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Learn the One Simple Strategy  to Make HUNDREDS Each Day With PPC, WITHOUT Spending a Lot!


The secret to success with Pay Per Click is very simple.  But don’t let this fool you.  It’s also VERY profitable. 

Want to know what it is?  Of course you do !!

istock blackhat2 Secret of PPC ProfitsAre you scared of paying for traffic? I know I was. In fact, I resisted buying Pay Per Click for years !

Boy was that ever a mistake!

If I would have known how simple it can be to make big money with PPC, I would have done it long ago !

For the first year I was in IM, I worked diligently to:

-make a bunch of sites
-write a bunch of articles
-spend hours trying to put links on every site imaginable

All with the goal of trying to get to page one of Google. Well, you know what? I made it there for a couple of VERY competitive phrases. And all that work basically brought me… oh… maybe $50 a day if I was lucky.

Now, don't get be wrong… I was happy to make some extra cash each month. But I needed more. And so, I decided to buy PPC with a VERY small budget each day. At first, I did what just about everyone else does when they first start a PPC campaign, but then, I decided to try a different trick.

And that trick turned out to be VERY profitable. As in, BIG $$$$$$ !!

Needless to say, I began to like PPC!


  • The trick for maximizing PPC profits, and WHY it works
  • The types of markets you want to go after
  • The EXACT ad I use each and every time,  yes -  word for word
  • A BLACK HAT trick you can use to crush your competition


Download the FREE Report Here…..


Click Here to Download

A Unique Method to Making Money with

Adult Dating Websites and CPA OFFERS

Make $300-$500+ per Day

*Top Secret*


This Guide reveals a unique powerful system that can make you an incredible amount of money in a short amount of time.
**WARNING** This method does involve promoting Adult material and it can be considered “greyhat”.

I’m going to show you the exact steps that you can follow to setup a Viable income stream that you can rinse and repeat 1000x’s of times and start earning immediately after the system is implemented. ►From this step-by-step guide you’ll learn: How to try and harness the power of viral marketing to obtain wads of cash. If you know ANYTHING about driving traffic then your already have an advantage. If you’re not very good at driving traffic no worries. I’m going to explain everything step by step.

All you need to do is follow the steps outlined in this guide and use the templates and scripts I provide for you…

The best thing about this method is that it can work for

CPA Offers as well!!


Only the next 100 people will be able to Download.

I will pull this Page after that.

Receive Download Link to Adult BUZZ here.

Just Enter your Email and the Download Link will be Sent to You


A FREE Members Account with Maverick Moneymakers

MMMaker Get a FREE membership to Maverick Moneymakers

I am not sure how long this will work so get it fast.

I have discovered a secret link that will get you a FREE account to Maverick MoneyMakers !


Copy and Paste the following Url into Notepad:

NOW YOU MUST CHANGE the Information in RED to:

FIRSTNAME – Change to any first name (example: cindy)

LASTNAME – Change to any last name (example: smith)

Make sure you use a fake name…..


YOUREMAIL – Change to your email name – Change to the domain of your email

SO – if your email address is  it would look like this


Now – Just copy the revised link from notepad and pasted it into your browser and you have a free account !!

Just click through the One Time Offers and Upsells and you will get to the Main Members Page.

This site will give some great information for Newbie's and Seasoned Internet Marketers alike.




This method involves using

Blackhat codebreaker


CPA Gateway BHCB Blackhat CodeBreaker Method

This method can be twisted in so many ways, you
can continue to Make Money on AutoPilot.

This could Generate you an easy $200 a day !!

You can find so many niches and twists to this

that this should not ever get saturated.


You should only spend about 30-45 minutes a day on this.

Or you can just outsource the work and reap the profits.

This guide will teach you how to set up the website, using blackhatcodebreaker, how to outsource, how to set up a delayed autoresponder, and a few secret twists.


Download the Guide Here


Click here to Download the BHCB Method Guide



moneyman 50 Ways to Make Money Online

Hey All,

I get email after email, and comment after comment about the same general question…..

How do I make Money Online ?

So I thought that I would sit down and brain storm for a few and jot down a few methods to post up.

Well, after about an hour I stopped at 50 – YES FIFTY, general methods to make money !!!


Instead of posting it up here on BHB – I created a short PDF so all of you could have the reference safely stored on your computer.

Even though you all probably have bookmarked any number of pages on the site. wink smile 50 Ways to Make Money Online

Keep in mind that this is a pretty comprehensive list, and you will have to use your creative side to spin them to your needs.

Many of the Ideas have been spun is some way on many of our posts.

Good Luck – Take Action – Make Some MONEY !!


Download it FREE Here ……….

Click Here to Download





Are you using PLR articles or auto blogging to make money online with Adsense or CPA networks?

Are you getting no Money by the zillions of other marketers using the same content as you on their sites?

Are you Looking for the search engines to treat your articles as unique after you’ve used them on article directories?

Need a way to spin articles on your own site?

Now you can have Unique Content articles and PLR content as posts on blogs whose sole purpose is to make adsense earnings or CPA commissions.



What if we could stop the search engines seeing duplicate content in our posts…even if we used the same posts on different domain?



What if your articles were unique every single view?



What if the same content looked the same to the human eye but NOT to the search engines?



What if we could rank for the same content on many domains?



What if we could rule SERPS with the same article without resorting to using free sites like Squidoo and Hubpages where we run the risk of being banned and we were fighting for only 2 entries in Google on sites like Squidoo.



What if our content was viewed as unique even if another blogger was using the same content as you…even if that blogger is using the exact same article as you?



What if the content on your Autoblogs was unique to even the original content?


And what if this was achievable without 1 bit of content spinning needed. No more unreadable articles or blog posts.


Well there is a Solution !!

This  is a unique WordPresss plugin that achieves all of this with a 5 sec install on your blog.

Yep, totally unique content that’s readable in seconds. No rewriting, no copy and pasting, no spinning, no messing with code…just unique blog posts time after time.


What are the Benefits of this Plugin……

  • Duplicate Content is NON-EXISTANT
  • Rehash Articles in seconds so that the same content can be used over and over again.
  • Build multiply Blogs with the same Content in record time.
  • Get more traffic to your auto blogs from the SERPS.
  • ZERO Technical know how is needed.
  • You can even be 100% unique even if 1000's of bloggers are using the same content.
  • MAKE MORE MONEY from the increase in Traffic from Search Engines.

It's Simple……



So what is this going to Cost ?


Get it Below FREE………

Click HERE to Download




Below is your UNIQUE BONUS Link

Just send 20 Visitors to our Site Using your UNIQUE BONUS Link and the Download Link will be exposed at 100 %


OR, If you Need the "Eliminate Duplicate Content Plugin" right Now and you Don't have 20 Friends Yet ……

Click HERE




How would you like a CPA affiliate tactic you can get into right away?

What if it didn’t cost a thing to get started, the market was wide open and you could profit from this in just a few hours?

Good news: you can, and better news yet: as a loyal Buzzer, it’s yours free, although I may take this offline at any time…


CPA streaming Streaming CPA ProfitsYou can download the Streaming CPA Profits BUZZ report below.

It’s only 25 pages or so, a quick read and then you can get started…

This CPA tactic is based on very simple incentivized marketing. I wonder how long into the report before you realize how big such a thing can be scaled… Pretty amazing stuff.

Works anywhere in the world , so my international readers can benefit too….

Download the FREE report below.



Feel Free to leave your comments and questions in the box below…

Exclusively at BlackhatBuzz






A lot of people agree that RoboForm is an invaluable tool for managing their passwords but if that's all you're using it for, you're missing out on some great possibilities.

In this Complete Guide, I will show you how you can use this great tool in many Blackhat avenues.

roboform Using Robo Form the Blackhat WayBy using RoboForm as a Marketing Machine, you will be able to submit articles, assist in exchanging links with other sites, doing research for product development as well as increasing your security by using RoboForms auto password generator.

Here is just a taste of what this Guide Covers……

  • Article Submissions
  • Link Trades
  • Classified Ad Submissions
  • Product Research
  • Password Management
  • Backing Up Your Data




Download it Now……..

Click Here to Get this Great BH Roboform Guide






Introducing …

twitspam Twit Spam Now you can Automate your Tweets


This handy little script allows you to automate your tweets.

It can be used on Multiple accounts.

Each occurrence of the script sends 41 tweets.  This makes it so each of your Twitter accounts can run continuously throughout the day (and night) and never stop without worry of getting banned for spamming !!

I was going to Charge for this Script….

But, I am releasing it to all my

loyal BlackhatBUZZers – FREE !!


Download it Here…….





Hey BlackHatBuzzer’s

Want to get tons of Clickbank products for free? . . .

Then try this trick:

1) Click the Link below:

 Click here for FREE Clickbank Products

Here is the text from the Link


2)  Or Just Paste the text into your web browser’s ADDRESS BOX
(You know . . . the little white box at the top of your
browser window).

3) Hit Enter on your keyboard.

Now, You Can Get Page-After-Page of "FREE" Clickbank products

CBfree Get all the Clickbank Products you want for FREE

Or You can also try this:

Copy the text below and paste it into Google’s SEARCH BOX (and use the quotation marks):



Or Here is another good one to try:



"Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by
ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM."







Good Luck Searching

BHBee Get all the Clickbank Products you want for FREE


VERY Black Hat CPA Method

 Make $50 per Network per Day

blackhatcpa(1) FREE BlackHat CPA Lead systemLet me begin right now by saying that this is an incredibly simple method and VERY Black Hat.

I am really hesitant with Sharing this, BUT, what the Heck !!

I  give you the SECRET Method and the SPECIAL Codes to make it all Work


It is SO BLACKHAT that I can't even post it in my Blog for fear the the Networks will stumble upon it !!

So you will have Download the Method and the SECRET Codes !!


Just Think

$50 per Network X 4 Networks = $200 PER DAY


 Download it HERE ……





Hey – Now this is EXTREME Blackhat – so the weak in the Knees have to QUIT reading NOW !


This little trick and script allows you to disguise any advertisement as any image you want.

For example, a fake "Intermission" page and the "Continue" button is simply your adsense ad, when "Continue" is clicked they are prompted just as they would be if they would have click any other adsense ad…most likely they’ll X out pretty quickly, but you get your money – and it’s a "legitimate" click..


Here are the script Codes:

1) The display page….aka the "Intermission" page, or maybe the page with a small thumbnail of a Half-naked chick that makes people want to click it to enlarge. Edit YOURSITE.COM/iframepage.php to the page with the PHP file BELOW this.

In the below CSS, change the iframe width/height to whatever the size of the image you’re using.

position: absolute;
top: 450px;
left: 550px;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
opacity: 0;
border: 0px none transparent;
position: absolute;
top: 430px;
left: 510px;
height: 150px;
width: 150px;
<b><center><font size="5">It appears you haven’t been here before…</font><br><br><br>Please take a moment and check out today’s partner below and click continue when you’re ready.</font><br><br>
<img src="/continue.jpg" class="lol">
<iframe name="continue" src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="100" scrolling="no" width="100" class="lol"></iframe>























2) The PHP page, iframe page. Name it whatever just make sure its linked to above accordingly. Make it something legit looking like "rightads.php" or "aboutus.php" etc.



$mmeedle = "yoursite";

// THAT THE DISGUISED ADS ARE ON. Example: If you’re displaying them on
//   you can simply enter
// freewidgets above.

$pkop = strpos($ref,$mmeedle);

if($pkop === false) {

else {



That’s it! There’s a bit of editing that you’ll need to do so just read my instructions and feel free to mess around with it. It’s flawless – does exactly what it’s supposed to do.


Put your mouse over the "continue" button – notice how it goes to that link. Now view the page source of that same page, there is no link to that, it’s in the iframe. That can/will be your ad,  just didn’t want to put any ad code on that page for obvious reasons .

Yes, I know, it’s a crappy quick example but it shows you how it works.



***Be careful, someone used this with adbrite and had like a 40% click through ratio, and got banned. Make sure to inflate the impressions with uniques somehow to balance it out…don’t make this mistake***



Want to know how to Use Ebay with CPA offers ?

Method Details:

Using an Ebay seller account, post an auction.

Find an email submit offer that is giving away the same product you are selling. You should probably find the affiliate offer first.

Get a domain and redirect and mask to your affiliate link for the offer.

Now use a second ebay account to ask a question about your auction, making sure to find a way to discreetly add your domain in the question.

Using your seller account again, confirm that the domain and offer is legitimate and safe. Make sure you post the question to the listing.

This way you can now drive traffic from ebay without getting your accounts closed and auctions canceled.

Of course you will need to pay for the listings, but that is just like paying for advertising, just a whole lot cheaper.

You can also use this method to push traffic from ebay to your site, then bounce them back to ebay thru EPN. This is called roundtripping, but it would be very hard to catch on to this as long as you don’t make connections between your accounts.

The traffic will be type in traffic and hard to discover where it is coming from. Feel free to twist this method. I guess what I’m trying to say is you can use this method to push traffic to all kinds of stuff, just use some creative instincts.

Things you may Need.

  • Ebay Seller account

  • Ebay Buyer account

  • CPA Affiliate Network Accounts

  • A Domain that is redirected and masked

Now – What do you need to Do ?

Choose a product that matches some of your affiliate offers. For this example we will use an Blackberry Storm. Go to Ebay and post an auction for an Blackberry Storm with your seller account.

Get your domain and redirect it to a free Blackberry Storm email submit. Don’t forget to mask it.

Now that the auction is up, use your buyer account to ask a question about the item you just posted.

It should go something like this:

I saw these free Blackberry storm Phones,, think it’s legitimate?

Now using your seller account answer the question saying something like yes it is legit, that’s where I got mine. Click the post question to auction box so your affiliate link will now show on your auction.

It won’t be an active link, but even most Noobs know how to copy and paste a link.

As always – Enjoy and make money


willy RoundTripping CPA offers with Ebay


Claim your $200 a day NOW!


I am giving you a SECRET method to earn $200 a day online that I have been using for months now! No one taught me this, I came up with completely myself through trial and error, and have perfected it so works 100% of the time.

It is such a simple method that takes about 20 minutes a day.

I show you STEP-BY-STEP with Screen shots of what you need to do!

I use this method each morning before I go to work while I have breakfast, and BAM! when I come home, an extra $200 each and everyday!

You do not need:

* Any previous marketing experience.
* To invest any money to make the method work.
* To be an expert in any field.
* A website.

This method is mildly Black Hat. It is not theory. It is a tried and true battle plan to build a job-killing income stream in record time. You don’t need to spend a cent to start earning!


Enough Said – Get it Here………

Click Here to Download




Are you a Craigslist Marketer?

Here’s a Little Method to Make Some Extra Cash from Leads!

Read at your own risk !!


Now most that are into CPA are using Craigslist in some way, shape or form to collect e-mail leads and then email them an offer. This is so you can get a little bit more personal, avoid looking like spam (which gets your ad flagged quickly) and lure the person in and get their interest peaked before you spring them with your offer. This  will show you how you can get an extra sale from a large number of your existing leads with a very little effort.

craigslist busted No Holds Barred Craigslist Busted MethodBasically the idea is that you are going to take existing leads – no matter what campaign you are running – and getting them to buy some anti virus software from you. This is not a new idea but it seems like a lot of people missed the boat and it brings  in quite a few extra sales. Anyhow, I will just show you exactly how to do this – You can run this with all your CL e-mailing campaigns.

So, to start with, you will run everything as normal, just send out your delayed auto responses with your sales pitch and make your sales on whatever product/offer you are running.   For the sake of making this clear to you,  Let’s pretend that we are running a campaign to promote a CPA credit offer. So We’ve shot off all of the emails to the leads we collected today, now we’re going to harvest and save these e-mails for the next round.

You can use Gmail accounts so why not show you to the free mail extractor to use, if you use Yahoo emails then a Google search will probably yield you a comparable solution. You use this extractor from and save all of the e-mails to your desktop; next we will manually log in and delete all of the mails in our account to continue with the credit offer campaign. Note it will limit the number of times you can extract, luckily with Gmail you can simply ad ‘+numbers’ to the end of your e-mail and it will appear to be a new one (as an example change your address of to and etc., ect., ect.).

Now, we will go and create a new e-mail address, if you can afford a domain this is better, because you will have  more reliability and make some additional sales. You will be posing as an anti-virus unit of Craigslist, so a domain such as ‘’ or something to make your e-mails seem more legitimate.  If not simply choose a good sounding account and make a new Gmail,  a hosted mail is highly recommend , as you are only spending like $5 for a method that will make that back with a great deal of profit on your first conversion.

Now wait about 3 days to send a mail ( continue to harvest mails daily and date them on your desktop to be sent out after 3 days) this gives the lead a chance to first complete the original offer that you targeted them for. It is time to send the mail now,  simply import the contacts list into your mail client (gmail will let you import via .CSV if you went the free route as well) and send out a message to all of the users/responders that goes something like this:



Dear Craigslist user,

Our records indicate that you may have been in contact with a website about a credit (replace with your offer) offer which was e-mailed to you as a follow up via a Craigslist advertisement on the 17th of September (todays date minus 3 days). Various reports indicate that this website is highly malicious in nature and has most probably infected your computer with a virus designed to steal and/or compromise your personal and financial data.

Since this virus is custom coded and very new most anti virus programs will not pick it up, the following three programs contain virus definitions that will detect and remove his malicious virus; it is highly recommended you use one of these programs to scan your computer:

Affiliate Link 1 | Affiliate Link 2 | Affiliate Link 3



Craigslist Anti Virus & Fraud Department


Obviously the stuff in red is not placed within the ad but simply there for you to see where to change your information. In addition, the three links at the bottom will be to three different anti virus programs that run through ClickBank. Try to provide three choices instead of one so it looks less promotional – these offers are great because they even pay out recurring commissions in many instances and are usually more than a $30 payout to you.

This method works great and with only 5-10 extra minutes of work allows you to turn your previous leads into a second sale, often even yielding sales from leads who failed to generate on your initial e-mailing.


To your Success……

buzzy No Holds Barred Craigslist Busted Method


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