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Archive for the ‘Viral Marketing Tools’ Category


The Twitter Tumbler Blackhat Method


twitter money 300x300 Twitter Tumbler Blackhat MethodI guess you all know what Twitter is. Recently I have been doing a little experimentation with some things and I found some hidden GOLD with Twitter. I will assure you that you will not make less  than $30 in an hour. I know many of you may be thinking about all the lame claims out there saying the same thing.

However, I personally test each method to make sure that it is viable and profitable. 



It's SIMPLE – If I can't make money with something,

I will not Publish it !!


  • Never used Twitter Before – No Problem – Any Noob can turn a Profit !!
  • International Friendly of Course – Make Money from any Part of the World !!
  • Just can't think of anything to Tweet about – I am going to give you the GOLD and tell you what to Tweet.
  • Can you scale it up and Turn more Profit – Of Course you Can , the sky's the Limit !!
  • No Cash to Start up – Won't Need a Website either !!


AND NO – YOU WILL NOT BE POSTING THOSE CRAPPY Teeth Whitening Ads or anything of the Sort ! 

I worked for an Hour and Made $40 bucks, then I took a nap !


With that Said, I give you all TWO options to get This Golden Method.

This way I know you are serious about making some Real Money !!

One is FREE and the other will allow you to get me an expresso ! 


Download the Twitter Tumbler here FREE ! Buy me an expresso and get instantly !!
button5 Twitter Tumbler Blackhat Method


Quick Cash System

How you can make $30 to $100 plus per day for about 1 hour of work !!


QuickCash Logo Quick Cash System

This Guide is not anything fancy, and it's not supposed to be. It's a simple, workable system that generates quick sales easily & consistently when you use it.

This method is Great for newbies, or anyone else that wants to add another quick-cash system to their arsenal.

This is a method that I have used in the past, and have recently started playing around with it again and have seen some very profitable results.

It a simple System that takes almost no time to setup, is 100% free to do, (you won't need any cash to get started) and you can make anywhere from $30 a day all the way up to a couple of hundred bucks a day. 

For myself, on average it takes me about an hour to setup and complete the whole system, which in turn, will make me an average of $60-100+ per day. The great thing is you can rinse and repeat, (spend another hour and do it again) then profit an additional $60-$100+ per day again.  So it is up to you, work at it an hour a day, or spend 3 hours a day and set it up three times to triple your profit.

You get the meaning, I think !!

It’s all about creating a  FREE simple, informative style landing page and then driving instant, targeted traffic to that landing page. Sounds simple? Your Darn right it is.  Any Noob can do this,  I tested this on a couple of Noobs that I offered Mentoring services to, and they both made money !! I do not like to  spend too much time on any Quick Cash System, and I would not  want you to either.

The kicker is that  you can just repeat the traffic generation step to drive another wave of traffic and make more money since your landing page is already there.


Ok Readers, I have to get rid of the Leechers who seem to scrape my site or upload my Guides to some forum with a sharecash link hoping to make a few pennies, I publish these guides for all of you that seriously want to make MONEY !!

With that Said, I give you all TWO options to get the Guide.

This way I know you are serious about making real Quick Cash !!

One is FREE and the other will allow you to get me an expresso ! 


Download the Quick Cash System here FREE ! Buy me an expresso and get the System instantly !!
button5 Quick Cash System

Another note for my readers:

My gateway cannot be cracked , so it is easier to follow the instructions than try to get around it (a simple offer to complete and you get the guide for FREE), hey I gotta pay the bills too.  Also, for those of you that have tried, or are thinking about trying,  to change the code and send me a penny for the download.  It will not work, I have a perfect script that I have perfected for the distribution of my downloads.  I am a blackhatter, remember, whatever you are thinking about doing, I have already tried.

forums digitalpoint The Re Hash of Digital pointGosh Guys,  I Recently was Surfing at DP and was amazed at the Crap I found there. Some of the Marketers out there just Re-Hash everything.  I even found some of my stuff there. 

Now, I am not saying that some of the Downloads and Methods I offer are Totally New, But I always try to improve and Twist the information around so It will actually work and you can make money with it. 

I must have read the same guide about ewhoring a least 100 times.  You know the one – Find a chat room then find a horny guy then send them to your affiliate link, and so on and so on !!!! 

Shame on you for Selling and Shame on you for Buying !!

With that Said, I sat down for a few minutes and wrote a couple of Guides for you all with Tried and True Methods to Generate some income.

I call the First one Auto Classified.  The method is similar to others, But I created a step-by-step guide on how I used it to generate income.  And BEST of ALL.  I am not going to SELL it to you as the next big thing. 

Download it FREE Here……….

I then Put together a little Guide that has six (6) methods that anyone can implement and make money online.  Yes, Noob Friendly, International Friendly, and even an experienced marketer may get some inspiration out of it.  Some of my Best Income has come from so called "Saturated Methods" that others have abandoned because they had too much competition,  they could not think outside the box and "Re-Hash the Twist",  or they just got Lazy and quit. 

I have found that if I have 5-10 methods going, at any one time, that Generate between $30-$50 per day each,  It is much more rewarding than searching for the Killer method that will take all my time and I may not make any money at all.

So,  here are some methods that are tried and true.  Each one could make you some money everyday, so if you start today and make , say $30 bucks a day with each method.  An easy $180 a day !!!

Download it Here – FREE ……….

More Affiliate Cash

As always, Good Luck

  Blackhat just isn't the word for this !

I suppose that "Bizarre Blackhat" is more appropriate for this Guide.


BH leggs(1) Make easy Money with Bizarre Blackhat   NOOB Friendly



With the Bizarre Blackhat Guide you can:


Make up to $300 per day

Totally $0 investment – Yep – nothing – nada – zero cost

Extremely Noob Friendly – My Girlfriend could make money with this (Dumb Blonde – of course)

I tell you where to get all the tools you need – FREE

Can set up in less than 30 Minutes.





Sound Interesting?

Download it here free!

Oh – By the way 

Limited to the first 100 Buzzer's , so get it quick !!




Do you want to know how to  put together a Facebook Fan Page with over a Million fans and how to monetize it?

As an Internet Marketer you MUST be on Facebook and use the power it has. Learn how to Harness this power and MAKE MONEY too.

facebookmoney FaceBook Marketing   How to Get over a Million FANS



Did you know that Facebook has over 300,000 million active members? Over 50% of these members log in on any given day. The largest demographic is the over 35 crowd. Did you know that over 10 million members become fans of something EACH DAY! You need to capture a piece of the 10 million each day. Can you imagine having over a million fans that you can directly communicate with whenever you want? I can and I do each day.


No matter what niche you are focused on you NEED the immense power of Facebook Marketing. Facebook marketing brings your fans and people that are directly interested in your niche right in the palm of your hands.

We spent almost a year trying and trying to create fan pages that would viral and bring in fan after fan. We failed and failed…until I figured out a method and process that WORKED!

Whether you are new to Facebook or a Facebook veteran this method may just change your thinking on how to find your customers and your direct audience. I have searched and researched different methods on how to get fans and my method was not anywhere to be found. You found it today!


Again, this method is very out of the box. BUT in order to be successful and get ahead of the game, you MUST think out of the box.

Everyone needs to use the power of Facebook. I want to make it clear though that this is not a tutorial on how to use Facebook.  THIS IS A METHOD TO MAKE MONEY WITH FACEBOOK !!

Any niche will benefit from this!


Download the FREE Report Here……




A favorite of any marketer is the "No Brainer".

A deal so good that virtually no one will turn down the offer.

This is one of those that is so simple and so effective that it won’t take much for you to have a $100 plus daily income coming in each day from this even at the local level, however I recommend setting up a call campaign for maximum results when you get the system tweaked properly.

Car dealers are some of my favorite JV partners, mostly for the fact that they are just as much hustlers as any online marketer and in fact, many of the most successful online marketers out there were in the car business at one time or another. The skills you pick up in that game are truly priceless.

Just as priceless, is someone who sees opportunity and seizes it with little thought, and sales people are the creme of the crop for that mindset, the more money they can make, the more they are willing to do to make it.

Every single month in the automotive sales business, no matter if you are selling new vehicles, or used, you have a certain number of customers that you closed on a yes, but then couldn’t get the financing for.

There is nothing more frustrating to a car salesman than spending an hour, or in some cases, hours with someone only to find out their credit is in the toilet and you couldn’t get them financing for $5 even if they were willing to put down $4.99

Generally those customers are turned away never to be seen again, so the idea of monetizing those customers in any way at all is quite enticing to virtually any sales rep or dealer.

Companies like (this one is on will pay between $12 and $17 per lead for these customers.


That’s a win win for that sales rep/dealer on either of the two possible scenarios:

  1. Customer goes home and submits the form, they put $8-$10 in their pocket as a commission from you.

  2. The customer gets approved for the loan thanks to leveraging the power of hundreds of potential sub prime banks who specialize in high risk auto loans then goes back to that dealer the next day and buys the car from them.

You might think that if the dealer can’t approve them, the customer has little chance, but this is actually not true. Some dealers naturally have better connections than others but no one has all the connections and in the end the dealer could care less who finances the customer as long as they get their money.

Of course as we already know, even if the customer doesn’t get financed, they can still put some nice cash in their pocket each time just by bringing it up.

A sales rep as we all know, will say anything (especially in the car business) so it’s a natural thing for them as they are shaking hands and sending the dead beat on their way to say


Hey listen, we run into a number of these situations a month where we can’t get a customer financing through one of our banks, but we’ve had some great success with this other third party company called (, it will take you about 40 seconds to fill out the online form and get a decision and we’ve had dozens of customers come back the next morning with financing in hand. I can’t promise anything, but for the time you’ve spent here today and what it will take you to see if this company might be able to help, it’s more than worth a minute of your time.


How many people do you think are going to object to that pitch?

I’ll give you a hint, just about zero, nada – YES NONE of THEM.


To go a little Farther, here is a simple flyer I created that they can hand out:


car loan 1 CPA offers and Car Dealers


In the last few days alone my call campaign brought on 16 lots (12 used and 4 new). We’re actually targeting more used lots because they are an easy sell, big dealerships are hard to get on board with anything unless you have an inside relationship with one of the staff there.

To give you an idea if how quickly this can take off, a pretty high traffic used lot that we JUST brought on has about 7 deals fall through due to rejected applications each week, which could be averaged to one a day but really most of them are on the weekends, Saturday specifically which is the busiest day each week. For every 7 he pitches on the online lender, we see about 5-6 actually go home and give it a try.

We’re rotating a few companies to spread the cash around as usual even though this is completely whitehat outside the box marketing, but as I’ve always told you guys, never put all the cash into one source. The payouts range from $13 to $18 for me and the sales guy is getting $8 for each flat rate with bonus potential.

To be totally honest, not one  has told me about a single person that actually got financing from these companies, most are just a lead gen scam anyway where the data is sold off to credit repair companies, secured credit card providers, after it’s run through the banks but no one is complaining in the least since with commission and bonus, most of these guys are putting close to $300 in their pocket every month that is basically found money they would have never seen otherwise.

This is yet another easy way to leverage everyday people in generating leads for you automatically while you arbitrage the difference between what you pay your reps and what you receive from the merchants.

Now, if you’d like to really scale up like me, and I know you do, then you’ll use Ad-Ventures when it’s up to collect that data real time while passing the lead to the merchant. From there you can send them credit repair offers, etc with some pretty strong success. Also you are building a database of sub prime consumers which can be rented out to other companies for additional profit.

As always we’re willing to bring any of these offers on Elite ROI as well and float the money for you so you receive much faster payouts if that helps, so you have little excuse not to get out there and make some deals with the Car Dealers.

And, use your imagination.  This can be tweaked with other sales opportunities.  I have a friend in the Furniture sales Business that sends about 10-20 leads per week.




First off I just want to tell you ALL something.




You wouldn't fall for it so why would others? But here's a method YOU might actually fall for…


Oh, and did I mention this method won't get your YouTube account banned?


The Method:

SIMPLE – You will be commenting on popular music videos and claiming that a sex tape was released of the star. To make the video believable we need to associate the star with a scandal.


Here is a REAL EXAMPLE of a comment I used recently about Lady GaGa:


LOVE THIS SONG!!!   Poor Lady Gaga….first she is accused of being a man and now even a SEX TAPE of her got released. TMZ says the video can be viewed at:



You will only post on the videos that appear on the first page when you type " Lady Gaga", the rest aren't worth it. Sort the videos by most viewed so the videos you post on will receive more traffic.

I commented on a full page of videos in 5 minutes. Copy and paste the same comment for that star and just keep clicking back and move onto the next video. The captchas are a pain in the Butt, but it doesn't slow down the process of commenting as much as you think.

Ok now for some reason my accounts that I post with NEVER get banned, I think because they actually look half legit and I'm switching often between different celebrities.


SOOOOO –  How to Monetize This Type of Traffic


1. Use a gateway like CPA Content Wizard or BlackhatCodebreaker – or you can use ZangoCash.

2. Sometimes I used to place a Google search bar and make it look like users would have to search for a porn video. Then they would click on the ads that came up for their search term.

3. Start up a blog or forum that has to do with celebrities and turn this traffic into returning visitors.

4. If you can find a reliable person , hire some guy for 2-3$ per hour and sell the traffic.

DATING OFFERS DO NOT CONVERT. Even the free ones , trust me I tried.

This is not something that is old and saturated or a method that doesn't work now, this is something I used just about  1 hour ago to get traffic. THIS WORKS. On average with 20 minutes of posting you can get  between 300 -1000 visitors per day.

I am monetizing this in a different way but that I can't give out – Just Yet, Still in the Development Stage. But Stay Tuned……


You know I always share the GOOD STUFF with Ya !


A Unique Method to Making Money with

Adult Dating Websites and CPA OFFERS

Make $300-$500+ per Day

*Top Secret*


This Guide reveals a unique powerful system that can make you an incredible amount of money in a short amount of time.
**WARNING** This method does involve promoting Adult material and it can be considered “greyhat”.

I’m going to show you the exact steps that you can follow to setup a Viable income stream that you can rinse and repeat 1000x’s of times and start earning immediately after the system is implemented. ►From this step-by-step guide you’ll learn: How to try and harness the power of viral marketing to obtain wads of cash. If you know ANYTHING about driving traffic then your already have an advantage. If you’re not very good at driving traffic no worries. I’m going to explain everything step by step.

All you need to do is follow the steps outlined in this guide and use the templates and scripts I provide for you…

The best thing about this method is that it can work for

CPA Offers as well!!


Only the next 100 people will be able to Download.

I will pull this Page after that.

Receive Download Link to Adult BUZZ here.

Just Enter your Email and the Download Link will be Sent to You




moneyman 50 Ways to Make Money Online

Hey All,

I get email after email, and comment after comment about the same general question…..

How do I make Money Online ?

So I thought that I would sit down and brain storm for a few and jot down a few methods to post up.

Well, after about an hour I stopped at 50 – YES FIFTY, general methods to make money !!!


Instead of posting it up here on BHB – I created a short PDF so all of you could have the reference safely stored on your computer.

Even though you all probably have bookmarked any number of pages on the site. wink smile 50 Ways to Make Money Online

Keep in mind that this is a pretty comprehensive list, and you will have to use your creative side to spin them to your needs.

Many of the Ideas have been spun is some way on many of our posts.

Good Luck – Take Action – Make Some MONEY !!


Download it FREE Here ……….

Click Here to Download





How would you like a CPA affiliate tactic you can get into right away?

What if it didn’t cost a thing to get started, the market was wide open and you could profit from this in just a few hours?

Good news: you can, and better news yet: as a loyal Buzzer, it’s yours free, although I may take this offline at any time…


CPA streaming Streaming CPA ProfitsYou can download the Streaming CPA Profits BUZZ report below.

It’s only 25 pages or so, a quick read and then you can get started…

This CPA tactic is based on very simple incentivized marketing. I wonder how long into the report before you realize how big such a thing can be scaled… Pretty amazing stuff.

Works anywhere in the world , so my international readers can benefit too….

Download the FREE report below.



Feel Free to leave your comments and questions in the box below…

Exclusively at BlackhatBuzz






A lot of people agree that RoboForm is an invaluable tool for managing their passwords but if that's all you're using it for, you're missing out on some great possibilities.

In this Complete Guide, I will show you how you can use this great tool in many Blackhat avenues.

roboform Using Robo Form the Blackhat WayBy using RoboForm as a Marketing Machine, you will be able to submit articles, assist in exchanging links with other sites, doing research for product development as well as increasing your security by using RoboForms auto password generator.

Here is just a taste of what this Guide Covers……

  • Article Submissions
  • Link Trades
  • Classified Ad Submissions
  • Product Research
  • Password Management
  • Backing Up Your Data




Download it Now……..

Click Here to Get this Great BH Roboform Guide



Claim your $200 a day NOW!


I am giving you a SECRET method to earn $200 a day online that I have been using for months now! No one taught me this, I came up with completely myself through trial and error, and have perfected it so works 100% of the time.

It is such a simple method that takes about 20 minutes a day.

I show you STEP-BY-STEP with Screen shots of what you need to do!

I use this method each morning before I go to work while I have breakfast, and BAM! when I come home, an extra $200 each and everyday!

You do not need:

* Any previous marketing experience.
* To invest any money to make the method work.
* To be an expert in any field.
* A website.

This method is mildly Black Hat. It is not theory. It is a tried and true battle plan to build a job-killing income stream in record time. You don’t need to spend a cent to start earning!


Enough Said – Get it Here………

Click Here to Download



Yes – Exactly as the Title States !

Unbelievable you say !

How would you like to get Millions of FREE Targeted Hits to your website ?


Using Nothing But Free Traffic Sources  – Forget Article Directories, Forget SEO, This Is MUCH Easier and Much More Effective!


increased web traffic guaranteed Get Millions of FREE Targeted Hits to your websiteI want to show you how to Get Millions of targeted hits – without spending a dime on advertising!



These 'Free Advertising' secrets have earned  thousands of dollars a month for others… Now  want to know  how to do it?

Why pay $0.5, $1, $2 a click or more per unique visitor, when you can get more visitors and bigger ads – Absolutely FREE?

These 'insider secrets' will show you exactly how you can  get thousands of dollars worth of advertising – Absolutely Free – for almost any product or service you sell!



Yes, it's true, You can get Millions of  hits using nothing but free advertising.

targeted web traffic Get Millions of FREE Targeted Hits to your website

  • If this sounds 'too-good-to-be-true' well, it's not… especially when you know the insider secrets of how to get this free advertising.
  • This is perfect for someone with  no money to advertise   if you really  want  to get into making money online.

  • So, these are the Ulitmate 'tricks', to get all the advertising you want, without even having to spend a dime!


Download the Secret Here……..

Click HERE to Download this Secret Traffic Report




White Hat CPA Methods

Well – Maybe a little Blackhat can be thrown in………

CPA, or cost per action, is by far and large the best source of an online income. It is the great middle ground, between AdSense and other affiliate programs. Unlike AdSense you earn a lot of money per simple action and unlike other affiliate programs you do not have to get the user to fork over big bucks
on the spot to make your commission. Unfortunately everyone else knows this too which makes
breaking into CPA marketing pretty difficult. Fortunately you are about to discover the insider’s
methods and tricks for an entirely white hat way to earn a full time living from CPA offers.

This Guide contains the following information, which together makes a complete white hat CPA campaign:

Classic Craigslist Method
eBay Want it Now Method
Yahoo! Answers Method



Classic Craigslist Method:

craigslist main full(2) Whitehat CPA MethodsThe first thing that we are going to cover is a standard Craigslist campaign, of course with some good twists and advice. Although most of you have probably delved into CPA and Craigslist the fact that you are reading this would lead me to believe that you most likely spent all day posting ads and got maybe 1­2 leads/sales if you were lucky. This is because, like all things in life, there is an easy and a hard way to run a Craigslist CPA campaign!

The first thing we are going to be doing is, of course, choosing an offer. Now, you should – at least at some point – have a bunch of different CPA accounts so that you can always find an offer that inspires you. If you have only one or two then head over to your account and start browsing. If you have multiple CPA accounts then your best friend is going to be, you have to sign up but it is free. This will allow you to search offers across all of the top networks (a little hint, if your network is not listed here they probably either shave really bad or possibly do not even pay! Stay away from the unknown CPA networks).

You are going to want to find an offer that inspires you with a campaign. After a few campaigns this should start coming fairly naturally to you. For now just read through once and see how I do it, then you can go back to the start and run through this to create your own campaign.

The offer that I selected today is going to be for free business cards. This is a free trial so the person will pay like $2­5 for shipping but will be rebilled big later on. This allows the advertiser to pay me out $14 for each person that wants a set of 250 free business cards.

Now that I picked out my offer I’m going to make a redirect.

This serves two purposes:

1. If your CPA network/particular advertiser doesn’t allow e­mail marketing it will look like you are doing PPC, which is always allowed.

2. It gives a nice clean URL to put in your e­mails, way better than that mile long affiliate URL they spit out at you.

To make a redirect simply look for a link that is designed either for PPC or e­mail/plain text if available.

If not take any affiliate link they spit at ya for this offer. Now, we are going to create a new .txt document and paste this in it (see example):



<title>Loading page…</title>

<meta http­equiv=”refresh” content=”0;”>



if(document.images) { top.location.replace(url); }

else { top.location.href=url; }




<a href=>.</a>.. Please Wait While the page loads!



Simply replace the three spots where appears and replace it with the affiliate link you just generated. Now save this as index.html and upload it to your host.  Your domain has now become an instant redirect to your product which not only hides the referrer but also makes everything look nice  and clean.

So, I am now going to set up my delayed auto responder using gmail. I know this seems kind of  backwards but I already have thought up my plan for turning people into leads and this is just how my mind works so hang in there it will all make sense soon.

The first thing I’m going to do is to create a new gmail account, hopefully you can get that figured out!

A couple of pointers here:

1. Always use a girl’s name.

2. Use her name, first and last, or some variation thereof for her e­mail address as well – this lends to the believability and helps me out a lot because I was born without much creativity.

3. Remember the girl’s name – you’re gonna need it when we get started with Craigslist posting. I use Mozilla Thunderbird for this which is great because it does all of the leg work for you and it is FREE. After you have Thunderbird installed on your computer just power it up and tell the application, when prompted, that you are going to be using a Gmail account. It will load all of the pop/imap settings for you and link it all together! Now all you have to do is to create your auto response. For this feature compose a new e­mail, don’t fill out who it is to just the subject and body. My e­mail, for this campaign will run like this:

RE: Free Business Cards Craigslist
E­mail Body:
Hi thanks for getting back to me so quick, sorry to say though I already let the voucher for the free 1,000 business cards go a little while ago. I got a whole ton of people mailing me though so I tracked down a company that is doing a promotion and giving away 250 free business cards, you can find them at :

They’re free so that should get you going, sorry again!


Of course I would replace the girl’s name and the URL would go to my domain where I uploaded that redirect. By now you are probably seeing where my plan here is f lowing, I am going to be offering a free voucher for 1,000 free business cards. Then when people respond to my e­mail I will mail them back, all automatically with my delayed auto responder, telling them it is gone; since they already have their hopes up some of them will order the free 250 business cards from my offer and I will make $14 for each one who does so!

So now it is time to get posting. I will head over to some major cities in Craigslist and get started here. A little trick for everyone, your IP will get softblocked if you try to post a bunch from it so either change your IP every two posts, if you have DSL or dial­up just disconnect, or acquire some phone verified accounts (they run about $3 a pop and a Google search will find a ton) which you can post 2 ads per PVA, or phone verified account, each day.

I will be posting in the ’For Sale’ section in the sub section ’Free Stuff’. For this example I have AT&T DSL so I can simply unplug/replug my modem after each two ads so I am not going to worry about PVAs since this section does not require them.

So I will post my ad in the ’Free Stuff’ section bearing in mind a couple of important points for each individual ad:

1. Each ad must be about 60%+ unique. This means no copy/pasting you actually need to write out each ad. This is easy as you can just kind of change your backstory slightly.

2. Backstory is EVERYTHING. If you just say you are giving away free stuff people are going to know its an ad for a CPA offer and you will get f lagged extremely fast!

3. Title/E­mail needs to be different in every ad as well. A little trick here for the e­mail part is that if you ad +numbers at the end of your Gmail address it will look unique to Craigslist but the e­-mails will still come to you. Example: Your Gmail is, for your next post input – your e­mail will look unique to Craigslist’s system but it will still come to your inbox because Gmail disregards the + and anything after it.

4. We want to always select the ’Hide’ option on the e­mail then write the e­mail address you picked out in the body of the ad. This is because it will require people to manually e­mail you instead of going through Craigslist’s system. If you do not do this you will be responding to e­mails and after you send out 20 mails they will bounce back undeliverable.

5. Never put your link in the ad. It will get f lagged & removed really fast. Sending your link out is the whole purpose of that auto responder we set up!

Alright that pretty well covers that, so now let us move on to what my ad in the campaign would look like:

Free Voucher for 1,000 Free Business Cards

Ad Body:
Hey all,
I attended a church fund raiser last weekend and my prize ended up being a voucher for 1,000 free business cards from B&L printing in town. Anyways long story short I don’t have a business and am not the kind of gal to get personal cards printed up to hand out at the bar (haha!) so if you can get better use out of these than me go ahead and shoot me an e­mail to and I’ll leave the voucher in my mailbox for you to pick up.

That’s all there is to it. Remember, the key to Craigslist is volume. Get PVAs if you cannot change your IP but you get out what you put in. You should be able to post up 20-30 ads in a couple of hours which should be your minimum for any campaign. Most campaigns like this one will yield me 10-50 responses per ad and out of those 1 in about 20 will buy. That means that after you spend a couple of hours posting on Craigslist you should be looking at about $120 a day (conservative figure, I like to shoot low and let high earnings be a pleasant surprise).

Now that you have learned this method pick out an offer of your own, come up with a back story and let your campaign fall into place. Since, after initial setup, you are only going to be spending a couple of hours on this (I can’t stand posting so this is all I’m willing to devote) we will go out now and use a couple of other means to generate some leads for this very same offer.

Using I Want it Now (eBay):

ebay logo Whitehat CPA MethodsI want it now is eBay’s marketplace which allows users to post that they want to buy something that they cannot find. Then, sellers may respond via a form with the link to their auction. There is one fatal flaw to this system that we are about to exploit the hell out of and that is the fact that they let you send a message to the person who wants something’s e­mail right from a form there; seriously, could they make it any easier for us?

To get started you will need an eBay account and I recommend you make a new one for this because we are going to be borderline spamming, although not really in my eyes because the person is, after all, soliciting sales pitches on a desired product. You account does not need to have a credit card/seller abilities tied to it. Just create a new one real quick and run with it. Now head over to the Want it Now website which can be found at:

From here just run a search for ’Sellers’ with a keyword that your CPA offer fits. In this case I am going to run business cards. The amount of postings here is pretty low but for some types of offers, especially fitness related stuff it can be huge. In order to send them a little message use the box that says ’Ask a question about this post’. If you try to actually respond it will require you to use an eBay listing but this way you can put anything that your little heart desires.

A little tip – they don’t need to be looking for your exact product. As an example, if they are looking for an exercise machine then send them a message saying that you bought it and really didn’t get any results BUT you did manage to lose a ton of weight and feel better in the process with the help of a great all natural diet supplement. The best part? They have a FREE 14 day supply trial going on right now that can be found at

So I have located a few postings for people looking to get business cards done. This offer is pretty easy to get near 100% conversions on because these people were actually already looking to pay money right now for the exact product I am going to show them how to get for free. I will send them a message that will look something like this:

I saw that you were looking to pay for some business cards. I just got mine done at and they let you have 250 for free to try to rope ya in. The best part is I came back and ordered another 250 and got those free too. Just thought I’d give you a heads up, no need to pay for something that is free for the taking!

See how easy that was? This method will result in an almost guaranteed sale because they are looking for the exact product I am promoting and probably already had their credit card out ready to spend.

Who doesn’t like to save a little cash? Ok, this method was pretty straightforward so I’m sure you got the hang of it. Lets move on to the next thing I do to promote my CPA offer.

Yahoo! Answers CPA Method:

yahoo answers main Full3 Whitehat CPA MethodsThis is one of the oldest tricks in the book but it works VERY well with CPA offers. I mean, if it made so many sales with crappy ClickBank products where the person actually had to fork over cash just imagine the kind of dough you’re going to be rolling in with free or free trial CPA offers.

The first thing to do is to create two Yahoo! Answers accounts. I suggest you make them on separate IP addresses if you can, if not it is really not that big of a deal I just like to take extra precautions whenever possible. We will call these accounts: Account 1 and Account 2 (yes, again, I am about the most creative person you will probably ever have the pleasure of encountering).

With Account 1 you will make a couple of posts. The trick here is that Yahoo! Answers ranks extremely well in Google so you want to make your title the phrase that a person would be searching for and you are sure to capture a spot somewhere in the top 1­3 places. The other thing is you want it to also look like a question so that users over at Yahoo! Answers don’ report you and get your question taken down.

For this campaign I will make 3 questions to start with all of which just popped into my head. Probably tomorrow I will do a little keyword research (Google AdWords rocks for this if you have an account) to see what kind of things get a lot of search traffic related to free business cards and I will post up a few more questions. My questions today are going to be, posted with Account 1:

  • How to Get Free Business Cards?
  • Where to Get Free Business Cards?
  • Best Free Business Card Website?

That was pretty easy. I suggest you put a line or two in the body of the question so that you don’t get f lagged as spam. Something like ’how can I get free business cards online?’ should do the trick.

Now I am going to come back with Account 2 and answer all of these questions saying something like:

I got 250 free business cards for my business online a few days ago. Check out for their promotional offer which is where I got them!


That was pretty easy. In a couple of days I will simply come back and log on to Account 1 and then choose this as my ’Best Answer’ which puts it up there for everyone who comes from Google to see.

One little note here is that each day I create two new accounts because eventually, if you make too many posts like this, your account will be closed down. Having many accounts means that you will not lose all of your posts if an account is closed. This is one of my favorite CPA methods because this can bring in passive leads/sales for months on end.

That’s all there is to it. You now have a Simple approach to making money, the white hat way, with CPA offers. If you use this method daily you can expect a full time income for far less than a full time work week.

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