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Archive for the ‘Making Money’ Category



moneyman 50 Ways to Make Money Online

Hey All,

I get email after email, and comment after comment about the same general question…..

How do I make Money Online ?

So I thought that I would sit down and brain storm for a few and jot down a few methods to post up.

Well, after about an hour I stopped at 50 – YES FIFTY, general methods to make money !!!


Instead of posting it up here on BHB – I created a short PDF so all of you could have the reference safely stored on your computer.

Even though you all probably have bookmarked any number of pages on the site. wink smile 50 Ways to Make Money Online

Keep in mind that this is a pretty comprehensive list, and you will have to use your creative side to spin them to your needs.

Many of the Ideas have been spun is some way on many of our posts.

Good Luck – Take Action – Make Some MONEY !!


Download it FREE Here ……….

Click Here to Download





How would you like a CPA affiliate tactic you can get into right away?

What if it didn’t cost a thing to get started, the market was wide open and you could profit from this in just a few hours?

Good news: you can, and better news yet: as a loyal Buzzer, it’s yours free, although I may take this offline at any time…


CPA streaming Streaming CPA ProfitsYou can download the Streaming CPA Profits BUZZ report below.

It’s only 25 pages or so, a quick read and then you can get started…

This CPA tactic is based on very simple incentivized marketing. I wonder how long into the report before you realize how big such a thing can be scaled… Pretty amazing stuff.

Works anywhere in the world , so my international readers can benefit too….

Download the FREE report below.



Feel Free to leave your comments and questions in the box below…

Exclusively at BlackhatBuzz






A lot of people agree that RoboForm is an invaluable tool for managing their passwords but if that's all you're using it for, you're missing out on some great possibilities.

In this Complete Guide, I will show you how you can use this great tool in many Blackhat avenues.

roboform Using Robo Form the Blackhat WayBy using RoboForm as a Marketing Machine, you will be able to submit articles, assist in exchanging links with other sites, doing research for product development as well as increasing your security by using RoboForms auto password generator.

Here is just a taste of what this Guide Covers……

  • Article Submissions
  • Link Trades
  • Classified Ad Submissions
  • Product Research
  • Password Management
  • Backing Up Your Data




Download it Now……..

Click Here to Get this Great BH Roboform Guide






Introducing …

twitspam Twit Spam Now you can Automate your Tweets


This handy little script allows you to automate your tweets.

It can be used on Multiple accounts.

Each occurrence of the script sends 41 tweets.  This makes it so each of your Twitter accounts can run continuously throughout the day (and night) and never stop without worry of getting banned for spamming !!

I was going to Charge for this Script….

But, I am releasing it to all my

loyal BlackhatBUZZers – FREE !!


Download it Here…….





Hey BlackHatBuzzer’s

Want to get tons of Clickbank products for free? . . .

Then try this trick:

1) Click the Link below:

 Click here for FREE Clickbank Products

Here is the text from the Link


2)  Or Just Paste the text into your web browser’s ADDRESS BOX
(You know . . . the little white box at the top of your
browser window).

3) Hit Enter on your keyboard.

Now, You Can Get Page-After-Page of "FREE" Clickbank products

CBfree Get all the Clickbank Products you want for FREE

Or You can also try this:

Copy the text below and paste it into Google’s SEARCH BOX (and use the quotation marks):



Or Here is another good one to try:



"Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by
ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM."







Good Luck Searching

BHBee Get all the Clickbank Products you want for FREE


VERY Black Hat CPA Method

 Make $50 per Network per Day

blackhatcpa(1) FREE BlackHat CPA Lead systemLet me begin right now by saying that this is an incredibly simple method and VERY Black Hat.

I am really hesitant with Sharing this, BUT, what the Heck !!

I  give you the SECRET Method and the SPECIAL Codes to make it all Work


It is SO BLACKHAT that I can't even post it in my Blog for fear the the Networks will stumble upon it !!

So you will have Download the Method and the SECRET Codes !!


Just Think

$50 per Network X 4 Networks = $200 PER DAY


 Download it HERE ……





Hey – Now this is EXTREME Blackhat – so the weak in the Knees have to QUIT reading NOW !


This little trick and script allows you to disguise any advertisement as any image you want.

For example, a fake "Intermission" page and the "Continue" button is simply your adsense ad, when "Continue" is clicked they are prompted just as they would be if they would have click any other adsense ad…most likely they’ll X out pretty quickly, but you get your money – and it’s a "legitimate" click..


Here are the script Codes:

1) The display page….aka the "Intermission" page, or maybe the page with a small thumbnail of a Half-naked chick that makes people want to click it to enlarge. Edit YOURSITE.COM/iframepage.php to the page with the PHP file BELOW this.

In the below CSS, change the iframe width/height to whatever the size of the image you’re using.

position: absolute;
top: 450px;
left: 550px;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
opacity: 0;
border: 0px none transparent;
position: absolute;
top: 430px;
left: 510px;
height: 150px;
width: 150px;
<b><center><font size="5">It appears you haven’t been here before…</font><br><br><br>Please take a moment and check out today’s partner below and click continue when you’re ready.</font><br><br>
<img src="/continue.jpg" class="lol">
<iframe name="continue" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="100" scrolling="no" width="100" class="lol"></iframe>























2) The PHP page, iframe page. Name it whatever just make sure its linked to above accordingly. Make it something legit looking like "rightads.php" or "aboutus.php" etc.



$mmeedle = "yoursite";

// THAT THE DISGUISED ADS ARE ON. Example: If you’re displaying them on
//   you can simply enter
// freewidgets above.

$pkop = strpos($ref,$mmeedle);

if($pkop === false) {

else {



That’s it! There’s a bit of editing that you’ll need to do so just read my instructions and feel free to mess around with it. It’s flawless – does exactly what it’s supposed to do.


Put your mouse over the "continue" button – notice how it goes to that link. Now view the page source of that same page, there is no link to that, it’s in the iframe. That can/will be your ad,  just didn’t want to put any ad code on that page for obvious reasons .

Yes, I know, it’s a crappy quick example but it shows you how it works.



***Be careful, someone used this with adbrite and had like a 40% click through ratio, and got banned. Make sure to inflate the impressions with uniques somehow to balance it out…don’t make this mistake***



Want to know how to Use Ebay with CPA offers ?

Method Details:

Using an Ebay seller account, post an auction.

Find an email submit offer that is giving away the same product you are selling. You should probably find the affiliate offer first.

Get a domain and redirect and mask to your affiliate link for the offer.

Now use a second ebay account to ask a question about your auction, making sure to find a way to discreetly add your domain in the question.

Using your seller account again, confirm that the domain and offer is legitimate and safe. Make sure you post the question to the listing.

This way you can now drive traffic from ebay without getting your accounts closed and auctions canceled.

Of course you will need to pay for the listings, but that is just like paying for advertising, just a whole lot cheaper.

You can also use this method to push traffic from ebay to your site, then bounce them back to ebay thru EPN. This is called roundtripping, but it would be very hard to catch on to this as long as you don’t make connections between your accounts.

The traffic will be type in traffic and hard to discover where it is coming from. Feel free to twist this method. I guess what I’m trying to say is you can use this method to push traffic to all kinds of stuff, just use some creative instincts.

Things you may Need.

  • Ebay Seller account

  • Ebay Buyer account

  • CPA Affiliate Network Accounts

  • A Domain that is redirected and masked

Now – What do you need to Do ?

Choose a product that matches some of your affiliate offers. For this example we will use an Blackberry Storm. Go to Ebay and post an auction for an Blackberry Storm with your seller account.

Get your domain and redirect it to a free Blackberry Storm email submit. Don’t forget to mask it.

Now that the auction is up, use your buyer account to ask a question about the item you just posted.

It should go something like this:

I saw these free Blackberry storm Phones,, think it’s legitimate?

Now using your seller account answer the question saying something like yes it is legit, that’s where I got mine. Click the post question to auction box so your affiliate link will now show on your auction.

It won’t be an active link, but even most Noobs know how to copy and paste a link.

As always – Enjoy and make money


willy RoundTripping CPA offers with Ebay


Claim your $200 a day NOW!


I am giving you a SECRET method to earn $200 a day online that I have been using for months now! No one taught me this, I came up with completely myself through trial and error, and have perfected it so works 100% of the time.

It is such a simple method that takes about 20 minutes a day.

I show you STEP-BY-STEP with Screen shots of what you need to do!

I use this method each morning before I go to work while I have breakfast, and BAM! when I come home, an extra $200 each and everyday!

You do not need:

* Any previous marketing experience.
* To invest any money to make the method work.
* To be an expert in any field.
* A website.

This method is mildly Black Hat. It is not theory. It is a tried and true battle plan to build a job-killing income stream in record time. You don’t need to spend a cent to start earning!


Enough Said – Get it Here………

Click Here to Download




Are you a Craigslist Marketer?

Here’s a Little Method to Make Some Extra Cash from Leads!

Read at your own risk !!


Now most that are into CPA are using Craigslist in some way, shape or form to collect e-mail leads and then email them an offer. This is so you can get a little bit more personal, avoid looking like spam (which gets your ad flagged quickly) and lure the person in and get their interest peaked before you spring them with your offer. This  will show you how you can get an extra sale from a large number of your existing leads with a very little effort.

craigslist busted No Holds Barred Craigslist Busted MethodBasically the idea is that you are going to take existing leads – no matter what campaign you are running – and getting them to buy some anti virus software from you. This is not a new idea but it seems like a lot of people missed the boat and it brings  in quite a few extra sales. Anyhow, I will just show you exactly how to do this – You can run this with all your CL e-mailing campaigns.

So, to start with, you will run everything as normal, just send out your delayed auto responses with your sales pitch and make your sales on whatever product/offer you are running.   For the sake of making this clear to you,  Let’s pretend that we are running a campaign to promote a CPA credit offer. So We’ve shot off all of the emails to the leads we collected today, now we’re going to harvest and save these e-mails for the next round.

You can use Gmail accounts so why not show you to the free mail extractor to use, if you use Yahoo emails then a Google search will probably yield you a comparable solution. You use this extractor from and save all of the e-mails to your desktop; next we will manually log in and delete all of the mails in our account to continue with the credit offer campaign. Note it will limit the number of times you can extract, luckily with Gmail you can simply ad ‘+numbers’ to the end of your e-mail and it will appear to be a new one (as an example change your address of to and etc., ect., ect.).

Now, we will go and create a new e-mail address, if you can afford a domain this is better, because you will have  more reliability and make some additional sales. You will be posing as an anti-virus unit of Craigslist, so a domain such as ‘’ or something to make your e-mails seem more legitimate.  If not simply choose a good sounding account and make a new Gmail,  a hosted mail is highly recommend , as you are only spending like $5 for a method that will make that back with a great deal of profit on your first conversion.

Now wait about 3 days to send a mail ( continue to harvest mails daily and date them on your desktop to be sent out after 3 days) this gives the lead a chance to first complete the original offer that you targeted them for. It is time to send the mail now,  simply import the contacts list into your mail client (gmail will let you import via .CSV if you went the free route as well) and send out a message to all of the users/responders that goes something like this:



Dear Craigslist user,

Our records indicate that you may have been in contact with a website about a credit (replace with your offer) offer which was e-mailed to you as a follow up via a Craigslist advertisement on the 17th of September (todays date minus 3 days). Various reports indicate that this website is highly malicious in nature and has most probably infected your computer with a virus designed to steal and/or compromise your personal and financial data.

Since this virus is custom coded and very new most anti virus programs will not pick it up, the following three programs contain virus definitions that will detect and remove his malicious virus; it is highly recommended you use one of these programs to scan your computer:

Affiliate Link 1 | Affiliate Link 2 | Affiliate Link 3



Craigslist Anti Virus & Fraud Department


Obviously the stuff in red is not placed within the ad but simply there for you to see where to change your information. In addition, the three links at the bottom will be to three different anti virus programs that run through ClickBank. Try to provide three choices instead of one so it looks less promotional – these offers are great because they even pay out recurring commissions in many instances and are usually more than a $30 payout to you.

This method works great and with only 5-10 extra minutes of work allows you to turn your previous leads into a second sale, often even yielding sales from leads who failed to generate on your initial e-mailing.


To your Success……

buzzy No Holds Barred Craigslist Busted Method



The VERY Black Hat AdSense with Google Trends Method

A couple of notes before we get to the Full Effect:

  • The highlighted parts don’t work properly in WP. If you cannot figure out the template on your own then just head over HERE and get the PDF version of this blog post which will lay out the site’s .php in color coded format to help you with editing if you are new to web design.
  • Be careful! I recommend not doing more than $20-$50 a day with this method. I taught this method to one of my coaching clients and he did $30K in about 2 weeks, needless to say he got banned. The key to going dark black hat like this is to fly under the radar, don’t bring attention to yourself and don’t get greedy! Also if you use your AdSense for a lot of white hat stuff consider running with AdBrite – they pay less but at least you aren’t risking your AdSense account.
  • I thought the traffic method makes perfect sense but apparently some people are not capable of comprehending this so let me lay it out. Your submission uses the exact trend for title/description. It then ranks in Google, your page itself does not. If the trend is low competition (no big .coms like Fox/CNN/TMZ) then your story will be one of the top results for the trend in a few hours and people will click it and then click through to your website.


It seems that more and more often people are dropping AdSensea revenue stream do to ever decreasing ad clicks and the fact that traffic is just worth more through affiliate sales or CPA offers. With every intention of being banned from AdSense and just playing around before dropping them completely I started a VERY black hat AdSense campaign which, my to my initial surprise, is still going strong 5 months later and getting me a paid a ton!

I will not lie; this is very against AdSense ToS so you do risk being banned. All that I can say is that I have not gotten banned and I get paid. If you are a bit faint of heart or perhaps using your AdSense account for white hat things and do not want to risk it that is 100% fine just check out other programs, who do not care so much about quality for their advertisers and do NO manual checking.

These networks include:


  •   BidVertiser
  •   MSN
  •   AdBrite
  •   YSM

All of these networks pay out slightly lower, on a cost per click basis, than Google AdSense but they do still pay and with this method you will still earn big!I can also attest to the fact that my friends who use this method have never been banned from AdSense either. As I said though, use it at your own risk and perhaps consider applying to another network so a ban will not hurt your current or future AdSense prospects.

Alright, now thatyou’ve made up your mind about what pay-per-click program you’re going to use how about we go ahead and get on to the method…

Set Up

The first step for setup here is start out a brand new site. You will need hosting for this, a domain is optional as you can always use a redirect/shortening service but you will need your own hosting as you are going to be editing some .php files. You can use for free hosting but it does not
look clean so I recommend moving away from it once you get paid. Since Google Trends, and our traffic technique, are both very short lived you will be spending about 5-10 minutes each day setting up a new page based around a new trend. It gets more simple next time as you have your template and only have to edit the URL forthe new picture as well as put it the dimensions for it. This can be done on hosted sites only! blogs will NOT work as you need to edit a .php page to make the code for this work!

Your very first step for the day is to head over to and look for a suitable Google trend for the day. An ideal trend, for this method, will need to posses one of the following attributes:

Not covered by the major media networks such as Associated Press, CNN or Fox News. These networks will be the only things that will outrank you in Google, which is going to be your traffic source. Generally speaking about 1/3 of the top 100 trends fit this criterion and you can run with them!
The Google Trend needs to be about some sort of content that people are dying to get. This works with mainly two things –videos and pictures. For this method to work you will need your visitor to click on the picture, you will see why later.

In this example I am a bit limited today because it is the 4th of July so that takes up a ton of Google Trends and is not too useable to me. However, there are always at least a few Trends out there that I can work with. Today I went with ‘versus cycling’ which holds some great qualities; it is not covered by
the big networks, itis related to TV so I can put up a clip and it even has a related Trend a little further down the list which means the possibility to add some extra traffic (this method will let you target up to 2 Google Trends per blog post)! Here is a little shot for y’all:

Gtrends The VERY BlackHat Adsense Method

Now it is time to get a little content for my new page for the day.I will head over to Google Image search and just type in ‘versus cycling’. I found a suitable image in about a minute, anything that looks like it could be a frame from a video will do just fine. Here is the image that I went with:

bike1 The VERY BlackHat Adsense Method

Now I want to make it look like a video, this is pretty darn simple! All we are going to do is to stick a play button right on top of it. You don’t even need Photo Shop to make this look good; I’m doing it in MS Paint on my laptop as a matter of fact! I have found the perfect button for you and you can get it at:

Just take that image and paste it right on top of the picture that you found. My final product, for my new webpage, is this bad boy:

bike2 The VERY BlackHat Adsense Method

Nothing too fancy but since you have to do this daily I prefer to only spend about 2 minutes total to slap up this picture! From here you can upload it straight to your server for use in your new web page. You may be thinking that it is pretty black hat toget a person to click on something that isn’t what you make it out to be. Well, you’ve been warned this is a VERY black hat method and you haven’t seen anything yet! I am about to show you how to get credited for an AdSense, or other network of your choosing, click every time someone clicks on that video!

Now it is time to generate your AdSense code. The big thing here is that you do NOT want a 100% CTR. Since Google made clicks only count on the text links and not the whole ad this helped a lot. Although you could easily still get 80%+ CTR it WILL get you banned as it initiates a manual review by Google!
Because of this you want to make your Ad Unit smaller than the picture size. What is going to happen is that this will make it so that people will have toclick the correct area of the picture –your fake video – in order to get an AdSense click. This way only a percentage of people clicking on the image will also be clicking your AdSense ad unit so you have a reasonable looking CTR.

So, it is now time to take this picture and hide it over your AdSense ads. In order to do this simply use the template that is on the following page. Create a new .txt document and paste all of it in there, then I will show you what needs to be changed to make it have your current image up and your AdSense ads
behind it. Also please note AdSense now uses a new format for ads, I use copied+pasted ad units from my old site so it looks like this. If you do the newer ones just stick that code where my AdSense code shows up.

Ok then, here it goes for you:



opacity: 0;

border: 0px none transparent;

position: absolute;

top: 0px;

left: 0px;

height: 300px;

width: 250px;




position: absolute;

top: -50px;

left: 0px;

height: 475px;

width: 342px;






<img src=””/>

<script type=”text/javascript”><!–

google_ad_client = “pub-YOURPUBID”;

google_ad_width = 300;

google_ad_height = 250;

google_ad_format = “300×250_as”;

google_ad_type = “image”;

google_ad_channel = “YOURCHANNEL”;


<script type=”text/javascript”




<center>Watch versus cycling in this video clip.<br>Versus Cycling is some

great videos to watch!




As you can see this is designed for a 300×250 ad unit. If you use a smaller ad unit (a must do if your picture is somewhat smaller) then just also change the dimensions to the dimensions of your ad unit.The areas highlighted in green reflect the height of width of your picture, be sure to change these to reflect whatever picture you use as well.If you are using a fairly large picture and do not need a smaller ad then simply change the parts. The first thing to
change is to add the URL of the image that you created earlier (in the img src area). Next just replace the Google AdSense code area to reflect the code that you have generated in your account.

As you know AdSense displays ads based on keywords so if there is no text here you will be showing VERY low paying public service ads. You will also note that I put a <br> in between sentences. Keep it short and keep that after the first sentence or else it will get moved behind your image and look a bit fishy. If you are using a different advertiser such as AdBrite then obviously you would place the AdBrite code in place of the AdSense code at the bottom.

This is now the end of your page set up. So to cover things, we have identified a Google Trend and built a page that will get all the interested traffic clicking on ads. Now, aside from my very handy promotion trick, all that is left is to create your ‘safe’ page to keep a manual review from slamming you –just in case!

We are going to go and make a new .txt document in wordpad. This  will be extremely generic and safe, just slap in the following code:





<center><script type=”text/javascript”><!–

google_ad_client = “pub-YOURPUBID”;

google_ad_width = 300;

google_ad_height = 250;

google_ad_format = “300×250_as”;

google_ad_type = “image”;

google_ad_channel = “YOURCHANNEL”;


<script type=”text/javascript”





<center>Versus Cycling News</center><br>


A fire that destroyed Team Type 1’s rider transport van threatened to burn up the team’s lead Sunday morning in the Arizona desert at the Race Across America (RAAM). But quick action by the crew kept the eight-rider team going and Team Type 1 led by more than an hour Sunday afternoon at Time Station No. 7 in Cottonwood, Ariz., 437 miles (704 km) into the race.


The fire started beneath the mini-van that hauls the riders and pulls the trailer carrying their Orbea bicycles. It happened when the van’s hot catalytic converter came in contact with tall grass on the side of the road while the vehicle was pulled off to make a rider exchange. Fortunately, no one was hurt. But the van was permanently damaged and a large area of the pavement was scorched.


Team Type 1 General Manager Tom Schuler, who is serving as a crew member for the team during RAAM, said he was amazing by how fast riders and staff responded to the situation.   “They had to put out the fire, disconnect the trailer hitch, reconnect the trailer to another vehicle,

move the bikes around and get a new vehicle,” Schuler said. “We were really fortunate that we were able to disconnect that trailer from the frame of the burned-out vehicle and move it onto a different van.”


As a temporary stop-gap, Team Type 1 and Team Type 2 RAAM manager Dave Eldridge put his utility van into action as the rider vehicle until he was able to secure a new rental. Eldridge is the father of Joe Eldridge, who co-founded Team Type 1 with Phil Southerland in 2004.   In the wake of the fire, RAAM organizers put out a message to the more than 70 other crews following teams or individuals in the transcontinental race. It read, in part:

RAAM wish to extend their appreciation for the quick reaction of the crew to mitigate what could have been a very dangerous event. RAAM is unable to control all aspect of the Race and therefore they cannot take responsibility for unfortunate events that may occur during the Race.


Please be aware of your surroundings (especially the dry ground cover inCalifornia) and the impact you may have on them during the race. Follow the progress of Team Type 1 and Team Type 2 during RAAM by going to Both squads are providing inspiration to people affected by diabetes around the world.

Now what you will have to change is simple:

Just Google the Trend you chose and grab a short article. Copy and paste it in there and you have your ‘safe’ page ready to throw up. When you start to get a good burst of ad clicks simply throw up the safe page after you earned your goal for the day ($100? $300?) and the ‘safe’ page will replace your old one. This is dual purpose, first of all it will now greatly lower your CTR because you have the same ad up but no sneaky technique to get it clicked. Second this method will also give you a ‘safe’ page so that by the time an AdSense rep comes to manually check it, if you happened to go a bit overboard, everything will look 100% legit to them!

That’s it for the site creation. Just remember, watch it closely and throw this up once you have a comfortable amount of cash in for the day. Even if you do not hit your goal for the day still throw this up early so that you can lower your CTR and avoid suspicion.

Now all that is left to do is to get some traffic. Simply head over to Digg and submit your new site. In the title box put your first Trend keyword exactly as it appears, in this instance it will be ‘versus cycling’. In the second box put your second Trend exactly as it appears also. Although this is optional as you will often only have 1 Trend at a time that fits well. Also put a little link bait at the end of this in the description, after all you do want people to click through.

As an example my title now reads: Versus Cycling

And my description reads: Versus TV –Watch versus cycling here, great clip of today’s action!

Now just go ahead and submit it. The way that this trick works is that is LOVED by Google, at least short term. So, since you are not competing with CNN and Fox News your story (not the actual site but the Digg submission) will hit the top of Google in about an hour for your Trend and
remain there for 12-24 hours. This way people searching for this Trend will click on your story and the click through the link there which will lead them to the page that you setup. You now have a TON of traffic ready to click your invisible AdSense ad!

Enjoy it and please do not get greedy and forget to throw your ‘safe’ page up. It really is some great money so be sure to do this and milk it long term instead of getting banned!


If you would like the Ebook explaining this Method in Detail

CLICK HERE to Download


 squeezeheader cash3 CPA Content Wizard   Move over Blackhat Codebreaker

Looking for an EASY way to make

MONEY with CPA networks


Now you can Harness the power of WordPress and turn it into a CPA Affiliates Dream

Introducing the CPA Content Wizard

Here is a Blog I set up in less than 10 Minutes using the

CPA Content Wizard

CLICK HERE for Sample Blog


The CPA Content Wizard automatically schedules and posts highly sought after content. Then it monetizes each post making you MONEY 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

  • Get Highly Sought after Content delivered to your blog automatically.
  • Post that content right away or schedule the posts for a more natural blog presence.
  • Hungry Visitors quickly come to YOUR content with very little promotion (We show you how to get a flood of visitors right away)
  • Monetize each link clicked. MAKING YOU A LOT OF MONEY!!!


The CPA Content Wizard is three (3) WordPress plugins in ONE.

blackcheckmark(1) CPA Content Wizard   Move over Blackhat CodebreakerCPA Content Wizard Part 1

Automatic Content Generation


Easy Generate Unlimited Content at the push of a button!

The CPA Content Wizard’s RSS Feed Manager lets you publish content to your blog using RSS feeds.


  • We show you how to select the BEST RSS Feed for your USE.
  • Tell the RSS Feed Manager how many articles you want to post from that feed each time.
  • You can choose the category (or categories) you want the post to appear.
  • You can select the tags you want added to each post.

The CPA Content Wizard RSS Feed Manager works in the background to update your blog as often as new RSS feed posts are released (the plugin takes care of duplicated entries and removes them before they appear). There is no faster way to build a substantial number of articles without the hassle of writing them all yourself!

You can now have content automatically posted for each one of these categories, promoted for you, at any frequency you wish…without
ever writing a single line…


blackcheckmark(1) CPA Content Wizard   Move over Blackhat CodebreakerCPA Content Wizard Part 2

Automated BLOG Poster & Scheduler

There is NO need to manually posting to your blog every again.


  • You determine the number of articles and the intervals to post your content making the search engines love you.
  • Post are placed in the category you specify and automatically tagged with the keywords relevant to that post so that the search engines and
    directories eagerly seek out and gobble up your newly posted content!
  • You can easily setup when to publish your content. Days, months or even years into the future, so it always looks like you are taking the time to update and maintain your blog for years to come! (no limit on how many articles you import and line up at once)
  • You can easily manage content waiting to be published (edit, delete)
  • You can manually post content with the click of a button without waiting for the scheduled date.


blackcheckmark(1) CPA Content Wizard   Move over Blackhat CodebreakerCPA Content Wizard Part 3


Automated Content Protection


Now that you have your content and posting on an interval, it time to MAKE SOME MONEY!

Black haters are familiar with the concept of protecting content and forcing the visitor to fill out an offer ($500 gift card, Free Xbox 360, etc.) before getting the download. We have taken this concept and put it on STEROIDS!!!


CPAcontent CPA Content Wizard   Move over Blackhat Codebreaker


  • The CPA Content Wizard Automatically Locks Down Your Content and forces people to complete your CPA Offers.
  • You can determine the delay between you offers (1-minute wait time or infinity).
  • You determine the length of time your visitor can access your content, via cookies, before they must fill out another offer.
  • You can list as many as five (5) CPA offers your visitor can choose from to complete.
  • No HTML or PHP knowledge needed to create your offers and can get them up and running quickly.
  • You can turn off the CPA Content Wizard’s content protection system with a simple mouse click.


Get it Here…….






"Discover The Lazy Webmasters Way To Making A Fortune From Your Blog In Less Than 3 Minutes!"


If you’re looking for a hands-free approach to getting unlimited profits from WordPress blogs, then:

It's So "Set-it-and-Forget-it" Simple To Keep Your Blogs Updated Without Lifting A Finger

Your Answer To End Boring Blog Posting

This AutoBlog  WordPress plugin will help you put an end to boring blog postings once and for all.

It’s true! The program works effortlessly by pulling FULL articles from ArticlesBase article directory to your WordPress blog.

Get fresh new articles each and every day and posts automatically to your blog.


Using Auto Blog Plugin vs Getting Content from RSS feeds

Why is getting content from the Auto Blog Plugin a better solution
than RSS feeds?

  • RSS feeds only pulls information to your blog from the first few sentences of various content sites. (usually not more than 55 words).
  • With the Auto Blog Plugin you get FULL ARTICLES to your blog, at least 300 words long!


How Using the Auto Blog Will Help You To Make More Profit


yellow checkmark Easy Automatic Blog Plugin
You'll have more time to run a successful online business instead of looking for content and posting it to all of your blogs.
yellow checkmark Easy Automatic Blog Plugin With more free time you can start working on more niche projects.
yellow checkmark Easy Automatic Blog Plugin You will have more pages on your websites and also more backlinks and better position on search engines.
yellow checkmark Easy Automatic Blog Plugin If you have used RSS feeds for content, with Automatic Blog your blogs will have more quality content.
yellow checkmark Easy Automatic Blog Plugin With quality content you will have more influence on visitors, can be closer to them and have more opportunity to convert them into your customers.


 Download it Exclusively HERE…..FREE….

CLICK HERE to Download


Yes – Exactly as the Title States !

Unbelievable you say !

How would you like to get Millions of FREE Targeted Hits to your website ?


Using Nothing But Free Traffic Sources  – Forget Article Directories, Forget SEO, This Is MUCH Easier and Much More Effective!


increased web traffic guaranteed Get Millions of FREE Targeted Hits to your websiteI want to show you how to Get Millions of targeted hits – without spending a dime on advertising!



These 'Free Advertising' secrets have earned  thousands of dollars a month for others… Now  want to know  how to do it?

Why pay $0.5, $1, $2 a click or more per unique visitor, when you can get more visitors and bigger ads – Absolutely FREE?

These 'insider secrets' will show you exactly how you can  get thousands of dollars worth of advertising – Absolutely Free – for almost any product or service you sell!



Yes, it's true, You can get Millions of  hits using nothing but free advertising.

targeted web traffic Get Millions of FREE Targeted Hits to your website

  • If this sounds 'too-good-to-be-true' well, it's not… especially when you know the insider secrets of how to get this free advertising.
  • This is perfect for someone with  no money to advertise   if you really  want  to get into making money online.

  • So, these are the Ulitmate 'tricks', to get all the advertising you want, without even having to spend a dime!


Download the Secret Here……..

Click HERE to Download this Secret Traffic Report






Are YOU a Resale Rights Junkie?

I'll bet you have a potential goldmine of Private Label, Resale and Master Resale Rights products tucked away on your hard-drive that you've collected from giveaway events, firesales and membership sites.

Would you like to know how you can quickly and easily turn those products into cold hard cash?


If You've Never Heard of TradeBit…

Tradebit page Making Money with TradebitTradeBit is a digital product marketplace and the more I work with the site, the more excited I get about the potential and the more ideas I come up with for ways to use it. And, you will, too!

TradeBit has been online for over 4 years and their Alexa traffic rank is 3,998.

According Alexa's Clickstream data, 4.5% of their visitors go to PayPal when they leave the TradeBit site, which tells me that at least 4.5% of the people who visit the site end up purchasing something (other payment options on TradeBit are Google Checkout, PayDotCom and ClickBank).

Wouldn't you like the chance to capture some of those buyers?

The on-site Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the authority of the site is apparently really, really great! The first audio book I listed for sale on the TradeBit site landed on the first page of Google for it's primary keyword, out of 51.5 million results, in less than 2 days!

And, I made my first sale from TradeBit in less than a week, even tho' I'd done nothing to promote the product other than list it on TradeBit!

TradeBit has two different ways you can sell thru their marketplace. One way is to let them host your product pages, store your download files, handle all the transactions and deliver the downloads for you.

The other way to use TradeBit is a “self-hosted” option where you list products for sale on the site, but the links redirect visitors to your own “self-hosted” salespage.

The "How To Sell Digital Products On TradeBit" course focuses on listing your products directly on TradeBit and letting them handle the transactions and delivery.

TradeBit is not just for Resell Rights and Private Label Rights products, oh no! You can list and sell pretty much any downloadable digital product on the site, as long as you have the rights to sell it.

You'll also get your own subdomain “store” on their site. You don't pay any hosting fees, listing fees or transaction fees for your “store.”

It doesn't cost anything to register for a TradeBit account, list products for sale or host your files on the site. Like I said before, TradeBit handles all the transactions and download delivery.

You don't pay TradeBit anything until you sell something!

When you list your products directly on TradeBit, you'll be charged a 25% commission and TradeBit sends you 75% of the revenue generated from the sales of your products each Wednesday to your PayPal account.

TradeBit is a great way to get your digital products up on the web so they can begin making you money!


Get the Complete Course Here……..


Click HERE for All PDF's and Instructional Videos

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