTIRE membership e-courses that I spend less than 3 or 4 hours setting up bring in between $10 and $127 per month APIECE

Dirty Secret #7: Blackhat? Why bother? My customers email me asking when my next product’s coming out before I’ve even thought of what it’s going to be about!

Dirty Secret #8: Short reports that take me an hour (or less!) to create using these secret methods sell for $10 to $47 each. These really add up fast…I sell hundreds a month and you will too.

Dirty Secret #9: I don’t wait to get paid. I drink my morning coffee adding up my Paypal balance.

Dirty Secret #10: Even though these products take me no time at all to create, customers love them so much they email me asking for more before I’ve even had time to think up new material! How much easier can “selling” info products be?

Dirty Secret #11: Recession? What Recession? The economic downturn is boosting sales!

Dirty Secret #12: Saturation Proof. I can enter ANY niche, no matter how competitive, and dominate immediately.

Dirty Secret #13: 100% Unique content that NO ONE ELSE has – NO PLR, NO MRR, NO Rehashed, Recycled crap (admittedly, sometimes I’ll throw in MRR bonuses if they’re good enough, but my actual products are 100% unique)

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So you want to Make some Money online?

Here is a List of many options to get you started in the right direction.  You can easily turn a nice profit using these programs and the techniques outlined here at

So what are you waiting for?  Get Started TODAY !!

Here is the List – This post will continue to update as I find more worthy links: — Sell space on your site for text ads

Amazon Affiliate Program – Easily create a store or shopping section on your site instead of sending your visitors to Amazon. Amazon handles the shopping cart and fulfillment.

Amazon Seller – Sell your stuff on Amazon

Associated Content – If you write a story, how-to, rant, etc. you can submit it to them and they will pay you $3-$20 per article if they like it

azoogleads – Another ad program. They do have some decent companies lined up as advertisers. You provide space, they’ll provide an ad.

BidVertiser – PPC (pay per click) program with a low $10 payout amount.

Bravenet – These guys offer a ton of services for webmasters and blog owners. Although I feel like I was spammed for a while, it has ceased and they’ll pay you $1 for each person you send over

Blog – Start a blog and consistently write excellent content. With good ad placement, you may make some money.

Business Opportunities Blog – A lot of the ideas pertain to online businesses. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it’s a good reference.

CafePress – You provide a design, they’ll toss it on a T-Shirt, Hat, etc. No upfront costs. Get a free online shop and promote your products on your website.

Chitika – Their eMiniMalls service has shown great results for many Bloggers and site owners. You choose a keyword and they show relevant products on your site using a pretty unique interface.

Clickbank – Another Affiliate Program site with 10,000+ products to advertise

ClicknWork – Get paid $5-$150 per hour for basically doing freelance work on a per-assignment basis. You have to pass a pretty tough test to get in.

Clicksor – These are the guys that generate contextual ads on sites that show up when you hover over a double-underlined word.

Commission Junction – If you have a site, you can join Commission Junction. Once enrolled for free, you can choose companies whose ads are pertinent to your site. Companies have the ultimate say on working with you. Their are easily over 1,000 companies to choose from here.

Ether – If you are an expert on something, Ether provides a way for people to pay you to talk about it in a one-on-one setting. If you want to charge $250/hr, that’s fine. You have to do all the advertising so you should have a blog or site already established.

ELance – Name gives it away. Programmers, Codes, Web Designers, Writers, Editors, can look for freelance opportunities.

Feedvertising – This is an arm of Text Link Ads and is currently only good for WordPress 2.0 Users.

Feedburner – Not only are they the best place to house your feeds, they will also add ads to your feed and website. You get paid per impression.

Google Adsense – Come on, you don’t need an explanation. These ads are all over the place. Google displays relevant ads based on your site’s content

Google Adwords – Create simple text ads and choose keywords that determine when they are displayed. This is where the Adsense Content comes from. You do not need a site for this. – Get paid to fill jobs. Commissions range from $50-$5,000. It all depends on how tough the job is to fill and how desperate the hiring company is. This is another one that’s tough to explain. – Add their job board to your site. They then post jobs based on the geographic location of visitors and the position types you pre-select.

Jellyfish – This is a shopping site that pays you a percentage of the purchases made by people you refer. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct.

Jigsaw – It’s a pretty flaky model but if you have a Rolodex full of good contacts, you can sell them here. I can’t make sense of it but it looks like you get $0.10 per profile.

Microsoft Adcenter – Bid on keywords and Microsoft places your created ads then they are searched for. This is similar to Google Adwords. You do not need a site for this. – Sell your stuff on

Pageflakes – This is a company that developed a user-defined Ajax homepage to show feeds, flickr photos, and a ton of other things. Think of it as a replacement for your Google Homepage. Anyway – they’ll pay you $1 per referral that you send over. They are not part of a wider affiliate program so you do it direct. This one is pretty simple.

Pay Per Post – I don’t agree with this model entirely but they have advertisers that will pay you to write about their products on your blog.

Pheedo – If you have an RSS feed, run it through Pheedo. Like Feedburner, they can include ads into your feed and if you really become large, advertisers will pay a premium for you to show their ads.

Shareasale – They are similar to Commission Junction and Linkshare however they seem to have lower tiered companies with advertising offers.

Shoemoney – This is a blog that can teach you a ton on making money online. I’ve spent hours reading his old stuff.

Software Judge – They will pay you up to $50 to review software.

Text Link Ads – You can earn by sending advertisers to them or by selling spots on your site. You must have a real site or blog to do this – nothing on a shared domain (i.e. /blogspot).

Vibrant Media – Don’t bother unless your site has 500,000 page views of text based content a month. If you have that readership, these are the guys that display bubble box ads to underlined words on your site.

Yahoo Publisher Network- This is the Yahoo version of Google Adsense.


I will show you an easy tip so you can get many dofollow backlinks with high page rank from

First. You need setup:

-NoDofollow FireFox Add-ons: Just a simple extension to highlight links in a page according to nofollow / dofollow status.


-SearchStatus: is a toolbar extension for Firefox and Mozilla that allows you to see how any and every website in the world is performing. SearchStatus lets you view its Google PageRank, Google Category, Alexa popularity ranking, ranking, Alexa incoming links, Alexa related links and backward links from Google, Yahoo! and MSN.



after setup. go to:

type keyword, any keyword you like

ex: Twitter

xf6rkg How to get High PR dofollow backlinks from

we will get result like this:

2hzonr4 How to get High PR dofollow backlinks from

click to More results from »

and see:

2itkh85 How to get High PR dofollow backlinks from

ok and know we will check PR and Dofollow Digg links.

example i will check this link:

34hun86 How to get High PR dofollow backlinks from

Now how do we check?

Right Click to page and choose NoDofollow tag

it will show you this page is dofollow or nofollow. red is nofollow, blue is dofollow.

check image below:

2zzku37 How to get High PR dofollow backlinks from


SEE you can get lots of HIGH PR Backlinks for your Website !!


1. Hidden Content

Top of our list of black hat SEO techniques is hidden content. Hidden content comes in many forms,  but the basic principle is that within the code for the site there will be content stuffed with keywords, this content will not be visible to the end user of the site.

One way of doing this is by using comment tags.

Comment tags look like this;

<!– Comment Tag –>

The real purpose of comment tags is for developers/webmasters to add in useful reminders within their code explaining what that piece of code does.

Here’s an example of the comment tag being used correctly,

<!– Start of the Main Content –>

Here’s an example of a comment tag being used Blackhat in a bid to promote a hypothetical page targeting search engine optimization.

<!—Search engine optimization, SEO, professional search engine optimization company, spamming search engines –>

Another popular way of hiding content is the use of the <noscript> tag. The <noscript> tag should be used to inform a user that a script is being used but their browser either doesn’t support the script language used or they have that function turned off.

Here’s an example of the <noscript> tag being used correctly,

<script type=”text/javascript”>
document.write(”Hello World!”)
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>

Here’s an example of the <noscript> tag being used as a black hat SEO technique again in a bid to promote a hypothetical page but this time targeting car rentals.

AJAX Car Rental Company does Car Rental which is very affordable so if you want to hire a car call our car rental firm because we are the best car hire rental in the world

Other HMTL tags misused in similar ways include the <noframes> tag and hidden inputs in forms.

Content can also be hidden from the end user by using CSS, excessively small text and coloured text on the same coloured background.

All of these techniques are frowned upon by search engines and if detected can mean your website will be penalised or even banned. To the untrained eye it can be very difficult to spot the use of some of these techniques.

2. Meta Keyword Stuffing

There are two Meta tags that are generally used to inform search engines of the content on the page. They reside between the <head> tag of a page and when used incorrectly they can alert a search engine that a site is using spam techniques in an attempt to improve its ranking.

Meta Description

The meta description should be used to describe the content of your page honestly and concisely and be 1 or 2 sentences, 3 at most.

Here’s an example of the meta description being used in the correct manner,

<meta name=”description” content=”CoJV is an Online Marketing agency providing a full range of digital marketing services throughout Greater Chicago and all of the Midwest. If you need Search Engine marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay per Click (PPC), we can help you. Contact us now.” />

Here’s an example of the meta description tag being used Blackhat for a page promoting a restaurant called “Imaginary”,

<meta name=”description” content=”Imaginary restaurant website is the best Imaginary restaurant website, our restaurant is better than any restaurant,great restaurant,best food restaurant,visit our restaurant” />

3. Meta Keywords

Meta Keywords should be a short list of words that inform of the main focus of the page. Meta keywords have been so misused in the past that there are few if any search engines that take any heed of them.

Here’s an example of the meta keywords being used in the correct manner,

name=”Keywords” content=”Online marketing, digital marketing, search
marketing, search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO” />

Here’s an example of the meta keywords tag being used Blackhat for a page promoting a restaurant called “Imaginary”,

<meta name=”keywords” content=”Restaurant,restaurants,food,feed,take away food,fast food,junk food,eat,eating
out,dinner,dining,meal,eating,Imaginary,steak and chips,chicken and chips,pie and chips,pudding,desert,big restaurant,small restaurant,best restaurant,great restaurant, exclusive restaurant,cocktails,wine,drink,pizza,salads”>

4. Doorway or Gateway Pages

Doorway or Gateway pages are pages designed for search engines and not for the end user. They are basically fake pages that are stuffed with content and highly optimised for 1 or 2 keywords that link to a target or landing page. The end user never sees these pages because they are automatically redirected to the target page.


Low Tech Delivery

There are various ways to deliver doorway pages. The low-tech way is to create and submit a page that is targeted toward a particular phrase. Some people take this a step further and create a page for each phrase and for each search engine.

One problem with this is that these pages tend to be very generic. It’s easy for people to copy them, make minor changes, and submit the revised page from their own site in hopes of mimicking any success. Also, the pages may be so similar to each other that they are considered duplicates and automatically excluded by the search engine from its listings.

Another problem is that users don’t arrive at the goal page. Say they did a search for "golf clubs," and the doorway page appears. They click through, but that page probably lacks detail about the clubs you sell. To get them to that content, webmasters usually propel visitors forward with a prominent "Click Here" link or with a fast meta refresh command.

By the way, this gap between the entry and the goal page is where the names "bridge pages" and "jump pages" come from. These pages either "bridge" or "jump" visitors across the gap.

Some search engines no longer accept pages using fast meta refresh, to curb abuses of doorway pages. To get around that, some webmasters submit a page, and then swap it on the server with the "real" page once a position has been achieved.


This is "code-swapping," which is also sometimes done to keep others from learning exactly how the page ranked well. It’s also called "bait-and-switch." The downside is that a search engine may revisit at any time, and if it indexes the "real" page, the position may drop.

Another note here: simply taking meta tags from a page ("meta jacking"), does not guarantee a page will do well. In fact, sometimes resubmitting the exact page from another location does not gain the same position as the original page.

There are various reason why this occurs which go beyond this article, but the key point to understand is that you aren’t necessarily finding any "secrets" by viewing source code, nor are you necessarily giving any away.

Agent Delivery

The next step up is to deliver a doorway page that only the search engine sees. Each search engine reports an "agent" name, just as each browser reports a name.

The advantage to agent name delivery is that you can send the search engine to a tailored page yet direct users to the actual content you want them to see. This eliminates the entire "bridge" problem altogether. It also has the added benefit of "cloaking" your code from prying eyes.

Well, not quite. Someone can telnet to your web server and report their agent name as being from a particular search engine. Then they see exactly what you are delivering. Additionally, some search engines may not always report the exact same agent name, specifically to help keep people honest.

IP Delivery / Page Cloaking

Time for one more step up. Instead of delivering by agent name, you can also deliver pages to the search engines by IP address, assuming you’ve compiled a list of them and maintain it.

Everyone and everything that accesses a site reports an IP address, which is often resolved into a host name. For example, I might come into a site while connected to AOL, which in turn reports an IP of (FYI, that’s not real, just an example). The web server may resolve the IP address into an address:, for example.

The Page Cloaking article available to BlackhatBUZZ members provides more information about page cloaking, including links to cloaking software providers.
Click here to learn more about becoming a member

If you deliver via IP address, you guarantee that only something coming from that exact address sees your page. Another term for this is page cloaking, with the idea that you have cloaked your page from being seen by anyone but the search engine spiders.


5. Link Farming

 Link farms or free for all (FFA) pages have no other purposes than to list links of unrelated websites. There are many service providers who promise to help you boost your Link Popularity by automatically entering you into Link Exchange programs they operate, often linking your page with Web sites that have nothing to do with your content. However, search engines such as Google consider link farming as a form of spam and have been implementing procedures to banish sites that participate in link farming, so be careful.


One of the biggest factors of ranking high in the search engines is other websites linking to yours. And one of the most often asked questions  is……. Wait for it……….. How or where do i get them.

Cbox Links – CBox; a Tagboard software that bloggers and website owners can add to their website. It works much like the WordPress comments part of the wordpress script only its a simple shoutbox type script that you can throw a few links onto.
Google query to find an updated list of sites running this vulnerable software: allintext:[get a cbox]

Two Quick free links – Two simple ones that you have probably seen around a lot when your searching for sites is the and the wiki directory , these can just be thrown up in about 1 minute flat, and make sure in the wiki directory you add some related categories for better potential. They should get you indexed pretty fast.

Referer Spamming – Quite a simple method and a software called PRstorm thats found around this board should easily get you started, you add in the urls you want to referer spam, and the ones you want to be linked. This shows up in referer logs and you can easily get a fresh list by searching sites with referer logs with good PR or those sites with the My top referers list. Yes you can find PRstorm around this forum somewhere.

Unlimited free .edu and .gov links – Another great potential is edu and gov links as Google and others give authority over these types of domain extentions.
The ’site:’ feature in Google allows only results with that domain name or domain extension to show up. You can “hack” this feature to allow Google to find the most relevant university and government websites related to your sites.

Heres a few examples.
Google query: blog [or blog]
Results in: Google finds any .gov website that is running a blog or has a /blog/ directory. You can then visit these blogs and post comments (if you can find wordpress blogs like this one), and get hundreds of free .gov backlinks.
[Alternative queries: ‘blog’ ‘blogs’ ‘wordpress’ ‘comment’ ‘guestbook’ ‘2007′ ‘2006′]

Google query: *your niche* + blog
For example: internet marketing blog
The top result is a .edu blog that links to a non edu blog, but that blog is related and is PR3 and has edu backlinks. That is also a great relevant place to comment, even if it is not directly a .edu. On the other hand, the third result was a PR3 highly related .edu internet marketing blog with zero comments. That is easy .edu backlinks!

You can easily replicate these queries to fit your needs, and it is highly scalable. You can find .edu, .gov, and if you are lucky, .mil blogs. If you are not as picky, you can just search specifically for the blogs without the .edu or .gov extension, and you can find some high pageranked blogs on the first pages of results. Play around with it, enjoy it, it’s free! Then ofourse you know how to drop a link on the comments.

Edu Guestbooks – Guestbooks can too be quite good for dropping backlinks

RSS Feed Directories – This ones for the bloggers and forum owners too, anything really with an RSS feed, even if you fake an RSS feed and randomize it, it can still work.
Here is a good list of places to submit your feeds or you can use those automated software like RSS Announcer or Submitter, Or Bloggergenerators free blog and ping tools, theres a ton out there.

* Yahoo RSS Guide
* News

Tagbox Linkdropping – Another like the Cbox is Tagbox it works the exact same way.
Powered by Tagbox

Contests – Contests are a good way of word of mouth or bloggers blogging about it, another good example is a giveaway for say the person who sends the most traffic to you, you can use a link trading script to check whos best or a referer script to see which person sends the most, this will bring links to you if you work it smartly.

Digging – Digging the same as any network like such brings an incredible amount of backlinks and gets the buzz around fast.

Digg Comments – Digg comments can get you a few links and the latest comment is always usually at the top. So its an idea maybe to post on the popular diggs.

Commenthunt – Most of you already know this but commenthunt searches blogs without nofollow tags its a search engine type thing you can search for relevent blogs the url is – heres another shoutbox type way of backlinks Check This Query and get dumping links.

A Free EDU blog of your own – Get a free EDU blog of your own or many just by signing up heres the link. Free Edu Blog

Digitalpoint CO-Op Network – Another one that can work in some cases.
Digitalpoint developed a mass link exchange program called the DP Co-op Advertising Network (aff). After signing up, you then add 3-5 links on every one of your pages, and this earns you more linking power (coop weight). The more weight you have, the more links to your site you receive from other members in the coop. You can choose up to 15 anchor texts and there are over 30,000,000 available links in the network today. Sites have been using it to rank #1 for “Debt” “credit cards” “bankruptcy” and “loans.” Such a simple method is allowing them to outrank massive authority sites like Wikipedia, but the main concern is how long will this gravy train last and when will Google do something about it?

Google staff already know about the network, but have not yet done anything to prevent people from quickly ranking for popular terms. I just want to clarify that I would NOT recommend this technique to anyone that is going to be doing a long term link building campaign for their blogs, but I would recommend it for “made for adsense” sites, and even blackhat/greyhat temporary high profit earning sites.

Flickr Spamming – Flickr allows comments on photos taken by other people, now you can go wild and mass comment but i wouldnt recommend it, instead pick suitable pics about your niche and simply write a comment saying something smart like can i use this picture on my blog here, then drop your link, or go wild and do it anywhere.

Article Submission – If you have a product thats going to be released or a new site, its best to get the word around fast, using something like Article Equaliser or something that mass submits to a ton of article directories, this builds fast backlinks but sometimes takes time to get approved, and its best not using spammy type articles but interesting ones work better. And you’ll find that a lot of other sites scrape article sites for there own content. Giving even more backlinks.

Using Software – You can also use software like Internet Business Promoter, I prefer version 8, because it scans the engines for you, and gets links using keywords, to semi-automatically fill link submission forms to niche related directories. It works well and although is a slow process works perfectly

What is Cookie Stuffing? Cookie stuffing or cookie dropping is a blackhat online marketing technique used to generate fraudulent affiliate sales. It involves placing an affiliate tracking cookie on a website visitor’s computer without their knowledge, which will then generate revenue for the person doing the cookie stuffing. Income is generated when the affected user visits the target affiliate site and either creates an account or makes a purchase, depending on the terms of the affiliate agreement. This not only cookies, essentially stealing their legitimately earned commissions. How is Cookie  Stuffer used? Cookie Stuffer is so easy to use. If you can setup a blog you can use Smart Stuffer. After installing simply load in your affiliate links and create your campaigns. Then place a reference to the Smart Stuffer system on any page. As visitors flow in you will start to see your conversions coming to life. Your system is now running on auto-pilot. Basic Features

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Advanced Features

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